>work as a bus boy at a restaurant in a mall
>if im washing the top of a table and the people next to me are minorities or race mixers I try to fling the crumbs on them
>always stare at white women with mulatto kids to make them uncomfortable
>if any of the undesirable people ask me to get them a plate or refill their drink I say "sure" and just never come back, often taking their drink from them
these are a few things I do. I need more ideas and I'm also interested what you guys do?
How do you get back at minorities in real life?
Other urls found in this thread:
bob marley was half white
I would have fucked his parents table up
Shitty larp.
But in case you are just a pos, you boss doesnt pay you to be a dick the customers. You are behaving like an African American.
Hurry up with my drink bitch
most of my money comes form tips and minorities are shitty tippers anyway. It's ok wongI don't care about chinks I just hate the mexicans and niggers that come in mostly and they deserve much worse but this is what I can do for now
This is the problem with racism. Low IQ whites like OP chimp out because they think they're superior simply out of virtue of being white. It's funny how it's really the lowest of whites that become racially aware.
I want the minorities out of the restaurant and hopefully dead you fucking retard. If you were cleaning up after mexicans with 6 kids and racemixers mulatto kids daily you would be the same. Also I have one of the highest iqs
Where's my drink white boi
I never see white women with black kids. Hell, I barely ever see white people in general.
Minorities are often poorer too. Consider the following...
If I was a legal Mexibro and wanted a pizza and it cost 20 dollars would I tip the last 5 bucks in my bank account after working 30 hrs a week but paying gentrified rent in my ancestors neighborhood that eats 60% while medical expense for the family eat the remain budget outside of groceries. I work as a grill cook at the same place as you. You are a shitty server raking in a measly $50 in tips. Meanwhile there is also indiabro coming overseas on green permit to megacorp microsoft amazon google etc... Order a veggie pizza with 25% employer discount for a $15. India bro has 6 figures saved after a few years works and tips nothing despite comfy lifestyle. Wdyd? Sympathize with poor familia guy who compromised and ended up giving $1 out of last $5 since his portion of the BoH 2% tip pool gives him about $3-5 a night total. Or would you hate both equally because Muh White Superior Genes means I deserve a gratuity bonus.
topkek autism
>how do I get back at minorities
>act like a pissy beta bitch boy
yes user truly the saviour of the race
hahaha, the conservative movement ladies and gentleman. Get a load of this guy
> Fling crumbs
I just don't hire niggers.
spics shouldnt have 5 or 6 kids if they can't afford a tip. Also I don't even mind asians their kids are well behaved and not messy plus they speak english even if it's poor. Mexicans just don't give a fuck and want to live in the united states but turn the area into mexico
you mad you have to serve me while I bring white girls to your restaurant whitey?
so what the hell am I supposed to do you moron? You think I should refill some racemixer's drink and not fling crumbs onto her kids?
yeah it pisses me off
If anyone actually acts like this, they're an asshole.
>you mad
that you where born a nigger? Nigger.
You are a literal faggot.
Ignore the beta leddit posters. Keep treating niggers and spics like shit. Not because they don't tip well, but because it's what they deserve.
Get over yourself ideas are what matters and all you are doing is fueling racial tensions.
doing god's work user
I work for an insurance company and I always make sure that non-whites (except east asians) have to pay a higher fee and are considered as risky
will do. pretty disappointed to see nu/pol/ come out of the woodwork crying about how I was mean to minorities, I was hoping for some new ideas but oh well
sure thing Mahmoud
found the larpnigger
anyway user, move out of the city and get a better job.
I hold my nose and cough whenever a gaijin walks by.
0/10 b8 m8
shoo shoo shill, Sup Forums is 18+
>ancestors neighborhood
Try 1,000 miles that way
That land belongs to the
Chumach, Pueblo, and Apache, motherfucker
spill shit
you such a bad ass
And??? Mexicans taking back arid desert lands where they hardly see snow instilling a culture less entitled than the one that some imaginary fat white man who lives in the snow and has an anagram name of Satan means I should buy more plastic chinese crap for toddlers. The climate is inherently incompatible with the nordic cultural belief system. Mexibro Jesus was a desert walker not a slalom skier in their minds. As long as they speak english he's no different than whites with large family except his ancestors didn't own land. Land is the only real inheritance worth giving. Wealth and jewelry fades or gets outdated. Depreciating. Only land becomes more scarce as population fluctuates. They would still be brothers and its unchristian of you to think the white race should behave in any other example besides understanding. Your ancestors likely had no land at one point until govt sold off the Louisiana Purchase. Just another rent controlled serf of a european colonial town guarded by Army Forts on the Wild West Frontier.
Dead nigger thread?
You're bragging about being a passive aggressive little bitch to your customers on an anime imageboard. You're even more pathetic than the niggers who don't want to tip you, just get another job and stop being such a faggot.
I think it's funny - assuming he's like 16-17
nice, they probably are risky anyway
well I wanted to know how other people make minority's lives worse but only like 3 people have contributed, everyone else is just bitching about "muh minorities"
Idiot waiter with no prospects acting like a beta bitch to customers, I'm sure if he get confronted he would cry and apologize right away.
Exactly. OP, don't act like a nigger
The thing they hate the most it's when you breed with their women.
That's basically the worst you can do.
don't act like this, it just makes you look autistic irl. get back at minorities by doing your job well and with pride, and living a fulfilling life.
also don't buy their products or from their stores. wallet is one of the better weapons you've got in capitalist societies.
Apologies user. Im just a white man in the Cascadia woods. I know little of the southern tribes but the point still stands. natives likely resembled mexi culture more than modern eurocentric capitalism. They also didn't really own any of the land but rather moved with the seasons living off the land. fighting off raiding tribes from hunting grounds borders as dictated by rivers using verbal treaties among chief elders. They warred in times of scarcity, famine, and drought.
I don't. I leave them be and I try to help out Whites whenever I can. We need to pull OUR people up, not push theirs down.
Or maybe it's because lowest IQ whites deal with these people ever day and probably have to live near or amongst them that makes them racially aware. Living in a college campus only touching base with outliers is obviously going to give you a different perspective.
I just let them run shit into the ground. Then when all is said and done I just let others around me know that "this is what working with diversity hires is like".
Not true, successful people don't look at race to reaffirm their success, that's white trash shit
Holy shit, could you be any more of a passive aggressive cunt. Stop being such a beta bitch OP
Create an ethnostate where we will never have to see those disgusting degenerate pieces of shit again.
>Hates niggers
>Decides to act like a nigger going through puberty.
>passive aggressiveness is weak. get a new job where you're not a cuck.
>always stare at white women with mulatto kids to make them uncomfortable
Should go up to them all excited, aww such a cute kid, he looks just like you.
Seriously this!
This phenomena is quite visible in Germany.
The ones talking about race in public, not in
secrecy with their friends, are mostly frickin
idiots who can easily be made and are made
fun of on TV... Kinda annoys me but they are
the only ones daring to talk up, I feel because
they don't get the social implications that go with it.
They don't care about being an outcast with a
non-mainstream political view..
>work as a bus boy at a restaurant in a mall
boy, it sure must suck waiting hand and foot on those "beneath" your position, huh?
yeah, and gimme another refill of this coke
Keep doing what you do but don't get overzealous. That will lead you to getting caught. Here's something else you could do to fuck over minorities: get edumacated and become their boss.
To answer your OP, here's what I do - I don't hire them and any that show up to interview get subtle, low energy Sup Forums memes about Bane or Brendan Fraser. I also put a strange emphasis on the word WE and generally waste 1.5 hours of their time if it's my turn to interview.
Experience is the best way to find out about something. I had to live around Mexicans from birth to 21 then I moved and had to live around blacks for 8 years since. You learn a lot about different groups of people, how they think, and how they function.
Mexicans tend to stay to themselves and avoid the law at all costs. They are very insular and even when they out number other groups they tend to keep to themselves. Working with them is fun because they take orders and work hard, problem is they sell themselves short and have no ambitions.
Blacks are annoying and don't understand personal space. They tend to look for trouble and when in trouble have a hard time accepting responsibility. Working with blacks is a chore and most of the time you just discount them out from the effort. Blacks are always late, don't study, and are very tribal.
Asians are the best, they fit in and like what you like and hate what you hate. Nice to work with as well.
>one of the highest iqs
>working a piece of SHIT job
Dream on, worthless cuck.
You should probably try to get a better job
> It's funny how it's really the lowest of whites that become racially aware.
Like henry ford?
Or abraham lincoln?
Stupidly wrong map, the Natives NEVER populated
the whole country/continent. Pretty sure it's
something like 30%, I don't know exactly.
They couldn't possibly, before the Europeans
brought in horses they where always limited
to rather small areas and moving from time
to time, they had neither the manpower nor
the animals (or much later of course, cars)
to be able to populate this much land.
Here comes the /nu/pol kekistani shit storm.Keep up the good work OP
Good luck, you can't avoid (((diversity))) no matter how far you run. You will be stuck with shitheads no matter what.
I'm with you OP. Making certain people feel unwelcome and uneasy is how you drive them away in the first place.
Ignore all the cretins in the thread acting all high and mighty, thinking life is some sort of moral duel with your "opponents" ("y cant u be more nice with them?? [pic related] dont u know that other whites will think BAD of you??!"). They probably live in white bubbles and haven't had the chance to be culturally enriched personally, or they simply really believe their own lies.
>A bus boy wiping down tables
I'm sure they are very concerned about your disapproval of their life choices.
I refuse to do business with other hijabies. I walked out of a restaurant this weekend because the hostess was wearing one.
But that's about ideas, not skin color.
>skin color
How do you do fellow white person?
That's the smell of testosterone. It's probably a new smell to you.
>actually believing people think skin color=race
That's what he () said.
>But that's about ideas, not skin color.
>Hehehe you're better than this goy
>Never do anything that might upset minorities
>>work as a bus boy at a restaurant in a mall
>>if im washing the top of a table and the people next to me are minorities or race mixers I try to fling the crumbs on them
>>always stare at white women with mulatto kids to make them uncomfortable
>>if any of the undesirable people ask me to get them a plate or refill their drink I say "sure" and just never come back, often taking their drink from them
sounds gay. Keep smiling and buying ammo.
>one of the highest iqs
>works at a restaurant cleaning peoples shit
So you are an asshole
Maybe he's in college and that was the only job that could fit his schedule? No everyone has rich parents
Also for
OP is just some pasty autistic peasant who thought a good future would be handed to him and acts like a 3 year old whenever he has to serve much more successful nonwhites. At the end of the day, the only one acting like a nigger is him.
Really activates the almonds
fuckin based!
>Bus boy
How about you kill yourself?
>post on pol and do nothing
None of you will ever do anything
>much more successful nonwhites
>Eating at mall's restaurant
not be a dish washer.
only uneducated low iq rural and suburban retards vote afd
>be highway patrol
>pull over spics or niggers
>use no discretion, issue citation no matter what
>pull over interracial couple
>issue citation no matter what they say
>take note of their vehicle and appearance
>pull them over again later
>take them to jail
>he's never heard of economic segregation
I'm sure all those wealthy whites in Chicago and the like would like to have a word with you about how many blacks friends they don't have.
No one cares why you're a minimum pay wageslave
No one cares why you're a minimum pay wageslave
Then how come Sup Forums has the highest IQ of all boards? =3