>believe in global warming?
Yes and find it unfathomable people don't with all the evidence. Seems like saying do you believe 2+2=4
>believe god doesn't exist?
Yes (not totally ruling out some higher power / creator / simulator beyond our known universe, but not mindlessly dumping my faith in some unproven beardy twat who says if you're really good then he'll let you spend eternity worshipping him)
>eat only vegan/vegetarian?
No. I like the idea of the world gradually moving in that direction and eat less and less meat lately, but I find vegans insufferable.
>like big government?
Undecided. I like the EU but will concede that if a big government goes to shit then it's a bigger problem than if a small one does.
>hate free speech?
No, but I also stick with the official definitions and don't think they should extend to "the right to be a Nazi on privately owned internet services"
>like abortion?
"Yes"? I don't like it, but between someone growing up hated and neglected by a parent(s) who didn't want them and not being born, I'd prefer the latter.
>think their are right and wrong opinions?
Yes that's just fact. "IMO 2+2=5" is a wrong opinion.
>criticize fascism but exercise it against political opponents?
>call yourself communist ?
Fuck no.
>think trump is literally hitler?
No. (He's a bully, an idiot, a liar and has more than a hint of sexism and xenophobia, but to call him Hitler is absurd)
>think your anti establishment but follow establishment media?
>wear edgy clothes?
>covered in tattoos?
Not even one
>hate america?
No (they need hitting with a clue stick sometimes, but so do we, and I far from hate them)
>hate white people?
No. I don't do self-hate.