Trump BTFO by the creator of Rick and Morty

>inb4 Rick and Morty haters.

You people clearly lack the IQ to understand science and the complexities of this show being that you are right wingers and are anti science (which is why you believe that global warming is a myth).

Other urls found in this thread:

Did you know that in Buddhist cosmology there's a heaven where the gods have power over the creations of others?

Too bad I'm too dumb for sarcasm too

What was Sup Forums reaction to this?


Biology is a science sweetie

He must be pretty bottom bothered that there are some conservative memes using his characters.
I say keep it up.

Mixed and as always all the right wingers are called Sup Forums and are banned for 3 days

Sup Forums mostly shitposted about how fat Dan Harmon is.

Justin Roiland is pretty much the only rick and morty creator that matters.... although he's also pretty left wing.

Rick and Morty is clearly Nazi propaganda... ever notice how there is only one black character and he is an idiot math teacher with weird sex fetishes?
Did you notice how they said Israel is the greatest evil?
The only demographic of developed characters are all white.
Please explain to me how this is not white supremacist bs?

There's also the most unbelievable hell realms you've ever heard of

This is exactly what I meant. You people literally lack the ability to understand such a complex show. Right wingers call minoriites low IQ but YOU are the stupid ones.

You have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance.
The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated morons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
The reason you hate this show is purely because they hired female writers.
You ignore that R&M is actually pretty GOAT. I don't just mean that R&M is the greatest television show of all time, it's also the greatest thing to air on television, period. It is the greatest work of comedy, no, fiction ever produced.
Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon make Plato and Aristotle look like Trump and Pence with their philisophical storytelling. I'm convinced they are both geniuses.
This show is extremely funny, and most of the humor is very intelligent. You need an iq of 120 to fully appreciate this show, and if you don't, you are obviously just too stupid to understand the high-brow, subtle, philisophical work of genius that is Rick and Morty.

>Dan Harmon
>creator of Rick & Morty
Isn't that the guy who came on later and ruined the series to please the tumblr crowd? Yeah, I'll be sure to take his opinion seriously.

A prime example of Trump Derangement Syndrome

That post turned me into Pickle Rick

>rick and morty science
PLEASE be serious, please?

He made it better by adding female writers who improved the show ten fold. Men are shit and can't do anything right (pic related)

The election ruined Harmontown

I wish the show could just be Jeff Davis and Rob Schrab frustrating Dan for 2 hours

He's seems mad and a little scared. Also, do Barnie Sanders fags still exist?

Tattoos are degenerate.

Looks like operation get auschwifty definitely needs to be a hard go.

Justin Roiland made Rick and Morty. Dan Harmon is a co-creater and helped get the show on Adult Swim.
Stop with these shitty threads. The show has no political statements because Rick doesn't give a fuck.
Thinking every show has some secret agenda to get you to change your political compass is retarded.
This is a board for news and politics, go to Sup Forums with your bitching.

Ricks hate of useless retards makes him one of us
Hes genocided whole planets before, he doesnt give a fuck about your beliefs of globalism and acceptance

I'm curious what justin thinks.

This. The only people i've met who dislike the show are right wing retards, they hate it because they are anti science, religious twats.

can't wait for dan harmon to unite all antifas


>Genders and race don't exist

This is liberal science

alright, now I know your trolling. god damnit leaf, if you just posted the image you'd have been fine

>You people clearly lack the IQ to understand science
Like how leftists can't understand the science of how genetic differences affect the brain and why niggers are biologically retarded.

>plebbit spacing
>cares about cartoons
you have to go back, faggot

Kill yourself.

Really? I've seen literally obese landwhale blue haired feminists talking about it positively.


Take your shit opinion and shove it way up your butthole

God the shows fanbase turned into one huge cancer cell, why cant people just enjoy it for what it is instead of turning it into a huge circle jerk about the charters and hailing the creators ( and their opinions) as the second coming of jesus

Nigga you dumb, and gay.

Fuck I miss Xavier
Criminally underrated

Dude, when has a Leaf ever been anything but a nuisance?

>nihilism is cool, humans are not spiritual creatures, fetishizing logic and reason makes you right
wow so complex

Dan "I prefer fiction over reality" Harmon is a literal retard? Wow, what new fascinating insights.

Fuck off with your forced "memes" leftyfaggots

This, only brainlets don't like this show.




I like Rick and Morty, he called out Israel in last weeks episode. Therefore if Rick and Morty is science, Antisemitism is scientifically proven to be reasonable. Thanks user for clearing that up!

Xavier was so underrated


is that a real tweet?


Does anyone else remember the episode where the Dad's parents are literal cucks? Are the creators Jews by any chance?

>Focus on science


Nothing like an alcoholic nihilist being your moral voice.

>not man enough to take the Xavier pill
üntermensch detected

If you want to talk about IQ, I can tell you that I scored 126 with my highest item at 140 (verbal comprehension) and I'm Christian, I watched rick and morty and while it's funny I can assure you that this show isn't subtle or deep. This plus the rampant leftist ideas everywhere make it not that enjoyable for someone who experience the world as a normal and reasoned person (leftist are not such persons, they deny the differences found in humanity and the law of nature itself)


>Nothing like an alcoholic nihilist

I drink to escape the nihilism

Is he jewish?

I like you, you have some fresh ideas. Be at my office thursday and wear something sexy.

Loved this episode. Community was a struggeling mediocrity, but it sure had its moments.

You have an IQ of 140 yet believe in an invisible sky daddy living in the clouds? I call bullshit.

Reddit would disown the show if it was, so no

KYS it would be easier, or simply try seeking God and add meaning to your life.


This was 10/10
>People not realizing this is a post making fun of viewers

God has been mathematical proven you fucking retard

>getting b8ed this hard

Materialism is the cancer science can't cure.

There is that one episode when faced with certain death, Rick legitimately prays to God. Of course, when he escapes death the first thing he does is blaspheme, but I think it did a good job of showing how when the chips are down, even the most annoying atheist is going to look for salvation.


As someone who just finished the latest episode, FUCK people who think making a cartoon gives them move voice than regular people.

Only hollywood comedic writers and voice actors understand real science.

>right wing retards actually believe this

144 here, not that anyone will just take my word for it, but I completely agree. Nothing about the humor or story is subtle. The jokes are obvious, even the ironic ones are ironically obvious. The emotional moments are all laid on thick.
Its just not really that outstanding.

>watching Amerijew television in 2017

rick and morty is fucking shit kys nigger

I've never watched an episode, wtf is the show about

You don't seem to intelligent yourself, an IQ test is composed by various sub-tests. These tests are regrouped in 4 items. My highest items was at 140, verbal comprehension. A field containing test about language comprehension, understanding of theoretical concept and vocabulary.

And Christianity is more than that. You're not educated at all. You should shut it if you don't know and never read anything about it.

Why do creators have opinions? You just alienate your fucking audience

>Rick and Martin posting on Sup Forums
Damn what a deep show

It's this one

That's a fake quote you fucking retard

If there is a god, an actual omnipotent being, our human interpretation of evil would likely not apply to his.
You don't mourn ants in a rain storm do you? How about a gazelle running from a lion?

Its incredibly naive and short sighted to assume you could understand god by applying your limited mortal perspective to his. The sparrow asks not how the eagle soars and all.

I started watching Mick and Rory since you fags talk about it then my gf told me this shit is gay so I realized I agree with her more than you fags who said it was good once. I went back to watching Angel since vampires and werewolfs directed by Joss weadon is less gay than Mick and Shorty.


>have 0 women on writing staff
>make one of the most successful shows of all time
>hire women onto writing staff
>suddenly full of SJW bullshit
>insert liberal political views as non-sequiturs because LOL CARBON TAX WILL FIX THE ENVIRONMENT OBVIOUSLY
>invite "comedians" that get self-inserts that totally wtfpwn Rick

Legitimate 6/8 bait. Very well done. I was nearly rustled.

Why are there no Christian scientists?

It's me...Pickle Rick!

Didn't epicurus live in a place and time where people believed in greek mythology? Jesus wasn't even born yet when he died,

Pol really has gone to shit. Absolute trash show, nothing at all to do with politics either.

It's the result of a failed Back To The Future cartoon idea. They revamped it as it's own show. Because it's a sci fi adventure for normies, normies feel smarter for watching it. Season 1 and 2 are actually pretty good. But knowing you watch the same show that "science fans" watch and appropriate for Nye esque bullshit makes you kinda want to vomit.

>The humour is extremely subtle

>he thinks we're comparable to ants
Try something like a fictional character. We are creations according to Christianity. It's like a fictional character begrudging the author.

Dan Harmon gotta suck that lib dick if he wants 9 SEASONS MORTY 9 NINE FUCKING SESAONS

Just admit it, you were too dumb to understand the complexities and scientific ideas talked about in the show.

Ok you're a troll, or plainly retarded

And these are only the catholic one

The bible says we were made in gods image, and that we are his children, that's not comparable to ants.