How can you seriously be against Antifa? It literally just means "anti-fascist".
How can you seriously be against Antifa? It literally just means "anti-fascist"
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>being this much of a shill
I bet you think nazis are socialists too, don't you OP?
low quality bait
You can't just label everyone who disagrees with you and refuse to consider their arguments.
>democratic people's republic of korea
Alt left need to go
How can you be against DPRK. It's literally democratic republic of the people.
Do you seriously not understand the irony in what you just posted there?
>its ok to be fascists if you just tell everyone you're anti fascist
tards like you are the rreason your country is a sci-fi dystopian cliche shithole
Because they believe in an equally if not more shit ideology?
>religion of peace
lel everyone who isn't a communist is a fascist
neither natsoc as an economic model nor fascism as a nationalist ideal are responsible for the holocaust, both are perfectly good systems.
i'm a fascist.
who /anticom/ here?
If I call myself savior of the world, would that mean that I am the savior?
It literally doesn't have to stand for anything because you're not the ones in control of anything.
You're juden masters are running the show.
You can't possibly be this stupid
Nationalism is literally about helping a nation, how can you be against that?
Are you trolling?
>Having to ask
Of course he is, bait quality took a nosedive some weeks ago
I'm against Antifa because I reject fascism and cannot distinguish Antifa from fascism.
I think ANTIFA is a pretty cool guy, eh seeks peace through violence and doesn't affraid of anything.
>not being fascist
The definition of fascism seems to correlate more with what people who call themselves antifa actually want
Because Antifa cannot walk the walk or talk the talk.
No retard. It stands for useful idiots.
fuck the REBEL known as ANTIFA
>t. hacker known as Sup Forums
so if ebola was called brains you wouldn't mind having it?
But I am fascist...
How can you seriously be against the DPRK? It literally just means "Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea."
>What is newspeak
Bait but still
Because in America it isn't facism vs anti-facism. We have constitutional libertarian principles that are being shrouded by the invasion of marxism in the west. Antifa ATTACK anyone who doesn't subscribe to their ideas. They're against law and order and fight racism on the side as to gain appeal from mainstream leftists. Antifa is a literal terrorist organization no different than ISIS or BLM
They are fucking libtard commies with no place to go except hell faggot.
I'm a fascist.
I'm anti identitarian. I see antifa and fascists pushing the the same flawed idea with a different out group.
Because it's a communist organization dingbat.
It literally means being for communism.
I'd like to be able to choose and not have the state choose for me, if it's all the same to you, comrade.
If you want to give up every single one of your individual freedoms and become a commie just defect to fucking North Korea and see how fun it is.
>How can you seriously be against NAMBLA? It literally just means "North American Man/Boy Love Association".
Because they are just a bunch of dumb commies.
You can call yourself anything you want, it doesn't mean it's true. Antifa are fucking mongoloids.
fashism and anti fashism is like matter and anti-matter.
Excatly the same- except when they meet there is an explosion.
You are welcome to use this metaphor in the future
Because the collective victim ideology is complete cancer. The largest problem with you stupid ideology and the Nazi ideology is it exactly same. You morons blame outside factors for your failures and not blame yourself. Guess what you're not a failure because cis gender straight white males are using capitalism to keep you down you're a failure because you sucked at what you were doing in life. Like wise with the Facist you're a failure because you sucked at what you are doing not because the Jews have a secret agenda
Unlike libtards, most humans look at actions. Not declared intent or branding.
USSR is failed national socialism. China is national socialist, but they were smart enough to add capitalism so they are actually doing pretty well. Both started with class socialism, but discovered that national identity is more cohesive.
that's not the actual definition of fascism, it's just that there have been so few actual fascist states to take examples from that everything else they did gets tied to the label. would you call Saddam or Ghaddafi fascists? How about the old pre-democracy monarchs of europe? all fit that definition.
Let's start a group called anti-murder then we can go to Chicago and kill everyone because every single person who has ever been or even knows where Chicago is, is a murderer. Anti-fa thought process sounds about right, yes?
I love it when SJWs point out the flaws in their own tactics.
Antifa are communists who hate Christians like me and hate white men like me. Antifa hates my confederate ancestors and my constitution. Fuck antifa white power.
And with this I now understand this is bait
How to spot a nazi.
>It literally just means "anti-fascist".
Why should I be for people that are literally against me?
Antifa was first formed by the KPD (Communist Party of Germany) in July, 1932 after their predecessor RFB (Alliance of Red Front-Fighters) was banned in May 1932 for starting fights with the NDSAP. RFB and Antifa were primarily at the time used as paramilitary organizations.
But it goes back a bit further really,
RFB was formed by Ernst Thalman, was a KPD member (like 30% of the RFB), who helped organize the Hamburg Uprising.
Another major name in RFB was Willy Leow - a founding member of the Spartacus league and later Trotskyist terrorist.
Spartacus League and the KPD being involved in the German Revolutions of 1918-1919.
A few members survived the purges in WW2, and ended up working as police for GDR. Namely Erich Mielke and Erich Honecker.
it was defacto communist rabble-rousers who bled Germany under the Weimar republic then
its the same now
This is bait
I'm a fascist.
exactly. the few nations in europe that refuse mutti Merkel's open border directive like Denmark and Hungary are natsoc, as were most euro nations prior to the insane acceleration we've seen this decade, in all but name. It is a tainted label that people get emotional about because they are stupid cattle but the model itself is sound.
I thought it was antifaggot?
god those armbands are so fucking cool
Because I'm white and I refuse to let others know how much I hate myself to make friends and get free drugs.
I also have a job.
Antifa has nothing to offer me.
>TIL SuccDem bernie is now socialist
>TIL USSR collapsed in 1989 and not 1991
>How can you seriously be against Antifa
Because I actually am anti-fascist.
Antifa is a group of violent anarcho communists, not the political position of anti-fascism. I am a libertarian, I am anti-fascism, I am also anti-antifa.
Nope, it was 1991. There were revolutions that happened in Eastern Europe in 1989. But The USSR fell in 1991.
Hey commie dyke, watch Joey Salad's video here:
I'm anti-fascist, but I don't throw rocks at people's heads or kick over trash cans or try to kill people with bike locks, and therefore I am not Antifa. Also, I don't align with an ideology that killed 100,000,000+ people, unlike Antifa.
I'm against fascism though.
They were.
>watch Joey Salad's video here
That's some weak bait, OP. We all feel bad about the embarrassing size of your penis, but you can't keep subjecting everyone to stupid shit just to make yourself feel better.
That is a mustang not a challenger. You fucked it up.
how come I'm reading good goy then
That's the old one. I didn't make it. Needs updating.
>> kekistani flag
>> underage edgy neckbeard
keep trying fatty.
Pre-Hitler, sure. Do read up on the Night of the Long Knives, where Hitler purged the socialists.
Joey Salad's a fake-ass who makes fake-ass pranks, but I really liked that video because it exposed Antifa for being the domestic terrorists that they are.
I'm a fascist.
Antifa are commies and like national socialists, commies are collectivists.
All collectivists deserve a free helicopter ride.
Will you all stop becoming antifa members already(?)
you are either baiting or you are fucking retarded
it's a cover for anarchists and troublemakers
Because of (((who))) funds and supports them.
>How can you seriously be against Antifa? It literally just means "anti-fascist".
Antifa/Anti-Fascist = Anti-White.
>You can't just label everyone who disagrees with you and refuse to consider their arguments.
Anti-Whites don't deserve to have a say in White countries.
>How to spot a nazi.
There is literally nothing wrong with National Socialism.
Those were socialists that he didn't like. Hitler was fine with socialism so long as it was only to benefit his and theirs. He probably would have pushed harder for state owned economy instead of state sponsored/controlled economy if he didn't decide to just get rid of everyone he didn't see as one of his. Socialize the people and all else follows was his thought.