Sup Forums I think I just found an antifa hideout

Sup Forums I think I just found an antifa hideout.

wat do?

Other urls found in this thread:

Phones being a nigger hopefully this one's straight

Whatever you do. Don't drive into them

God fucking damnit


Safety squad that shit hole

Knock on the door, see who answers

I'd suggest nothing because you'd fuck up the first few tries and make yourself look retarded.

SSFS that shit up nigger.

Keep it simple. Spray a bit of red ink on their logo to remind them of the blood on their hands.

thats a native american logo, dont mess with it

What state?

Here's another pic of the side of the place. Any commie faggots that can explain what these symbols mean?

It's all native american shit man it's probably a tobacco shop or something.

There's a lot of Egyptian iconography.

Dog shit on their door handles and super glue their locks

actually now that i look closer i see a black panther... could be something here

Oakland, California. I don't know if you can tell by the pic, but it's on 27th and Alicia street

Filthy pagans

Inform them of fire safety. Get ready for need of fire squads.

that's black power shit you fucking retard
note the WE WUZ graffiti
fucking newflags are such an embarrassment

Safety Squad nigger. Find photos on instagram and shit, see if there is anything you can gather from it to report building code violations.

Shoot a nuke down a bug hole, you gotta lot of dead bugs.

Block the doors, set it on fire and leave the mark of the aryan brotherhood

Or just stencil the aryan brotherhood logo all over and watch them self-inflict suicide

Hmm, how do you deal with a wooden structure, I wonder...

I see a black panther. Yes, they are commies. They also do not play around. Stay away.

Corrected image


They mean anarchism is okay, so you can do anything according to them.
So post location etc

draw benis jerked by the hand (think james woods)

not exactly the batcave is it
time for RWSS!!

Don't get your ass kicked, or do anything retarded. Check with the other locals and ask if they know what it is.

Black swastika on wall to blend in. Do it on all sides of the building. Also, shit in a newspaper and light it on fire. Niggerknock and then gtfo out of there.

Here's a pic of the front door. There's surveillance all over the spot and some fat shemale boomer just drove by giving dirty looks. Potential happening afoot. Might consider coming here after school one night and give it the führer treatment

It means arson is legal when you get away with it
kek, actually don't do that till you confirm anything because so far you haven't.

Exactly. Safety Squad niggers.

27th and Alicia. Place is a shithole, but has a ton of cameras from google view.

Hahahahahahaha haha yeah nigga fuck around with black nationalists in Oakland, let us know how that turns out

Knock it off Luicifer...

take a shit in front of their main door

inderesting keep mee bosted :D



Leave before it's too late, wh*te boi...they won't take nicely to you taking pictures of their building. This whole thing is a horrible idea, OP.

If he's not careful will have video of him getting tortured



What's up with the Egyptian iconography?


If there was ever a thing that white people should not fuck with, it's a black nationalist building. Hit them in the headlines, win hearts and minds. They aren't afraid to exercise autonomy. Source, used to live four blocks from there. These are not your stupid or irrelevant black folk. They are armed, smarter than you, will kill you and not do a day in jail.

A Challenger appears!

You know what to do.
BTW what happened to regular RWSS threads? Are all leftie hideouts already properly secured or what?

You know what to do. We never should have stopped.

why would you want to fuck with black nationalists anyway? they just want to keep to themselves

the fuck, are you speaking through me kek

get a good plan together! maybe spread the word to someone who can do more than you! fuel hate and its perception for the lels, amirite?

I know of a spot for revolution that's in SF, but it's up on the 12th floor of a building that you can't get into without two keys and an elevator card

General consensus it stands for K A N G Z

This. White and Black Nationalists want the same thing - to keep away from each other. No need to harass them. It's not like they're BLM, demanding the right to kill cops and get more freebies.

If the prairie niggers catch him, will they scalp him?

You're aware that nearly every notable black nationalist died in prison right lol

Report it to the fire marshal. Right Wing Safety Squad is still in full effect.
This is likely a flop house packed with shitlibs and drugs.

They do play around.

They are faggots and need theur building destroyed.

Cool, more interesting than your life will ever be, cuck.

Should we set up a plan? How many Bay Area anons want to join in?

Your plan should be to knock on the door and ask them how we can help set them up their own damn country.

I found one too. what should we do?

> will not do a day in jail
> niggers
worst antifa shill ever, you're really bad at this

Shut up, this hideout needs to be cased and destroyed

don't do anything stupid
document everything that it publically available to see
Sup Forums is a board of peace

Here it is.... sorry

Take a better picture with proper orientation first.

user you're gonna have to give us an address or street. Anything before anyone is going to do anything.
If it is an Antifa rat nest then the forum shills would know you're there at some point.

suicide bomb it.

>American in Oakland California

Top lel

throw eggs and tomatoes on it

Are you sure tou haven't misunderstood thr iconography lol

>27th and Alicia street
There are no signs, but many security cameras.


That looks really easy to lock up from the outside using steel cable or something. Op stop being a faggot and leave them alone.

Kick over their trashcans

Firebomb the SHIT out of this, are you fucking kidding me?

How can you allow it to stand right there in your city??

This is what you do

Report it to some kind of housing/building safety authority. Bound to fail any regulations they have and you don't stand to lose anything.

A Soros fist most definitely. This is classic simbol of his NGOs around the world.

this, report it to any agency you can till it's condemned . call in noise complaints, code enforcement, housing safety.

Call the cops and tell them a gang is selling drugs out of there, its not that hard people.

Parcel Number: 3-3-7
Use Code: 4200 (Industrial Light/Manufacturing)
Value: $1 million

B H Enterprises
880 27th St
Oakland, CA 94607-3457
(510) 465-1764

Ill give you a secure anticom discord where you can make a proper plan.
Dude this is huge you have to share it with the right people.

call the cops. that is clearly vandalism. Somebody has smeared shit on that business owner's wall.


California read this post

Looking for a pay phone because I'm too gay to call from my own phone. OP may deliver, folks, stay tuned

Set up a youtube live cam, 24hrs a day

dune runes

Here's an idea fool

Just leave them be.
Nicely painted, clean and secure, worthy of a little respect
Unless of course it's that Antifag scum, then, just burn it down

I'm super cereal you guys, antifa is dangerous!

Fuck yeah, loads of members in California.
OP seriously we have people who can use this effectively.

get the gas.

Hold your action this could be a potential trap. Report to the police that their are suspicious individuals you believe are connected to terrorists.