>tfw you'll never be a girl and be a sex object just by existing
>the opposite sex will never compete over taking care of you
Being a woman has got to be the easiest thing in the world
>tfw you'll never be a girl and be a sex object just by existing
>the opposite sex will never compete over taking care of you
Being a woman has got to be the easiest thing in the world
Gonna an hero soon, famm. Hurts too much.
I bet their buttholes smell like poopoo and peepee
yup. if you're an average woman
fats aren't women though, they're fats.
>a bloo bloo I wish my life was on easy mode
Christ you beta cucks are insufferable. It's easy to find a man, that part rings true. But why would I settle for sad faggots like OP?
You don't even have to be skinny thanks to the thicc meme
You'll never be female a sex object by just existing
go to bed maurr
>Being a woman has got to be the easiest thing in the world
You still need to stay healthy and do sport and can't eat everything. And once you hit 25, you are rotting away slowly and the only thing you can do is have 1-3 kids, while your hubby is cheating on you with his 21yr old secretary.
>op wants to have a giant axe wound that bleeds and tortures you every month
Some man would bang that
Interestingly enough that's literally how the average woman sees men though. Statistically, women think the top 20% of men are the "average" ones. They literally think Chad is an average guy.
They do, but in a very feminine way.
because they're white, stupid.
You realize that this happens to men as well, don't you?
The problem is not that you aren't a woman, it's that you are ugly
Female privilege is a thing... unless you are ugly.
can you take your strange trans bullshit somewhere else? Maybe kys or go hangout with the furries
Bullshit. Even uggos find some beta simp to buy them a house, and some old boomer shit to give them a cushy desk job.
Why would their butthole smell like pee?
>Implying having to choose between 30 dickheads all vying for my attention constantly
Almost all men are scum, trying to find the one good guy in those 30 is hell.
You have no idea what it's like to constantly be the centre of attention.
I'm fat, bald, poor and a cute young chick cooks and cleans for me as well as works a job and loves on me. There have been other chucks willing to take her place. Your just doin it wrong. I'm not ugly or manet status though.
Who needs holes when you can just pick any roll of fat and skin, squish it together, and fuck it?
2, 1, 3 ................................. 4
Being white isn't enough anymore. Most of us are loser virgins pushed aside by society and told we have no value. White males don't have any value but to other white males. White men have a really strong instinct for self preservation and legacy. Served us well in the past but now we're all jacking it to 2D waifus because no one loves what we've become.
Even fat women can find someone to take care of them.
You should take care of your woman, as long as she is decent and comes from two good parents.
Not going to lie, I find myself jealous that I will never be desired and sought after simply for existing. Must be nice...
What's feminine shit meant to smell like?
This. Also, periods.
Rotten fish.
>ywn hit The Wall (1/2)
In a way, men have it easier. Even betas. We start our adult lives with nothing. In order to be successful with the opposite sex, we have to learn, practice and fail socially. We cultivate skills and resources that will make us desirable. Eventually, we might get the hang of it. Even if we don't become 10/10 Chads, most of us still mature out of that awkward adolescent phase. For males, even when it's difficult, it's a gradual process of things going from bad to better.
>ywn hit The Wall (2/2)
For women, it's the reverse. They start with everything, only to lose it all. If you've ever read Flowers For Algernon, you'll understand the horror of being a woman hitting The Wall. In the story, a mentally retarded man undergoes a medical procedure that gives him super-human intelligence. For a while, he lives as a genius. But then the procedure starts to reverse, and he slowly, helplessly, regresses back into a retard.
That is what it is to be a 30 year old woman. She started life as a young girl, hits puberty, and is suddenly treated like God's gift to the world. Everyone laughs at her jokes, people hang on her every word, doors are held, drinks bought, and space is made for her.
But then, as she enters her late 20's, things start to change... Her youth starts to fade and with it goes the attention, the social priority, the sense of value. Desperately, she clings to whatever she has left, resenting the younger women around her and the men whose glances of desire, little by little, drift elsewhere. She doubles down and tries to maintain the carefree party that is being a 20-something girl in a big city.
But she's 30 now. And the drinks and the nights out aren't quite as exciting as they once were, so she nods off early. One by one, her BFFs got off the subway, so now she rides alone. Her tinder date never showed up, so she just got a pizza to share with herself, and like her gradually fading youth, it's slowly slipping away. It hasn't quite touched the floor yet, still separated by some wax paper. But at this point, someone watching has to ask "Is any of this actually worth saving?"
Congratulations OP, you've identified the root cause for the massive disproportion of transgenders being MtF instead of FtM. Nobody wants to be a man and have to work harder just to never be fully loved and desired. Ironically the only people who can love an desire a man the way a woman is desired by men, is when it's gay and comes from other men. But fuck that.
Short shelf life. Life is easier for the attractive ones but after 30 they are done. Guys are good until 70. White guys are cream of the crop at any age. Roasties BTFO
>women never fought one another over his cock
>women never masterbated fantasizing about him
what a loser
Yeah sounds awful, I'd rather be invisible to the opposite sex.
I know this is a troll but to the young guys on here, women actually believe this crap.
She's actually kinda hot
>Missing slice
being a male is superior
>superior lung capacity
>superior bone density
>superior muscle mass
>can go innawoods and fuck the bears and wolves up
>can hunt better
>can carry more
>better fighters
>every male can basically beat up half of the human species
>can have as many bitches as you want, can make more than a 1000 children in the course of 9 months
>can exist independently of anyone else
>can build a shelter on your own
>never vulnerable, never hormonal, never bleeding, never emotional
but if you are deficient, you are deficient, other things dont even matter
>Being a Chad* is superior
Fixed it for you
men are going to be outmoded by technology. Your advantages over us women are purely in brute force and physical size.
Women outperform men in endurance sports like long distance swimming. We also have higher emotional intelligence and are more caring, something which is becoming ever more useful for our rapidly changing world