Im a german and i support mass immigration beause cute brown girls

Im a german and i support mass immigration beause cute brown girls


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cute brown girls are in fact cute good choice user


Congrats, you're an honorary sand nigger. Have you embraced Islam yet?

I agree.

Nah, im not really the religious type...
It has some interesting aspects but thats about it...


why'd you make this failed thread twice?

do they bother with you even though you aren't muslim?

got deleted bcs of porn

Those girls come from a place where the levels of masculinity they deal with aren't achiavable by the average german. You won't even get close to that pussy. Also immigrants are 60%+ males so you'll only bring more competition.

yeah cute brown girls

eh, really depends...

She most convert or die.


For every cute brown girl (who won't fuck you) you'll get 10 ugly girls and 10,000 men.

I like cute brown girls too, the ones who don't blow up.

Great, when do you leave?

>expects cute brown girl pussy
>instead receives 1,000,000 pounds worth of nigger cocks per year


nice non-muslim pic related cuck. what you see there is a modern feminist "muslim for fun" muslim, what YOUR nation is getting are the fully clad burka slaves and their weaponized Islamic wombs for your replacement. have fun getting killed in the no-go zone that is to be your nation soon. Really, have fun

>cute brown girls

You like to look at them? Because that's all you ever get. You will never fuck one. They think Christians are worthless and have a dog penis.


This is a pretty good reason. I hope that if there's an influx of brown women, I might find a good match too.


>"muslim for fun" muslim
pretty much this. I have female cousins who live in the US who are "muslim" but dress an act like any other american girl. they barely even know arabic. Don't get me wrong I'd much rather they be like that than be fully muslim (im exmuslim) but at the same time it's hypocritical to claim these people represent the average muslim. Look at any poor area in the middle east. that's what the average muslim is like.

more qt's for user

>tfw my community in US childhood had never heard of Muslims
>tfw I am in a similar US community and saw sweet hot hijab girl today
Guys it's over. Muslims won and that's a good thing.

11:17 for Varg's mom. Better than any brown girl.

>im exmuslim

neck self.

> t. proxy fag from leddit

Qt young girls are usually the better educated, more upper middle class of the original society, and they would come here legally anyway

The scum that comes here is from the lower class of their society, usually the scraps that even they don't want

And yeah their lower class is more religious and will take less qt3.14 girls with them, since man is more important

If there is controlled immigration you can take the better ones here, and not the shit ones


How about asians? Koreans, chinese immigrants?

I fully support your way to degradation. Half asian girls are best.

Fuck white race!

>instead receives 1,000,000 pounds worth of nigger cocks per year

>roughly 1mio noneuropean immigrants in germany in 2016
> about 20 percent are sub-saharan africans assuming that everyone whos listed as "unspecified" for simplicity
>that makes 200k
>lets assume they are litterally all men and therefore have a dick
>that leaves the average black dick at 5 pounds or 2,2 kilograms
not to far off from what people here seem to believe...

Watching a German Debate as we speak. You're screwed.

what debate?

what the FUCK IS THAT

You are also importing disgusting brown mudshits that rape or have sex wit your Nordic qts, you realize that don't you?

The astounding stupidity, self-hatred, and blindness of the modern Kraut is such that I don't care about what happens to germany anymore, you actually deserve it by now and I wholeheartedly support your replacement by lower races.

What the fuck is she pretending to eat?


It's gods mercy that someone like you could be born

don't sexualize my sister you kaffir piece of shit


Will Choa ever return to us? My life is so empty without her.


For every five cute brown girls you get 10,000 disgusting nogs.

Nothing wrong with liking cute muslimas but the redpill is to only allow females under 25 and get them fixed (sterilized) before giving them green card to stay.

Arabs girl speaking is the best thing ever

It's sexier than I don't know French

I am all for qt Arab girls. But again. Even Arab countries have better border security and immigration policies from other Arab countries than Europe has.

Really the "all refugees welcome LOL" people know very little about actual people from the MENA, just taking them as poor people that all need help since all MENA is the same to them

>Günther thinks he now has a chance to see a pussy IRL
>reality strikes back

No fun for you Günther, unless you are gay.

>1 million immigrants in 1 year
Are you serious?
thats another way to say genocide

Be strong, brother, be strong. We must believe in her, as she believes in us.

770k asylum applications in 2016, i rounded a lot...
Numbers are obviously going down since the landroute is closed



>Racial purity
Pick one, though your ancestors already picked for you



>cute brown girls
I haven't seen a whole lot of females immigrating to you.

The ratio of cute brown girls to hirsute gremlins is not very good.

That applies as a general statement desu

hello i sawed cute woman in naked were is ???

white wienerschnitzel is haram for qt brown girls

cute brown girl here adopt me pls

America is completely fucked but europe is white homeland, not us


What's your opinion on bosnian girls? Do you support that kind of immigration? I mean they are usually sluts.

at least half, if not more of europe is not and has never been white

Yeah sure

Traitors before enemies

>cute brown girls
like this?