>buy Tinder plus >set location to Jew York >swipe right fucking everyone >get matches >troll liberal bitches
Also holly fuck. I am getting 5 times more matches than here in Barcelona. Don't come to Spain, our women are the most insufferable and spoiled women in Europe, babysitted by masmedia and laws that are cuck and feminist in their conception.
Do you have more pics of similar convos with other matches? This thread has potential, but if this is all you have that is a little disappointing. Keep posting if you have more.
Grayson Myers
pls post moar spainbro. These are hilarious
Jaxon Gonzalez
Wht is wrong with the person you're talking to, jesus fuck. You're just copy+pasting memetexts and they're acting like it's normal human conversation
Justin Hughes
It's a woman. Odds are that it is not intelligent enough to notice and not cultured enough to know.
Tyler Cooper
She's a normie. How could she possibly know those memes?
Camden Diaz
Kek, that was unexpected.
Gabriel Brooks
>the greatest story never told Top fucking kek
Colton Ortiz
The tendies lines always get me. fuckingkek
Parker Nelson
You don't have to know memes to know somebody is fucking autistic. If a person walked up to me and started saying the full helicopter gender copypasta and I didn't know what it was, I think I'd have a clue there's something fucking wrong.
Brody Martinez
This is kinda cringy.
Ayden Cox
Jaxson Taylor
East coast girls have low standards, going from Arizona to Chicago or New York and the quality of women who will sleep with me goes up like 2 solid points
I think it's because everyone is fatter out east
Benjamin Miller
Bumping for potential
Ian Brooks
fucking kek
Evan Reed
Wtf is that pic
Levi Rogers
>americuck women not being better than spanish women >because they are massive sluts t. eurocuck
Hudson Wood
Im picturing Javier bardem texting and giggling that creepy titter he has and now i cant stop laughing
Jackson Price
pure /o/tism
Elijah Wright
Its a picture of an asian man feeding a chimp a piece of watermelon. Its not too hard to figure out.
Jace Murphy
Henry Ramirez
rotary engine, mazda uses them
Joshua Rodriguez
>spending money to "troll" I guess not having a gf for your entire life gives you a lot of disposable income
Sebastian Barnes
More of this please
Alexander Roberts
Wankle engine.
Liam Cox
This happened in Barcelona. Got a match but he was out the country.
Evan Smith
I thought aussies had hard inmigration laws. Do they make exceptions to thicky monsters like this?
Adrian Howard
MORE!!!!!! This is comedy gold
Ryder Miller
this one was great
Parker Peterson
>cultured enough
Aaron Gutierrez
Yeah, I got a boner writing this
Christopher Walker
These people vote, Jesus Christ I'm going to be sick
Juan Rodriguez
Fuck me you're an autistic sadsack. Don't you have something else to do with your time than sending autistic messages on a dating app? An honest question: have you been diagnosed and are you on meds of any kind?
Leo Stewart
>even though i'm white this is what people actually believe
Julian Walker
You know what would be funny is if she actually got aroused and you got to hook up from this.
Let us know if it works because from what I heard asshole game is really good at getting some.
Luke Sanders
the swipe right that saved feminism.
Levi Thompson
t. projecting faggot who is scared to go online and talk with women
>The Jews, Rachel. i remember this, hilarious delivery.
Daniel Rodriguez
Have you ever met a woman?
Christopher Thompson
>t. projecting faggot who is scared to go online and talk with women Nah, I've used tinder plenty when I lived in NYC. It's a massive waste of time, mostly, since most conversations go dead after a few messages. You can get lucky and find the occasional horny model. Or you can be like OP and just send autistic messages that waste everyone's time and make the world a shittier place.
Elijah Myers
>calls others autistic >kekistan flag
Oliver Hall
Julian Foster
Carson Johnson
I appricate and love how naive and impressionable females are, it's insanely cute, however it isn't as funny and cute, if her vote counts the same as yours.
Anthony Collins
I don't think your girls use it as much. When I was there I met some Spanish girl on the plane and she kept asking me about it like it was kind of weird.
Carter Price
I know it sounds weird, but technically being aware of cultural standards still constitutes being "cultured", right?
Maybe his pic is attractive. Women are not sapient the way men are, if the face she sees a picture of looks like the type of men the television shows most often she will simply excuse anything and everything in order to be with him.
Nicholas Allen
>you trump They aren't even consistent in their crazy anymore.
Camden Clark
>fuck white people , even though I'm white She is so cancer
Jordan Roberts
laughed so hard i almost shi-
Levi Garcia
post moar also, captcha: >centro gibbs
Colton Scott
ITT: a blackpill. Just be white, and the matches will follow.
Joshua Bell
Having many hearty keks thanks Spainon
Kevin Jones
Isaac Davis
Hahahahahahahaha the chicken nuggets bit cracked me up. Post more pleaseeee
Gabriel Baker
"University of Alberta"
So she is a fucking leaf?
What a demoralized society
Feel free to suggest what to say to this fatty
Caleb Powell
>cultural standards Sup Forums memes aren't quite the cultural standard, yet, thankfully
Gavin Campbell
Hahahahahaha oh My god what did she say to that?!
Aiden Garcia
y such a cunt tho
Christian Watson
post this and see the reaction Ok aj ovako moram sa tobom: ajde slikaj neke pare ako imas kod sebe ajde daj neku tvoju sliku ili kad si izasao i zezao se i vodio zivot pozovi sada nekog da dodje i slikaj, prijace ti drustvo ali nista od ovoga sto pisem ti nemas to znamo svi. Da jebem, i sex je nesto poprilicno dobro, odraz muskosti jebene i prija, jel si jebao ikada sem kroasana nesto? Znas li da jebes, imas li petlje da jebes, da startujes ribu? Pokazi neku sliku, barem poziv ili prepisku sa zenskom osobom, znam da nemas. Jedem sta mi se jede jer imam da platim i sta je tu lose, tj meni je dobro ali tebi nije jer realno nemas, aj naruci neku klopu za 10evra ja cu da stavim strim ovde kako go radim sklekove i skacem ko majmun, nemas ni to, znamo svi, znas TI jebote! I kako nisi luzer i kako da te ne gledam kao sisicu neku? Kazi mi kako, ajde iskreno kazi. Samo u danasnjem danu sam se dopisivao sa ribama o kojima mozes ali bukvalno samo da sanjas do kraja zivota, ne zato sto sam le faca le mangup le vidi me vec zato sto sam musko i zato sto me cene zbog dosta toga. Skrinsotovao sam i to. Ali je smesno da ti pustam linkove i slike riba koje su "poznate" lepe, pametne, mlade, snimke sa tv-a i ostalo kako se dopisuju sa mnom kada ces ti retard i onaj hrvat da tipa njima pisete nesto glupo, tj pravicete budale od sebe a i meni po neku komplikaciju. Ti ces samo da vrtis guzobuljo pacenik i ostalo, jebene slinave sisice sa interneta.
Easton Richardson
Jesus that's brutal hahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaha
Cooper Foster
Jack Sanders
This thread is amazing thanks spanish bro
Gabriel Turner
Jackson Powell
Serious question. Is that a man or a woman?
Joseph Gray
I'm also struggling to answer this question...
Juan Ortiz
Are these old or are they currently happening? This is some funny shit
Eli Williams
jewish pig monster confirmed has both micropenis and loose vagina
Noah Jones
Excuse me please call xim using xim/xis pronouns k thanks.
Levi Edwards
I matched with two Spanish girls here in Chicago and both were fairly explicit about wanting to get some dick but I didn't meet either one because I couldn't stand even typing to either one of them after a few messages. Small sample but heyyyy
Carter Brown
based catalan doing good
Leo Adams
It's nature. Means they naturally flock together and instinctively get along with the children they are supposed to be nurturing. Until menopause a woman is a mental fourteen-year-old. Women's rights are the infantilisation of society and nothing else.
True. Though I'd suppose Sup Forums boards could be called subcultures. It honestly wasn't the best choice of words.
Chase Edwards
>these people think THEY are the enlightened ones
women were a mistake.
Christian Adams
She's a liberal woman. Basically 2 steps above "NPC from an RPG" level IQ here.
Lucas Sanchez
So you just have to get tinder plus and you can insult women all day? Seems fun.
Kevin Gomez
Dude that's shit
Carson Myers
This thread is what's up. I want to send you real money, or some shit.
Jace Miller
>not wanting to post absurd shit and see reaction >not understanding the potential for trolling in random foreign pastas
Kevin Cook
> poo in the boobs I can't stop laughing.
Charles Smith
based spanish bro
Did you bone her?
Sebastian Taylor
>even tho I'm white always a traitor before an enemy jimbo lost
Jeremiah Foster
Luis Cook
>lol true >even tho I'm white The 19th Amendment was a mistake
Ethan Wood
Aaron Morris
/r/ing the screenshot of the female tumblr user who posted the chat log of her arguing with a generic chatbot and accusing it of being "rapey" and harassing her and somebody points out that it's a bot and she refuses to believe them
Benjamin Harris
9/10 epic trolling op. keep up the good work
Nathan Sullivan
Josiah Rivera
I need more of these in my life.
Nathan Campbell
I have to see that too. Good /r/, Greatest Ally.
Parker Martin
Puto payaso, puedes hacerlo con FAKE GPS sin pagar a (((TINDER))) >Fucking clown, you can do it with Fake Gps without paying (((TINDER)))
Aiden Smith
>OTHER MEN SLUT Ebonics mark the ape. Fuck off, nigger.
Colton Murphy
Daniel Sullivan
probably spoofing your phone's/computer gps. just like you can cheat on that pokemon game. there's software for it, probably easiest when emulating.