Enough of this petty bickering. Our two nations have made major contributions to Western civilisation, and share much in terms of culture, language and history. So in this thread, we say nice things about each other. D&C shills please go. I'll start.
Thank you, Germany, for inventing the car.
Josiah Carter
thanks germany for inventing marxism thanks britain for inventing the sandwich
Jackson Hernandez
both things that are heavily consumed in America you're welcome
Nathaniel Baker
Jordan Sanchez
As an adult, Marx became stateless and spent much of his life in London, England, where he continued to develop his thought in collaboration with German thinker Friedrich Engels and published various works, the most well-known being the 1848 pamphlet The Communist Manifesto.
t. burger education
Cooper Perry
Christopher Williams
Blake James
america invented the car. the only thing germans invented is socialism. enough said.
Liam Morris
thanks britain for pissing us off enough to form our own empire thanks germany for nice sausages
>So in this thread, we say nice things about each other.
Britain was able to do great engineering work, I think the Titanic was an awesome ship. I am not kidding, it was a masterpiece.
Also, Britain managed a large part of the world and did it well. Why Britain ever gave up its colonies is beyond me.
Carson Brooks
Thank you for Black Mirror. Its british isnt it? Was quite alright to watch. I also lived in newcastle for half a year and Muy british roommates were pretty nice guys
Jeremiah Jenkins
go to hell, see you there
Angel Gutierrez
Amen. The recent history of Western Civilization has been largely a cultural conversation between burgers, frogs, and cucked, perverted, sadomasochistic, self-hating, nihilist weinerfags.
Cameron Turner
Luis Fisher
Germans you guys were great before you were BTFO by the jews in ww2 and eternally shamed for a made up story. A proud and strong Germany will be big in defeating globalism
Jeremiah Miller
Cameron Perry
Britain lost its empire because they thought it was a great idea to declare war on Hitler to stop him from threatening their power.
Samuel Foster
Thank germany for being prussia and inventing collectivism The holocaust should have killed your people
Eli James
Fuck off kraut with proxy, you don't belong here and no one, and I mean NO ONE likes you here, no matter how much you try to meme it.
Aiden Ward
Grayson Bailey
America mass produced the car, much like everything else
Gavin Smith
Thanks germany for providing good warriors in the fight against kebab. We all did pretty good there
Carson Harris
Time you get there, we would of carved the best area's for ourselves and leased out all the sun loungers to the Pole's. Enjoy your stay
Andrew Sanchez
T. Kraut American
We lost the empire because of nationalism growing in the colonies among the natives who outnumbered colonists 100+ to 1, we couldn't hold onto it anymore, people were realising this as early as the 1920s, perhaps earlier (even Nietzsche said the British empire was past it heyday and Britain was the world power then).
Gavin Ross
heh nice one
Nolan Gomez
We had a lot to do with it as well unfortunately. We aggressively pursued a decolonization policy and we didn't lend a hand when needed. I think in the future, the post war period would be remembered as a great shame for our nations history, for now (((they))) get away with it because of "muh raysizum".
Austin Evans
I thank you lads for a lot, especially being a great sport and having the best sense of humor - since this is Sup Forums I want to thank you VERY much for one special day: the 23rd of June 2016.
All the lefties in the office were crying and I had the biggest grin all day, runnning RULE BRITANNIA in endless loop from my cubicle.
Daniel Martin
Christian Gonzalez
Thanks you based Germany for the following: Best dressed army Kraftwerk (literal gods) Cars (best in world)