Why are americans fat and stupid?

why are americans fat and stupid?

Why are Japs such awful shitposters

Being comfy and not needing to worry about most stuff.


No, like seriously that's why


because marxists infested our higher education

says amerifat



Because we made your grandfather sublime

Thats a explosive post.

Does japan need another nuking again?


this is how you sound

fine its also the transference from free market capitalism to corporate capitalism and consumerism

the multiplier is still the Marxist campuses churning out commies

Joo approved diet and information.

Pharmaceutical regulations and the war on drugs

They watch a lot of tv/movies and expect that life works like a fantasy world. You can see the extremes of this in college campuses and big cities where some people's speech patterns and mannerisms look like they were ripped straight from an episode of Sherlock/Dr. Who/childrens cartoons or whatever is popular around there/at the time. They think that their life is an episode of a show starring them. I know this is one reason why we are stupid but I'm still working on the fat connection. More entertainment=less exercise? Seems like people who always see skinny people on TV would want to emulate that. Guess not.
Of course there are more reasons but this is a big one.

>all those buzzwords


> transference from free market capitalism to corporate capitalism and consumerism
>implying capitalism is not the same as consumerism

Let me guess, it's not real capitalism? Your specific and untried version of capitalism will surely not fail?

>all these C words

Alliteration galore

He thinks it makes him look smart, kek

Capitalism and consumerist culture leads to a race to the bottom in which people purchase foods that contain the most fats and simple carps.
We're stupid because facts get in the way of my beliefs/politics and if you disagree with me you're a Nazi/Communist

no unlike commie cucks we know its all real capitalism.

before we had more participation in the market, but Reagan popularized the notion that only the rich and corporations employ people and should be given privileges aka "trickle down"

>implying consumerism didn't start in the 30's
>implying crony capitalism isn't the end state of free market capitalism due to rent control

Fats are fine, it's the simple carbs that are terrible.
You overestimate the purity of the capitalist order you live in. Nutrition in your country is subject to inaccurate government propaganda. The structure of subsidies and tariffs distorts the purchasing decisions of the market, as well. Statist market distortions ensure that we don't know the true shape of the agricultural and food processing industries.

>implying implications never actually implied


Why are a japs fucking small dicked yellow grinches with slits for eyes faggot

opinion discarded, I like having an effective FDA desu

This is weird. I lived in Japan for four years. Never came across one Japanese person this rude in person.

Why are you the exception?

Surely that's it! If everyone was a retard who just read the Bible and regurgitated regressive right wing bs, if everyone were uneducated virgins, they would be smarter :^)

Gooks tend to have dark sides, They have autism genes that's why their birth rates are so low. They're too mentally retarded to breed without help. Censoring their porn didn't really help either.

fat, stupid and still better then the rest of the world. God bless America

nice straw man dude
