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Cool, I'm almost directly in line for the next one.

Someone tell me what city is in the eclipse crossover path in IL

The antichrist is said to reign for 7 years.
An omen perhaps, but who?

oh shit nigger the next one's gonna be even better for me

So the next one is exactly when Trump's second term is close to ending?

The tribulation lasts 7 years. Coincidence?

>it's been almost one year since Trump was elected
>when he gets the second term, that'll be 7 years

my dick is diamonds

Isnt that roughly where the center of the US population distribution is?

Carbondale, Il.

I've been studying your map.
Why does 2024 get a thicker, wider full eclipse path, i.e. why does 2024 get more girth?

The distance from earth to the sun and moon to earth varies since they are both elliptical orbits. As a result, the projection of the umbra
(red) and penumbra (yellow) onto the earth will not always be the same size. You can calculate the exact values using the Besselian Elements published in the Astronomical Almanac every year.

2024 must be BBC

2024 is going to be huge screnshot this


Audibly kek'd

X marks the spot, that's where the end begins.

The tribulation starts in 1 month user.

>mfw live in southern illinois

Why don't you stare at the sun until it happens again you queer.

fucking lucky americunts

There must be a treaty making peace for 3.5 years then it will be hell on earth for 3.5

>When the eclipse marks you with an X

I-I'll be fine, right?

x marks the spot for Gorham Illinois


Cool, that means I didn't blow $10 on these glasses yesterday for nothing!

No, that's St.Roberts in Missouri.
A few years ago it was St.James MO.

>paying for glasses
Businesses give those out for free.


I can't wait for clouds to fuck it up

this eclipse sucked. i was in 99.4% range and nothing really special happened.

wrong, trump gets impeached and mike "beezlebub" pence rules for 7 years hombre. Then eclipse goes through Indianapolis where he will be standing in the circle monument downtown where he rises hell from above

Didn't shit go dark for a minute?

best timeline

I was very disappointed. It was completely invisible here in Salinas due to the Overcast Jew. Just another reason to leave California when I get my inheritance.

Oh shid. The next eclipse belongs to the most populous corridor of us leafs. Probably just under half of Canadians live either in that line or just on the edge of it.

Why the fuck does Missouri get all the freaking eclipses? What is so special about Missouri!!! Goddamn it! Iowa gets shit!

Hopefully it doesn't look like this

94% here in Raleigh nc, it was if it was cloudy....not dark.

>cant scrounge together a few thousand dollars and find a job anywhere else
Low energy m8.

Damn it's in perfect position for where I live now but I'm in high school and I'll be done with college by then and probably in another state. :/

How is that possible? How can the path change that much? Don't say earth tilt you nigger, the sun stays at the same place and the earth spins in the same direction.

texas? I'm texas, who here texas?

the moon's orbit around the earth is also tilted

>the sun stays in the same place

Only a total eclipse makes it dark. Otherwise it gets slightly dimmer but you'd only notice if you were really paying attention.

the earth rotates on its axis and the axis has a precession. id assume this affects the moon in some way or another

lol u aint getting a job out of state

Should have gotten in a car for 5 minutes and gone to the 100% spot so that you'd actually see something.

2017: the virgin occlusion
2024: the chadclypse

Rochester spot on.



Lets just see what Sup Forums predicted for the eclipse that didn't happen.
Civil war
Demon invasion
NK Nukes
Russia vs Turkey
Terrorists blowing up the earth's glass firmament(this was my favorite larp)
Bowling Green

NOTHING HAPPENED. I am now officially done with /pol's/ shit and when anyone says anything it will be disregarded as pure larp



>Cool, that means I didn't blow $10 on these glasses yesterday for nothing!
You know whats funny, many news sites are demanding you toss them away and not save them saying they won't work over time. I'm not sure how truthful that is or if they are trying to push it so you are forced to buy new ones in 7 years.

I was in like 99.7% and it was like dark as night time, birds were acting weird.


2024 is better and the totality will last like 3x as long. This one was just media fluff

The position changes but the path doesn't.


>The Cosmic Perspective
>it's my bible

Right here brother.

What's the blue stuff supposed to be?

You obviously are not paying attention, the rapture is September

The "paths" in the ops picture aren't the path of the sun you fucking moron. It's the path where the totality of the eclipse can be seen because the moon is between the earth and sun at those times in the path given the rotation and orbit of the moon. Underagedb&

the date you want to wait for March 32nd 2019. shit is going to get wild

>tfw the total path is just missing me here in Pennsyltucky

Drive to the totality then lazybones.

>what is axial tilt

counting down the days already

Rising sea levels?

and then 7 years after that and 7 years after that and another 70 years and 700 years soon we will be kekposting from an alternate milky way how our ancestors failed but we can still meme things into existance ....

nothing happened and nothing will happen.

photoshopped merchant in the sky . sigh. ...

Kurt Cobain was found dead on April 8th.

From south to north is a fault line where an earthquake strong enough to split north america in half the blue only shows could be under water when it happens

Nothing has happened yet, we are only at the start of the tribulation.

If they're rising sea levels, why is Nevada, most of Utah, Eastern Oregon, Most of Colorado and Wyoming flooded when they are well over 2000 feet in elevation?

>one eclipse for each term

WW3 before april 8th 2024

>tfw a total eclipse is just a 3 hour drive away in 2024

I wanna see that whole map, do you have a web source for it?

Pleasant Grove reporting

Same, near buffalo

Jews... got it

this is really starting to spook me now

clean mexico seƱor eclipse


Hopefully I'll already have a house in maine by the time it comes around

Fuck no, shit was lame as fuck and over hyped. 99.2%, it got slightly darker for 5 minutes.

The only good thing was watching wagecucks visibly disappointed.

nah mate

liberals are going to blow up the moon because they dont want the confederate flag above the US

There aren't fault lines anywhere near most of those red lines sweetie.

The ones that do line up with fault lines are too far east and extend too far north. The fault line for the Cascade shelf doesn't even line up.


How do the mountains flood?

>Pittsburgh closer to the next path

>X marks the spot
>Home of Demon Spawn (((Abraham))) Lincoln

Makes sense

Obviously since it goes through Quebec.

Beach front property baby

On the one hand it's separating the east coast from the rest of this shithole. On the other hand it's splitting up the Great Lakes states.