Brandenberg, Kentucky can't get away with this!

Brandenberg, Kentucky can't get away with this!

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Why would Kentucky even want a Confederate statue? They weren't in the Confederacy.

We still hate niggers and pissing off the libs


For lulz

This. No other reason necessary.

Because its history my nigga.
Good or bad the happenings of the past are our history.

The statues of the south are rising again?

It's only cities and universities attacking them.

They're safe in small towns and rural areas.

Real reason though is because no one even knows fucking history anymore because non-whites don't even care, they won't even open a history book up. Lee was admired by both sides and he didn't really give a shit about slavery that much, he just wanted to lead his fellow countrymen into battle and glory

Honestly what else did these retards think would happen?

A no-name All-American town would gladly take a historical monument to bless their city with tourism and business increase due to travel goers.

This whole thing is because of a bunch of white people trying to prove to everyone how virtuous and not racist they are.

Kentucky is awesome, I went two years ago during autumn. Surprisingly aesthetic.

Black mourners outnumbered whites at Howell Cobb's funeral that drew tens of thousands. Blacks were not allowed to attend Lincoln's funeral.

>Abraham Lincoln was a Liberal Homosexual.

>tired of being known mostly for nigger chicken bucket
>erect a confederate statue

After a month, the state will revert to being better known for the sinkhole in the Corvette museum.

anqueefa came here to protest the WS rally at the courthouse in pikeville. the cops did a fucking amazing job keeping the hoards from overrunning the rally so they could stand there and spout their bullshit. once they got done the cops escorted them all to their cars just a couple hundred feet away, blocked the intersection with some hilariously poor equipped riot squad and let the cars escape the hoards.

the whole time the queefa were shouting at the police saying, "how does it feel to be protecting nazi racists." of course there was no reply from them. im not a big fan of people around here because its so corrupt but i was proud of them that day. they protected the free speech of a bunch of retards just like it should be. no matter who you are, you have that right.

despite its problems i like this state. im glad you got to come.

I live 15 minutes from Brandenburg. AMA.

We need more of this. This is exactly what the left hates, meaningful creativity. For every confederate monument they tear down, we should build 10 more.

The photo in OP is not the same monument.
See pic attached.

Just a prank bro

Jefferson Davis, the President of the Confederacy is a KY gentleman.

Because KY kicks ass

That's a pretty sweet statue you might say. Would enjoy a picnic under with a bottle of fine Kentucky bourbon.


Shithole liberal city removes Confederate statue, some group or entrepreneur should put up a dozen throughout the city in prominent places on private property.

Is that a q-tip?

Sounds impressive. That's a good thing about small towns, the police actually care about the town. The police in Berkeley are much better equipped but they stood by like cowards and let anqueefa overrun the city. It doesn't take a lot of police to keep people under control, but they can't act like nice polite parents.

you could make the argument that the only reason they stood down was because they were following the mayor's orders, but its no excuse really

Add a webcam like HWNDU (possibly inside the statue) so you can watch it trigger people.

There is no one to trigger. It sits on the water front in Brandenburg. You literally have to go out of your way to see it. It is in a beautiful location though. Right across from a pizza joint named "Jailhouse Pizza". It is the old city jail.


University of Tennessee banned Antifa and BLM. It's \our\ college.

t. alumnus

If you ask them who is to blame they will keep shifting it to someone else as you would expect with far lefties.

>no it's not the mayor, it's the city manager, no it's the city council, no it's the chief of police, no it wasn't real communism

Apparently NOBODY is in charge, nobody can make a decision. It's like how parents operate, they never criticize the other parent in front of the kids (citizens).

Next time I see it happening I'm gonna walk up to them and call them cowards and blame all the violence on them. No exaggeration necessary.

Confederate statues should act as a hydra in this nation.
For every one they tear down against the will of the electorate, two will spring up in its place.

He was talking about putting them up in liberal cities to trigger people. It's a brilliant idea if it could be pulled off.

>Get to see near total eclipse
>Erect Confederate statues

Why is Kentucky the best?

nico nico nii

Yes, that.

It's very possible. Don't know if anyone's interested in doing it though. Once you put the statues on private property, you completely take away the power of any city council, mayor or Democratic politician to remove them.

There should be new ones (plural) springing up on private property in every city that removes them on public property.

Based Krauts

>you completely take away the power of any city council, mayor or Democratic politician to remove them.
I'm not 100% sure of that. Guess you probably don't need a permit but they might have other ways to punish it. Probably a good project for someone who doesn't live in the city.

Kentucky is a border-state so they are allotted to have some confederate ancestry and southern sympathy.

Lee, Nathan bedford forest, Jackson, and pretty much every officer under Lee's northern Virginia army were all men who by modern US standards are true patriots and even before the war would still have broken few if any laws in the US today (bedford excluded).

So could you just relocate 125 year old monuments in shitty liberal cities to places where they'll be appreciated then?

Having a bunch of elaborate confederate monuments in a towns of 10,000 sounds like a great way to preserve their whiteness.

Probably Southern immigrants

We have come to realize we were wrong for not taking a side.


find a way to mass produce "Lawn Sized" replicas and get them onto white people's private properties. Kinda like a "lawn jockey" but "Not racist, just muh heritage". make them cheap enough so that if/when they get removed illegally or destroyed, you just call up and get another one. strickly for the lulz of course. I know a LOT of "northerners" who'd do this just to piss of nigs / lefties.

Thanks user I needed that white pill

That shits addictive, they drink it like water around Winchester