Sup Forums Humor Thread

You know what time it is!

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something wrong user?





yawn, you already posted them in one of the last threads

old but gold eh?


They should've promoted LeMay to General of the Air Force. Not ever since Hap Arnold we had such a based man in the USAF

did you just say, gold?

well he was running for VP in 1968 and 1972... but yeah old iron pants was very based!

oy kurwa


I mean to be fair? At least Poland is better then the shitstain known as Estonia, amirite?

No, you need to understand that my country is a shithole, worse than ukraine. Don't come here please and thanks


>worse than Ukraine
Lol, at least you guys aren't surrounded by cyka blat and Gypsies

Real communism hasn't happened yet. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't know the definition.


Communism and Crippling Debt go together like wood and fire!




This made me tear up.


>after all of this dies down and Sup Forums no longer has a reason to exist, Sup Forums is suddenly flooded with on topic posts and is now not only the largest board on Sup Forums, but one of the few where moderators have little to do



Poo in the loo, pajeet!


Looks like another edgelord



>said by every commie shithead ever to everyone they know that isn't commie

Who was it?




can someone post some more rare merchants?



xD lol lol penis hhihihihihi :D :D xD



now we're bhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeedd, bhed gooooiyyym


Oh good they are poisoning themselves


Bulgaria,Hungry,and Romania should just become one country and call it gypsieland

Buy the anti trump mask today

We've got a bit of a glass house in that regard


yes, their countries are literally whos anyways
no one cares about them

>buys toilet paper on the deep web


Baby baby stick your head in gravy


but I care about hungary

Then eat something, damnit!




Guess you pols for Stefan Cel Mare.

hilarious and original





anyone else greentext irl like pic related?
for example my friend said trump would be bad for the world and then i go
and then do the meme arrow hand pose


also when i like someone i hold my hands either side of my head and then tilt to one side like pic and say "our guy"

for example:
>is he
>dare i say it

so that would be
hand pose
hand pose
hand/head tilt


??????? he was moldavian not romanian



you'd think so, you'd really think so, but leftists never cease to boggle the mind

That's funny because I swore the one who caused that death was a white supremacist
Rly maeks u thnk







Is there a more nigger tier idealogoy than communism?

read this

This always makes me laugh my ass off.


... and this.

fuck off to Sup Forums faggot

