
Who on Sup Forums taken a DNA test?
>pic related me
post ur genes

Other urls found in this thread:


I took one years ago and i was 96% Scandinavian and the rest was German

100% ashkenasi

>giving jews your DNA
enjoy the next three manufactured diseases

I'm 0.1% nigger. Kind of sad really.

I did. turns out I'm half Jewish, half Black, 1/3 Inuit, 1/64 Cherokee, 1/237 Indian, and 1/1264566546 Middle Eastern
With a dash of Market Research analyst

three or four weeks before I get my results back. hope it works. I just ate chocolate before I took the test.

There was a thread here awhile back where everyone posted their 23 n mes and everyone was jewish, not surprised because im a jew and im on pol, met many people IRL as well

I got one for each of my parents myself my wife my sister and my maternal grandfather because it was his 90th birthday it was a lot but it was cool for the whole family and he really appreciated it.
Dude had eleven children and only one male line heir grandchild
Pic related
Is pop pop

Nicely done fuckface. We got you

all jokes aside, i think jews are more of a symptom than a problem. if we solve the problem of corruption and and liberalism. then jews won't matter

Is Spain white, Sup Forums?

prove it

Snakeoil for the internet browsing retard. They just look up public records about the info you give them

Haha, get blacked. Forgot this from mine. 0% sub-human, check it.

reminder that this is irrelevant if you are ugly

>he gives his DNA so he can post memes

it's yet another american's being insecure about being litteral niggers and posting their (((gene test))) made by dr. (((Berg))) (the same who cut their foreskin) thread

3% west asia

Even at 90% confidence, that African part remains.

Sheeit. Can I still be a white nationalist, or do I have to be a kang now?

The feds have had my DNA for many years already.

I wonder how it varying between siblings? I can trace ancestry back to Germany and Poland as well, but it didn't show up in my results. My surname is even Polish. Only certain genes are used as genetic markers which can be inherited in various degrees within a family.


At least it's east african. Somalis and ethiopians are like ~50% caucasian.

S21/U106 Y Haplo group

A reminder your country is overrun by niggers and muslims and your the number one country for millionaires leaving, your economy sucks and people riot because they dont want to work

my sister had hers done and her results showed the .2% sub saharan african, and she marveled at the fact that she had african ancestors.

i explained that she really didnt but had dna traits consistent with those found in sub saharan africa, and the .2% was most likely an error she didnt want to share her results with me anymore.

I told she didnt need one done. we are fucking irish. I mixed up the family blood by marrying a german girl.

Still not blacked. Come back and discuss when you find out you are also partly from the Caucasus Mountains.

>Giving the jew your name and dna

not blacked doesn't mean not non white
also I'm mixed so I know I'm not white

whats up genetic heritage bro?

>voluntarily sending your genetical information to a company that already has a history of selling that shit to other people
not to mention that the stuff they tell you about your your background are broad assumptions at best and straight up BS at worst

I just found out on here I have a half-sister I never knew about through the DNA relative finder tool. She says she just found out she was conceived via sperm donor and is looking for her biological father. Should I tell my dad about this? Do you guys think he will be upset if I bring up a sperm donor child that no one knew about for 24 years?

doesn't matter you stil get your raw dna file


I don't think he would be upset. Plus, he doesn't have to pay child support.


My ancestry all leads to the colonial days and they all mostly came from northern England or Ulster. Furthest back I've gotten one ancestor came with William the Conqueror and got land from him for his service.

typical german and anglo mix american with a hint of 1/64th Cherokee mix

Most donor places have laws against releasing the information of the donor to any offspring, but doesn't mean they won't figure out a way to find out anyway. If he donated sperm, he knew his DNA would be used to conceive some kid, I'm not sure why there would be a problem bringing something like that up and seeing if he was curious to meet the person or wanted nothing to do with it.

But none of that matters because you're RPing so don't worry bout it broseph.

Are there any DNA testing services that aren't ZOG sham operations to gather genome data?

I'm honestly curious because one of my grandparents was adopted so I am not sure of my entire genetic heritage.

they'll find your data one way or the other so who cares

tell him

> had no clue that I was 19.9 British/Irish
> no one on either side knows where it's from
Should I just spend the 70$ on Ancestory since they are able to tell British and Irish apart?

Why would I even role play about something so specific? Literally just found out about this yesterday. Its just kind of blowing my mind because I can't picture my Dad doing this and don't want him to get upset if I tell him.

>Not black

>where it's from
it comes from 23andME being a fucking guessing game scam

Here's my other for comparison

9.9/10 people on this board who ask others for advice are role playing for a purpose I cannot possibly fathom/determine. Even with that picture its impossible to prove you're not.

Anyway, assuming its real user, 50 bucks is 50 bucks. Your dad was smart and decided to spank it for cash when he was younger. Nothing to be ashamed of.

How far back is that african ancestor for it to be 0.2%? Like your dads dads dads dads dads dads dads dads dads dads dads dads dads dads dads dads dads dads dads dad?

>tfw 100% percent white
>tfw blue eyes and blond hair in most of my relatives
>tfw white gf

Meh I just saw a 23andme thread and thought I'd ask here because I really don't know if I should bring this up to any of my family or not. I feel bad for her because her parents were going through a divorce and her Dad apparently broke the news to her.

0.2% R.I.P

We're jewish, black and proud

>South Asian

Stfu you shill, stop promoting handing over information about your dna to kikes. We all know your story is fake and probably involves homo-sex in reality. You would have been better off taking an HIV/AIDs test because I'm pretty sure you got pozzed.

It doesn't work like that. It means that some African genes have managed their way into the pool somehow and keep getting passed around because most people have a tiny tiny bit for whatever reason. It's the same reason that US blacks are much lighter-skinned than African blacks, because there's whiteness in the gene pool that won't be bred out.


>we're getting divorced, its time to choose which parent you love more!
>well...ok....I guess its you dad

Oh and you need to determine immediately if she's hot or not. Nobody wants to find out they have a sperm donor daughter and she's a dumpy landwhale or something.

>Larp Flag

>77% Eastern European
>17% British
rest were Finnish and Irish
>0% Jew

That's about 8-9 generations back. My family's been in the US since the 1600s, so it's possible. But if I'm African at all, it's way more likely to be West African than East African. Most of the slaves brought to the Americas were Western African.

>hello fellow goyim! You should pay to send your genes to Jews haha


It means someone wayyyyy back in his family tree got too horny around a slave

She's pretty hot, I'm actually the one pretty chunky lol. The whole situation is just fucked, I don't know if my Dad ever told my Mom and if she will be pissed off, etc. This could be the catalyst for a divorce or some shit I feel like if everyone starts freaking out, because they are already on shaky terms

OP here, fun fact, my .1% Inidan comes from Scotch Presbyterian missionaries. Pic related, dont know which one im related to tho.

OK so I took the test from AncestryDNA and got the results on the left. I took the raw data and uploaded it into dna land and got the results on the right.

I'm super confused as to why dna land say's I'm 13% Finnish while Ancestry says I'm

Is this HWHITE???????????

Don't take dna.land seriously. The finnish probably just implies that your scandinavian ancestry could be swedish rather than norwegian. The south/central european is more central euro here.


me white

not Albanian or Muslim

Usually only albanians get pure balkan. Greeks usually get more eastern euro, italian, and MENA.
Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro?

Hello nigger.


This is the map that dna.land matched me with. There are no checkpoints for Northern France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, or Denmark for their test, which I thought was weird.

Quite possibly based on their map the Central Europe it assigned me could be more Swiss/Austrian rather than Italian. Maybe for Southwestern I got a higher percentage too because of South France/Basque. Finnish could just be Northern Norwegian/Swedish.

I'm Macedonian.


My dad's family immigrated from Norway and can trace the family line back to the mid-1600's. My mom's family is from England and can trace it back to the time of William the Conqueror. My mom's family came from wealth and had lands back then. I took my DNA test and it showed that my Y-chromosome is an Irish subclade and my X-chromosome is a Swedish subclade. It confused the hell out of me. It is either my ancestors did a lot of migrating or they aren't my real parents.

Use gedmatch. It's more informative. You can also update your raw data to ftdna and myheritage to get additional ancestry breakdowns for free.

i just know my blood type
who else?

>0.5% asia

I see. Haven't seen many macedonian results. It might be interesting to compare your results to the recently acquired data from ancient mycenaeans. There probably is a lot of overlap.


I don't want a record of me being 25% gook lying around. I need to blend in after the race war begins.

How can i do this?

dumbasses, you fracked up giving your genetic code awaf to be patented and used

There are a number of ways but you have to do your own research on it. Here is one way. You need access to gedmatch as well.

I've done GEDMatch too, but there's so many different tests I don't know which one is really the most accurate for me.
This test didn't seem too bad, it's the EU K15 test and matched Ancestry's somewhat geographically.

The oracle for this test told me
>Using 3 populations approximation:
>1 50% Danish +25% Danish +25% French_Basque @ 2.611796
Which kinda makes more sense too.

>mfw 100% european

100% master race here, who wants me to impregnate their gf?
£1000 per babby

You have to take DNA tests with a grain of salt. Even sites like Ancestry says their tests aren't as valuable as a correct family tree. They're still kinda fun though. Ancestry can help you meet distant kin to compare notes with.


Give me a minute and I can get you a better oracle on that.


Can you still do 23 and Me if you have more than 23 pairs of chromosomes?

Here is an oracle of the EUK15 data without restrictions. I removed basque, since you likely don't have pure basque ancestry.

Irish 42.05
West_Scottish 35.20
Spanish_Aragon 18.35
Austrian 2.45
MA-1 1.05
Spanish_Valencia 0.30
Mari 0.25
Kurdish 0.20
North_German 0.10
La_Brana-1 0.05

MA-1 is some native american.


No I won't and only fully European people are White
Make no mistake, you are negroes. And all that which America did not get from Europe may seem worthy of respect to jewified mixed race, but Europe regards that merely as symptomatic decay in cultural and artistic life, the product of Jewish and negro blood mixture.

Your iberian from ancestry is pretty low so I removed that as well here.

West_Scottish 50.85
Irish 27.05
Southwest_French 19.75
Kurdish 1.00
MA-1 0.55
Azeri 0.50
Lebanese_Druze 0.10
Austrian 0.05
La_Brana-1 0.05
North_German 0.05
Pima 0.05