Um, no he didn't, sweetie.
Um, no he didn't, sweetie.
>Lurk Moar
/hilldawg/ general? She's in for sure in 2020. Wish I could be there with you guys when history happens.
stop while you're ahead everything about this be wrong
She won more votes, meaning that she's the rightful ruler of the land of the free.
CHECKED, Kek wills Hillary's win in 2020
0% chance
It's her turn
>what is the popular vote
Deal with it
The people made their decision
She'll be dead before then.
>what is immaterial
Sorry nazis, the people have made their decision.
>what is a democracy
Fucking leftist commie piece of shit, you dyke. There is something called the electoral college you fucking idiot and trump got more electoral votes idiot that is how america works bitch!
Please don't associate Hillary with us. She would be a high-priority target in a revolution
If Hillary were leftist I would consider suicide.
Are we still doing this
pick one
>What is electoral college and why does it exist?
This last cycle wasn't the first time a candidate won the popular vote and lost the election. You forget some people on this board aren't edgy teenagers and have actually lived to see some history made.
Go read a book young one.
>USa is a democracy
are you seriously that dumb?
It's a democratic elective republic.
What "the people" want doesn't matter for shit. What does matter is who won the election, and since the election is decided by the electoral college, Donald Trump won, so he is president.
"Will of the people" is the most retarded bullshit ever. The average idiot can't even point North Korea on a map, you think they're fit to decide the fate of an entire nation?
lol, first laugh out loud today for me, thanks hun