Fat-defending SJWs are making us thin people the discriminated ones

Hi anons, thought I would post here as leddit, Twitter, or other websites are just too full of purple haired SJWs for this.

I'm a 22 years old dude, my body has always been kinda like the boy in pic related, I'm neither particularly muscular nor fat, but I'm also not anorexic or thin to a point that it's unhealthy. I'm a regular BMI just a bit on the thin side, I eat a lot and do a decent amount of sports, it's just that my body is naturally predisposed to staying on the thin side.

What's this all for? In the last years particularly, basically everyone around me couldn't help but tell me that I looked too thin and that I should eat and/or get some muscles, even though I told them I both ate and was phisically active. They basically treated me as a leper infected for my body shape despite being completely healthy.

But when some obese guy's around, heh, don't even try saying he should get some weight off cause he'll die at 40 of heart attack for his condition, he's fine like that if he accepts his body and he's also stronger and more masculine than you privileged thin bastard (despite not even being able to stand up without aid).

And looking if someone online was also pissed off by this new monster SJWs created, I also see bullcrap like this on le reddit saying "hng you skinny people dunno how it is to be fat amirite???"

Have you guys been experiencing this too? Discriminating against completely healthy (and also strong, don't think muscle size is directly related to strength: youtu.be/cak9lRrPGBY) guys while lying to Jabba the Hutt cosplayers saying that everything's alright with them is another monster politically correctness created with it's hypocrisy.

People have always told thin men to eat more. There is nothing attractive about a skinny, frail looking man.

>my body is naturally predisposed to staying on the thin side
It's not Auschwitz survivor. You have no idea how many calories you're eating on a daily basis, and your shitty guestimates are widely off, just like all skeletons.

Go lift weights and gain the body of a man. Contrary to what you retards think, you will not end up like Ronnie Coleman after touching a barbell for a week. No you will not get fat. Yes you will look healthier.

Also to further comment on your deadlift video, that's a genetic outlier. Unless you're pulling 4+ pl8 while looking like a Lich, your argument is invalid. For the rest of us, muscle is pretty heavily correlated with strength.

post boipussy

post a pic of yourself, then we can talk

Kill the fat-asses. They can't run to save their lives.

I don't give a shit about lifting weights and looking like Kenshiro to "feel like a man" as your probably weak personality does (also, do you know that whoever looks like him is probably gonna be sterile for all the steroids taken? Such manly), I do swimming which is a more equilibrate sport training all of the body and I'm perfectly fine as I am.

Fatfucks like you just need to shut the hell up and get their ass off the couch, maybe with your mother's help.

>Posts kenshiro
>Is probably a random fat nigger

I guess his flag says it all

Kys roid nigger

inb4 calves

also lmao at all this salt, try mining that shit niggas

There's an italian saying: "Il secco รจ tutto nerbo", meaning a thin person can show you a lot more strength and unpredictability than you would expect from his looks.

Don't care about them dude, retarded people who call you out for stuff are everywhere. Just ask them to go for a run to see who's the frail one.

Shoo shoo skeleton

C'mon, don't shy away now. Post those shit talking bodies now.

If you have to lift to feel like a man then you're not a man. Lifting is great and everyone should do it, but you sound like the 17 year old at the gym who thinks he's gonna be the next arnold because he noticed some beginner gainz after 2 weeks

Same here. I've been told several times in high school that I should "eat more" even though I've always had proper nutrition. I just can't get fat.

>ask them to go for a run to see
Also ask a runner to lift 100 pound bags of concrete.

It's almost as if...different body types could be put to different uses!

what a yummy boy! More white sissies for this BBC.

>There is nothing attractive about a skinny, frail looking man.
Wrong. It is THE most attractive male form. At the end of the day, bulk is bulk. Being muscular is almost as bad as being fat at least as far as aesthetics go.

I am suing you for breaking the prosciutto trademark

Whining about discrimination from SJW's because someone is talking about your body weight is some of the most pussy SJW shit i've ever read.

All of these sjw movements come from a place of jealousy and hate. The black man hates the white man because he wants to be treated like a white man. Fat chicks hate skinny chicks because they want to be thin. Those who hate capitalism want to be rich and successful etc etc

>Being muscular is almost as bad as being fat
Said the butt-pounder.

I was talking about fat phucks, not about bodybuilders. Who probably can't handle a run anyway, other than not being that good at lifting since they only want to look big.

You're wrong dude, there are specifically different training regimes for strength and hypertrophy, and entirely different ones for resistance. Study some biology before spilling shit on the chan.

Wow, please do not make assumptions. I am the butt, not the pounder, thanks.

God I appreciate the courage to post such a horrible body. Hope it's not really you but just some pic you stole from tumblr for the sake of shit posting.

I lift for zyzz

>If you have to lift to feel like a man then you're not a man
You're projecting. There is no excuse to not include physical activity in your life. Skeletons making excuses about muh jenetiks are as bad as fatties.

Thin people are not oppressed. Fat "people" will always be human garbage, regardless of what SJWs say.

I'm OP, your bottom legs are thinner than mine but your quadriceps look like you injected some steroids in their veins. If that's a "man's body" I'm glad to look "frail".

Plus if being muscular is what you need for feeling masculine I guess you should visit a therapist before going to the gym.


>tfw you talk shit but won't post
> there are specifically different training regimes for strength and hypertrophy, and entirely different ones for resistance.
lmao thanks for the DYEL info on lifting. The only differences is natty or pharma lifting. Only retards think 12 reps will make them Cutler and 5 reps will make them Candito.


I like skinny twinks but that's only cuz I'm a fag.
There are some girls who do but alot of them seem to prefer either muscular or chubby guys or muscular chubby guys. My mom always told me women like fat men because it shows they have affluence and wealth, although I guess that doesn't mean anything these days considering anyone can apply for food stamps.

I've noticed a racial bias. For instance it's not unusual to see skinny little twinky chinese dudes obviously going around with their tiny asian girlfriends.

Most of the rest of the time it seems to be more average schlubs. Seems to be a confidence thing. If you factor out the chinese then it's average looking girls with average looking guys. Usually only the stacies playing upfield for the chads, and annorexics going for the twig boys.

Who /ottermode/ here?

Reminder that efficient ottermode or sinewy-spartan mode + functional strength and cardiovascular endurance > vulgarly proportioned bodybuilders/roidniggers

>/fa/ as fuck
>most a e s t h e t i c male body form

Fat people still have it worse. They are still the butt of jokes and legit hated. Thin is more something that might make some people skeptical of you thinking it's not normal.

While you are right that fats have more culture to kind of back them up with acceptance as it's kind of a taboo to shit on them they still face bigger social pressures.

Compare you getting some friendly but unwarranted tips about eating towards being treated like a lower class human that must be treated like a freak just to be left alone and any critcisism is too sensitive to present.

Your thigh is pregnant, while everything else is average.

>I'm OP
no shit faggot, you have an id
>but your quadriceps look like you injected some steroids in their veins
It's called squats retard. No shit my quads look bigger than mine and your calves.
>Plus if being muscular is what you need for feeling masculine
It's not what I need, but apparently it's what you're missing. Why else would you be here if you weren't aware of how you look and how others perceive it? Why else would you being crying?

people always tell thin people to get fat. they want you to be fat slobs like them so they don't feel bad about themselves. don't worry about it

Ken isnt natty

Fat fucks have it easier. Just eat less and walk around some more, you'll even save money. Skeletonfucks like me on the other hand have to eat a ton and do heavy lifting to gain muscle. It takes more work than to lose weight.

Post moar twinks

Utter lies. Fatties have to work every bit as hard and have more failure to amend. Skellies are like a clean slate.

>It's squats
Then stop doing them, they're not good for you
>Why you're here
Cause, y'know, there's this thing called freedom of speech that far purple haired SJWs took us away and I wanted to talk about a diffuse bullshit. But I guess you prosciuttoleg can't handle discussion.

I don't know a thing about biology, but whatever training regime you did to end up with that body is fucking wrong.

Anyway idk why people uses the word Skeleton, people OP were talking about are thin but healthy guys like the kid in pic, not actual anorexic ones where they're literally shaped like a skeleton.

Squats are great for you. They go especially well on women.

Dear women: please please squat.

Fuck off shill.

But yes it appears that big hams (doesn't matter if fat or muscular or inbetween, whatever) are glorified/get preference among men for any and everthing, and that thin guys are discriminated against/get the short end of the stick . It's got nothing to do with fat defending sjws. It's bullshit and a societal conditioning that's been in play and developing for a damn long time now (shills on Sup Forums push this shit too), and it's time to crush it. CRUSH. Hams a shit.

And that guy in your vid is not skinny. It's really bad that America is such a hamplanet that anyone would call that guy skinny.

>People have always told thin men to eat more.

>There is nothing attractive about a skinny, frail looking man.
It's unhealthy. Though you sound like a big faggot. The guy in op pic needs to gain some some weight, but he's still a young adolescent. Hell gain weight as he gets older. And will hold a solid place in slim man masterrace.

Sim healthy fit men are the most aesthetic men and have the best, perfect, and most practical physique for a man. Pic related.

I'm actually treated as a low class human who's so frail that he could fall into pieces or starve at any time despite being stronger than all my pals at basketball, football, running and swimming, and never being sick or anything. Saying that it's "friendly advice" is like saying that telling an obese to get thinner is friendly advice, despite the latter may actually be better for his health.

My mother always tells me "you should do more sports" despite me doing it every day of the week to the point that it's stealing time to my studies and I would like to quit some. My friends can't help but tell me to eat more even if I eat 2 extra large pizzas in front of them every time we meet for dinner. I'm fine with my body, but this cultural bias seeing thin people as weak is annoying as fuck.

And again, I'm not a skeleton, I'm just not particularly thick. If one really were underweight it would be another thing, but still as wrong as fat-shaming is.

The problem is that people don't understand body size historically. For much of American history, the average weight for a man was less than 160 pounds, which is obviously quite skinny comparatively speaking. People can argue what they think men should look like, but to say that so called skinny men these days would be considered abnormal back then is a plain lie.

Americans are the worst for that type of logic. I routinely see people who are 30% body fat say shit like "just got to drop five or ten pounds.

Someone doesn't know how to measure body fat. I bet you would say that you're 8-10% body fat, right?

Then stop the faggotpants craze already. It looks ridiculous and unseemly. Plain old regular cut pants from a decade two or back suit natural contours of a man, which includes making thiighs look better than they are whether you're a kid or and old man or anything in between.

Yeah I look pretty much like pic related, that represents me better than the kid in mine (I just posted the first thing nearly alike I found).

Great post, as you say perhaps it's an older thing than SJWs since also my grandparents are like that.

Moms don't understand shit, and you are largely in the right for not giving in to the meme that you should fatten yourself up just because you're little.

But get over it. Big guys make fun of small guys. Fit guys make fun of fat guys. Guys with big cocks make fun of guys with small cocks. If you don't like the way you look stuffing yourself with two pizzas, playing sports all week, and listening to your mom isn't going to change it. There's absolutely no reason to feel bad about being slender if you don't look emaciated.

Until you can learn to stop referencing reddit as something worth my attention, lurk more.

First posts that actually add something to the discussion

You forgot

gonna need some source on this cutie

ITT: Twinks trying to un-fag themselves.
Just get your mouths to work on my dick and stfu

Thanks dude, I tried to explain that to my family and friends but they're really stubborn. The one thing that really drove me mad was when I was dining with my cousin and some friends of her: the only guy there told me he wanted to do some basketball too as he wanted to look bulkier (he's some years younger than me and I think he's absolutely normal for his age, but negatively obsessed by his thinness) and I was trying to tell him that while playing basketball was good he was fine as he was, but all of the bitches (including my cousin) started telling him how he should've trained and ate more so that one day he could become as cool as LeBron James or some other niggers (expecially one of them was disgusting in how she drooled over their pics they were showing him). I told him their super bulky and cut bodies weren't even necessary to be good basketball players and that they're so fit just because they want to look cool, but they would just show me pics on pics of niggers while saying how cool they all were.

This guy will keep following these myths and what'll he do when he won't get lile that because simply his structure isn't the same they have? I tried to reassure him that he was fine, that I was on the slender side but could do everything physical pretty well, and that he would probably become like me with some healthy and regular lifestyle, but there was nothing to do against their noisy bitching (they literally screamed to cover up my words).

>Someone doesn't know how to measure body fat. I bet you would say that you're 8-10% body fat, right?
God no you retarded leaf. I'm sitting at like around 17%. Where the fuck would you even gather that idea from, you retarded nigger.



Holy fuck just end it

The hell are you talking about? Skinny jeans? Skinny jeans are pic related and look like shit. No man should wear them and almost none do.

>Plain old regular cut pants from a decade two or back
Negative. Those are "good" for hams. Not for slims.

>Implying fat people aren't strong
They literally lift 300lbs every time they move, can you say you do that you little faggot

That being said, you're going to lose muscle mass as you age like everybody else so if you think you'll not want that to happen to you too much then it's always easier to put a little bit more on when you're young than when you're old.

I'd be happy as a clam if I looked as good as that pic and people wanted to post my unclothed body as an example on the interbutt. In reality, I legitimately feel better carrying around more than that, and it's legitimately handy when I have to engage in physical labor. Just so happens that it also helps to hide my weird bone structure and general sag and flab from age, so that's nice, too.

Whatever you want to call them. I can't even get plain old Dockers that fit right anymore. Even special ordered some D4s, and trust me I don't have big legs. They were just baggy in the wrong places and tight in the wrong places. Most cuts have changed toward the skinny jeans cut.

Such a pity that their aorta is going to pop for that "strength"

>Clearly changes his narrative after he was called out for being overweight.

I'm not the one LARPing as the perfect male specimen. You are literally 10 to 15 pounds overweight, and your 16 inch biceps are really just 15 inches once you account for that. You're not even close to being lean, and you're so much of a faggot that you're trying to impress other men over the Internet by taking picture of your shitty body. It's not impressive, and there's a reason why you didn't take your shirt off and show your complete lack of development.

Seriously though, if I had my body I'd kill myself. Enjoy your six month long diet if you ever go through with it, and stop trying to project your own body dysphoria onto everyone else.

If I had your body*

Guess the image in my head was too real.

Anyone with a 1 year of training on a decent problem should be squatting and deadlift near that amount. For their mass fatties are pathetically weak. Many unathletic fats don't even have the flexibilty to sit down in a fucking chair properly.



>not training every second of your life

>Not training until your heart explodes

You're literally casual pussies.
Look at the worlds strongest men they're massive fat bastards.

Holy shit all this projecting. Far from perfect, but better than some retarded leaf who felt threatened enough to write a small novel. Pls post body so I can laugh at the nu-male who writes shit like this.

>tfw youre skinny and you started lifting and your 8-9 BMI makes you look like a god while people who'm'st' been doing it for years look like this guy

post pics of your ass

You're the only retard who needs to post his pic on Sup Forums to not feel a "nu male"

I am the same way. Yes, genetics have a big influence in this. I have the exact same body type as my sexy older brother faggot and we both eat a healthy amount and he is known for eating more than one should. Just take the invalid and petty criticism like a man or tell them they're in danger of dying at a younger age. You can be alpha and slim.

No idea where that pic comes from. Another thing is, the man thong part looks pretty photoshopped. Buy I can't find source to see if it's the original image.

>I can't even get plain old Dockers that fit right anymore. Even special ordered some D4s, and trust me I don't have big legs. They were just baggy in the wrong places and tight in the wrong places. Most cuts have changed toward the skinny jeans cut.
This is bogus as hell. They still make those larger style pants, and in large volume. Classic fit, regular fit, etc is what you're talking about, and there all in big sizes. Even most of the slim pants are in big sizes. Theres even clothing specifically branded for "big and tall" guys. Stop bsing.

It's not bogus. I spent years buying 34x36 off the shelf and then they changed the cut and none of them fit like they used to anymore. I even did try the big and tall ones, but, like the usual big and tall stuff it's like a pillowcase even if I can get it close enough to my size.

I still wear some of my old worn out ones once in a while because the new ones are only good if you're at some kind of even where you're just standing there or sitting there. They don't move and flow right.

I didn't post my pic

>don't think muscle size is directly related to strength
Are you retarded, do you realize that u need a real training and a lot of knowledge to achieve that?

What if Lesnar fights Mayweather?

Am faggot, if you looked anything like in the OP then I'd certainly not be complaining~

Ignore the retard SJWs thinking that "don't shame people for being fat because it makes you a bit of a rude arsehole" is the same as "being fat is good and all the health benefits of losing weight are a lie"

I've been obese, and lost a Reasonable Semi-Fuckton of weight (75lbs) and yeah I got the people who would hate being called too fat but think it's perfectly fine to call people too thin. It gets tedious, but basically just ignore them and maybe occasionally point out that by widely accepted medical definitions you're of a very healthy weight for your height, gender and body type thank you very much.

>he is natty

That's the natural form of the human being. You fitfaggot freaks are as unnatural as fat people.

>lost 75lbs
Noice mate. I didn't have an extra 75lbs to drop but it feels fucking amazing, doesn't it? It's like you're wearing somebody else's body.

>he needs a crutch

Im a skeleton. My ild jon hired an actual body builder seeing as how we had to lift 100 pounds of coffee grounds multiple times a day. Generally 8-20, depending on factors.

Bodybuilder quit after about 5 minutes. Seems any weight not on a bar was too hard for him to grip and lift. My skeleton skinny ass would grab 2 bins, lift then yo my shoulder and dump them one handed with my shoulder as leverage to tip them. Sure he can bench 450 on a barbell no problem, but actually lifting anything in a work environment busted his ass in 5 minutes flat.

Same shit in the army. Hey you tall skinny private. Eat a sandwich. Here carry this 20npound m240b and 500rds of ammo, an at4 and a couple satchel bags. You are weak and frail! Thats why we make you carry all the heavy shit and keep up on 50 mile marches! It would be too easy for us big barrel chested men and get our uniforms wrinkled.

Cheers yeah it's great. Just little things like not getting out of breath putting your own shoes on make quite the difference!

Downside it seemed to age me a little bit facially but whatever, we all do that in time.

Skeletons are inside us.

A whole thread of faggotry... gj faggot.

Yeah. I'm 78kg, 5 11". Nothing spectacular but do actual sports and focus a lot on calisthenics with some weights added in for a bit more challenge when needed. I also eat a healthy sized dinner and pack a good lunch for work.

But because im not eating to the point that I'm about to shit myself at the dinner table, I'm malnourished in the eyes of some friends. And while they have more mass and weigh the same as a rugby player, not a single one of those fat fuckers could pull up their own bodyweight.

So I get where you're coming from, and yes, it's a bit annoying sometimes to be lectured on eating too little by a deluded fat fuck.


Fuck wrong thread


If they can't do pullups, they're doinitrong. Lats are one of the biggest, strongest muscles in the body and have a lot of work they're supposed to be doing in most movements.

Also feelsgoodman when you get to the point of being able to flick them to lift yourself up and then figure maybe it's time to add weight.