Ohio judge fires back at shooter when ambushed, kills suspect.
Holy shit, thats baddass
Ohio judge fires back at shooter when ambushed, kills suspect.
Holy shit, thats baddass
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Literally judge jury and executioner
Just another example of the law abusing and killing our black brothers and sisters. Your day of reckoning is soon, wh*te people.
Law... i AM THE LAW!!!!!
judge, jury and executioner.
The parole officer killed the suspect but yeah Ohio!
Just think...
a judge could spare everyone of spending tax money on jailing criminals
if they were allowed to just shoot them to death
Media now reporting that this was the shooter, the father of a convicted rapist
can we organize a rally of praise for this noble judge?
Gr8 b8 m8
The triple two dindu
Man that guy has it all.
Nigger+fetal alcohol syndrome+shitstache+loser son
fuck yeah i love my state
>Jefferson County Sheriff Fred Abdalla
Fuck this country
>he's white
Good end.
>Judge, jury, and executioner
Checked. I remember that case. That 18 year old nigger was charged as a minor in the rape of that sleeping girl and the HS tried to cover it up.
Here's another video of the guy getting mad at some feminist protesters
Only one thing fighting for order in the chaos: the men and women of the Hall of Justice. Juries. Executioners. Judges.
Damn, thought you were just memeing. It's real.
>shoot a building filled with law enforcement
>get light up
what a twist
Around blacks, never relax. Thats a lesson this judge has learned well. Truly a model citizen
People always talk shit about detroit and rightly so, but what they forget is that ohio has like 5 detroits
Best of luck bros
Black Criminals Lives Matter
it begins
> Puts pistol back in holster
> Stands over corpse of suspect from a case you were hearing
> "Looks like you've been sentenced..."
> "To death."
im pretty sure the phrase is Judge Judy and Executioner
You mean Judge Judgy, an Executioner
Wow! Is he /ourguy/?
Oxford commas are a symbol of white privilege.
Judge did the right thing morally and ethically and even fiscally as well
1) He was 16
2) He fingered her while she was drunk
3) Happened in summer and the school had no knowledge
Your memory seems cloudy
Love the nigger logic. If he's black, don't shoot back.
I forget if oxford commas are still recommended.
so what are the chances this turns into some racial crap?
That depends on if you ask a fascist or not.
Steubenville is fucking insane. I've visited my sister up there at her college, and the town seems small but so much crime and drug use happens there. Staple boy of the declining industrial midwest I suppose.
abolish police and lawyers.. just have judges
No, it's Jeb, Jerry,, and exceptionalism,,,
Rules and principles are racist, sheeit.
I hope to god he said a cheesy one liner
> kills suspect
a probation officer killed the suspect.
and plaintiff
I remember when Sup Forums blew this case wide open.
>his crime is attempted murder of a judge. The sentence is death
Supreme Court upholds death penalty on the basis of it being "totally badass"
He dismissed that one with extreme prejudice.
>engraved desert eagle
No matter how shit the rest of our government may be, the American judiciary remains effective.
And badass.
>Except those showboats in the 9th Circuit.
We're in the beginning stages of civil war. It's going to become a slaughterhouse in 2 years or so.
>posting colbert unironically
you faggot
How low is your IQ?
The funny thing is that the judge that handled the rape case was from Cincinnati. The idiot just shot some judge who might have had little to nothing to do with the case, and now he's dead because of it.
can, confirm, am, fascist, they',re, required,
Ohio is a very guy friendly state.
>Pic related. The RNC in Cleveland
Could this be a bigger than it appears?
A hit gone wrong?
What has that Judge been up to?
Or; could this've been a doomed-to-fail "ambush" false flag?
nice nu-flag, you sack of liquid shit.
Colbert was alright in Report, and this picture is clearly from that period.
Also nobody gives a fuck what you think, just fyi.
wasnt the charlottesville nazi from ohio?
so youre telling me, carrying a gun can save lives?
The judge was black.
someone autotune this
sure but ohio is sort of a big place
I have heard enough.
Ohio seems to be the most based state.
The father was probably pissed because he thought his son was going to be his meal ticket, and blames the white man for depriving him of "gettin dat money."
that actually got good kek
Also this