First for fake magnitude
Does this mean Italy is testing WMD underground?
WOW it's fucking nothing
Dude, 3.6 is nothing it's literally been happening every single day since August last year.
t. Marchigianon
I want to remind you this is Italy.
post yfw the Vesuvius erupts
People died, greek bro
Csat at it again
agreed that's a low magnitude but got the point.
>10 km depth
What the shit, why doesn't italians have anti seismic buildings and shit? Even we have it.
USGS gives it a 4.3 magnitude at 10.4klm now, early reports put it at 3.6.
Some sites say it is a portal to Middle Earth. So who knows? Everything we have been taught has been a lie. Time for full disclosure of a lot of truths. Starting with rounding up all the criminal liars.
It's nothing Gennaro, sleep.
>thinking that all the post ww2 governments cared about italians.
In 3.6???? How???
I'd understand a 4.5 yielding casualties in a non seismic country, but Italy has earthquakes and 3.5 in s barely noticeable by any standard
Delet this
What's that Vinny, you want some freedom on that pizza?
Too true. Exacrly why my family lefta generation after the war.
Last chance Vinny, you don't know who you're fucking with here.
The buildings affected are USUALLY very old churches or old houses, new houses are obviously built following anti-sismic regulations.
the lady that died was hit by debris that fell from a church
How can you guys call a 3.6 an earthquake? back where I come from it has to be at least a 7.0
Well shit. Rip poor old lady
>inb4 Kim Yong-un drilled a hole down too Europe to test his nukes in front of Italians coast
2 deaths confirmed
25 wounded