Christopher Columbus Was a Murderous Moron

Other urls found in this thread:úaé_de_las_Casas

The man is a national hero that achieved one of the greatest feats of navigation in human history by sailing for nearly 2 months in open water at a time when all sailing was done near the coast always at the sight of land

I would not be able to shitpost on a cambodian basket weaving forum today if not for him

I made it 17 seconds


See: Norse sailing

He annihilated the Taino people, he was so cruel even the white people overthrew him.

Why do we study him if he wasn't nice? Shouldn't all the history we learn make us feel good?

that's not even his real name, he was a jew 33rd degree freemason. it's all a fairy tale, he didn't discover anything. the Viking and others landed in what the freemasons named America.

So the Mafia went there and said Columbus was ok? nice video

>Some snowniggers came, then never bothered to come back and capitalize on their discovery

>He annihilated the Taino people
Exactly, I would not exist if he didn't do that, there exist zero natives in modern day Puerto Rico, and the culture is not native culture but Spanish culture with some small bits of native culture sprinkled in
>he was so cruel even the white people overthrew him.
The same people who would have owed him a untold fortune from the royalties of his discovery

>But Adam, being pozzed is bad!

but hes right you know, he was not that great like you paint him. Out of the european sailors out there mapping the world, they dwarf his feat by a lot.

People miss the point so often when it comes to Columbus

Yes the Vikings landed in North America first but who gives a single shit. Columbus is one of the most important figures in world history because his voyages set in motion the aptly named Columbian Exchange. His voyage was the catalyst of the bringing together of the Old and New Worlds. Probably one of the most important events in human history.

The vikings were a bunch of faggots who landed in newfoundland, fucked off, then nobody cared or even remembered.


He was a psychopathic jew. Look it up.

Vikings did it first, Columbus made it popular.


>Let me introduce you to Francisco de Bobadilla – liar and Columbus usurper. The criticism of Columbus today comes from de Bobadilla. Who was he? The man who wanted Columbus’s job as governor of Hispaniola.

>In 1500 the King and Queen sent him to North America to investigate claims that Columbus wasn’t being fair to the European settlers (which means Columbus was protecting the Indians). So de Bobedilla came here, and in just a few short days did his investigation (with no telephones or motorized vehicles to help him), and promptly arrested Columbus and his brothers for Indian mistreatment and sent them back to Spain, sans a trial. Oh and, he also appointed himself governor. Coup de coeur for power lead to coup d’ etat, as usual.

>The King and Queen out these shenanigans and sent for be Bobadilla two years later, but he drowned on the trip home. Columbus was reinstated as admiral.

>But what we know of Columbian malfeasance comes from a defrocked liar, de Bobadilla.

>Nor was Columbus involved in the slave trade, as critics like Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky have asserted. One of his boats crashed in Haiti. He had no room for 39 men, so he started a colony there.

speaking of which someone should made a "Virgin Leif Erickson vs. Chad Columbus"

>Have historical figure played by idiot, write his dialogue to be him being a complete moron as opposed to just a flawed product of his time.
Boy I love my propaganda.
And yet said murderous moron achieved more for the world than any 'woke' lib ever will.

columbus was gay and most likely a tranny according to the newest scientific research. that's why you fucking americucks and canacucks are all fat and cut off your dicks.

all white men are fucking morons 2bh

read this book

>Literally the white man's burden

They have only themselves to blame of their failure.

Yea and?
Spanish did some awful stuff too here back then.

Should i also cry and moan?

>Killing all the natives made my country great.


Oh, cucks aiming to change other nation history after Egypt and their KANGZ.

Get the fuck over it pussy. Columbus did what needed to be done.

*raises paw*

um, he still killed many PoC and shouldn't be celebrated for that

Real niggas idolize Balboa and Cortes

The very definition of revisionist history. Jesus fucking christ was a disgrace. Almost puked at this nonsense.

the absolute state of Sup Forums

I mean they're right. Columbus was a pretty brutal asshole, but he still couldn't compare to Pizarro and Cortez.

We should do this with faggots now, but only after blood screening so the doggos don't get aids.

Shut the fuck, up, you numale cunt. Columbus was slandered by his enemies and the reputation stuck.

Based chile at it again.
Best guano

Spanish war dogs were awesome


It's racist to call them Pickers of Cotton.

God, I hate liberal Americans so much.

Insufferable pop-sci obsessed pretentious gullible idiots.


Ummm... Italians are not white so being against Christopher Colombus is not according to SJW principles.

Every antifa wannabe from the UPR here is saying that.

Huge if true.

>From this record it should be clear that, despite occasional lashing out at the Indians, Columbus was never their systematic oppressor, but simply unable to control the Spaniards on land who were supposed to be under his command. If he had only been willing to confine himself to what he did so superlatively well—sailing and exploring— few if any could have traduced his memory. But because he insisted on remaining governor of the lands he had discovered, his reputation was blackened by the atrocities that occurred during the period when he still had final responsibility for their governance. But it is Columbus the discoverer and explorer whom we truly celebrate and honor, not Columbus the civil governor. His personal influence on the ultimate fate of the Indians of the Caribbean was slight; in no significant way did he change what their history would have been without him, once the discovery was made.

>Within thirty to forty years the Indians of the Caribbean islands had disappeared as a distinct population, the greater part of them dying from diseases brought first by the white men, then by the black slaves they began to introduce. There were not nearly as many Caribbean natives as the Indians' champion Las Casas believed; modern researchers estimate a population of about 100,000 for Hispaniola when Columbus arrived, and substantially less than that for Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Jamaica. The great population decline did not begin until 1508, after Columbus' death. Smallpox and malaria, the most deadly plagues in the history of Europe except for the Black Death, along with yellow fever from Africa, were the principal killers. In the state of medical knowledge of that time, there was no help for this mortality and no escape from it. The mingling of the peoples of the Old and New World, never before brought into contact with one another, carried this heavy and unavoidable price.


>lol why can't this guy from the 1400s know the exact geography of the Earth?

Meanwhile the nonwhite nations were still shitty and never bothered to venture past their calm coasts.

We even gave them armors, usually of leather but sometimes of steel.

He's not wrong, Columbus was a navigational idiot who couldn't convert units of measurement. He was unbelievably cruel to the point where Spain, SPAIN, removed him as Governour of Hispaniola. Your magnificent hero was beat to America by not only the Native Americans, but also the Vikings. Sure he sped up the eniveitable, give him a holiday. By his last voyage he couldn't stand or see, and his only major accomplishment was finding gold for Spain, gold that would bankrupt Spain, and cause rapid inflation across Europe.

>This man from the 1400s didn't know things that we know today, what an idiot!

Killing all the natives is literally why Uruguay is the safest, whitest country in Latin America and why Paraguay is a large steaming pile of shit.úa

Brasil is the walking breathing aids and zika ridden example of why you HAVE to curb your black immigration.

Argentina was the worlds second largest economy in 1900. about 10-15 years before then they had a massive influx of Jewish immigration who embezzled and ran the country into the ground and the effects of their corruption are not only still felt but are legitimate standard practice of government there.

Chile has many European outposts like all of Latin america yet still was able to avoid the corruption and infiltration of Jews and ALWAYS kept their natives away from their white population. They admired and tried to adopt superior European ideologies like pre ww1 Prussian elite. Now with a huge influx of mestizos the Jews are crying foul that whites are seen as superior in a country that only recently is becoming darker and shorter.

Venezuela is proving once and for all in Latin America why communists are traitors to their people and why you have to ALWAYS be vigilant against them.

Latin America is so routinely avoided in social commentary because it has clear and obvious delineation on why countries go to shit and why Europeans are literally carrying the savages on their backs.
But yeah lets talk shit about a guy dealing with problems and social settings utterly inconceivable today with completely different morals and outcomes.

Libertad y la tumba!

You illiterate faggot.

It must be hard to live a life where you have to tear down everything anyone else accomplished because they know deep down they will die not accomplishing anything themselves

American education is a disgrace, sorry american imbeciles, but you should consider the context.
Killing and pillaging "barbaric" populations was quite a common practice until a century ago, everyone condoned and used violence at will.
It's easy to look down to our ancestors because our world is so different from what they experienced in terms of values and culture, that's why people are so eager to condemn those actions.

Signed, an italian.

Those poor innocent bloodthirsty savages :_:

Rivers of blood.

Yea, the portugese, spanish, english and other europeans/whites conquerors and explorers were bad, we already know that xxi version of history
I hate this fucking century where all the glory of europeans is attacked.

Not just Spain, genetic testing of tubes(POTAYTOES) and chickens highly support the idea that polynesians and Natives traded with another as well.

Christopher Columbus was following an ancient map. Enjoy researching that one.

>"Columbus never set foot in America"
>Paints everything south of Mexico green for 'he visited this place'
>"none of these places were the United States"
I get that America usually refers to the USA when you're discussing countries, but everything in the two continents of North and South America are in 'America' when we are talking about people who discovered the New Fucking world you insufferable faggots. It would be like if 2492 Chris Colombine makes the first trip to Mars, after a few hundred years theres a bunch of countries on Mars, one of which is in called the United States of Mars, colloquially shortened to just Mars, but Chris never went to that part of Mars so you claim Chris never went to fucking Mars.

You're all retarded.
The Earth is clearly in the shape of a banana.

>Italians brought their own version of colombus

After talking shit they try to frame us as liars. American people have no dignity and have no right to speak about anything or anyone who was born and raised in europe.
They have never red the diaries too, heavens forbid they can just open a book.

I can safely say that Portugal was no worse than any of the natives of anywhere.

I can also say that europeans have no obligation whatsoever to be better than other peoples and that to think bad of europeans for not being better while at the same time thinking browns have an excuse to be bad because they are brown is extremely racist.


>tfw you're just some explorer, seeking to map the Aztec's domain and shit
>They invite you to visit their hometown
>You see the massive tower of skull in the middle of it, and they make you watch human sacrifice
>You snap
>Noche Triste happens
>Don't bother to help them when they get infected by your diseases
Eh, nothing of worth was lost
They should have venerated Quetzalcoatl when they had the chance to.

>Murderous Moron
So where in the video do they rove homicidal intent on the art of Columbus?

Oh wait, they didn't.

>who gives a single shit.
Some Japanese guy I guess.

Soon someone from Paragay is gonna come and scream "muh brazilian oppression"

wow liberal revisisionism is like stalin-tier

isnt the magic schoolbus cartoon copyrighted? someone should sue them?

>christopher columbus's rule was so brutal the island population was wiped out by 1542

>mfw christopher columbus died in 1506

>Implying being a murderous moron is a bad thing

>They should have venerated Quetzalcoatl when they had the chance to.

Why venerate some meme snake when you can just kill degenerates?

Video not mentioning that the norse reached North America long before Columbus kind of proves their agenda and bias.

Don't glorify the whites. Vikings are even more 'white' than Columbus.

As if Iberians give a shit about that!

Where did you use them.
Havent read about them in the 80 years war.

>Vikings come to north america
>Cannot establish a permanent colony
>Leave immediately
>The virgin attempt

>Mediterranean people come to america
>Establish dominance by pillaging and destroying literal empires
>Build colonial empires as result
>The Chad supremacy

Adam should be drawn and quartered . I hate that cuck revisionist more than anything

Of course they will. They are a country of half breeds ruled by a tiny minority of whitey. Must be whiteys fault they suck.


> Castizos
> white

My family lived in Uruguay for 140 years after coming from Galicia, Spain, then coming to Australia to avoid "disappearing" in the early 70's because my family were educated and going to university which meant by default you were a commie.

Pic related. I am eligible for Knighthood due to my lineage which can be traced back 950 years. To be a protector of the Santiago de Compostella. I am one of the VERY few in the world who could actually Dues Vult and go fight the moors under official colours.

But yeah Yanks think everyone south of Texas is a filthy mestizo spic.

fucking kek

>Columbus didn't discover America, there were people already there! Plus vikings got there first anyway!
That makes no sense. He discovered it from the perspective of the rest of Europe. It's kind of like saying Mesoamericans didn't discover writing because Mesopotamians discovered it independently 3000 years earlier.

I've heard this shit so many times, I wonder how others are all so shocked to hear this.

>colombus never set foot in america lol


really makes me think

They keep on talking about how bad he was, but they don't realize that LITERALLY IF HE DIDN'T EXIST, THEY WOULDN'T BE IN THIS DAMN COUNTRY.

>he actually believes that?!

Anyone else had enough snark/sarcasm to last them 10 lifetimes?

i can understand why beaners are mad at Cortes but Colombus ??

see Black History
Fuck you and fuck ALL liberals .

>"The Taino were kind and hospitable..."
[Citation needed]

Which makes the damage done to that Columbus statue (((A HATE CRIME))). Best round up the perpetrators quickly before they strike again, those intolerant alt-leftists.

It's like they don't realize that if they have any Hispanic blood in them at all, they wouldn't exist today if not for Columbus.

Maybe we need to go back in time and help a Swede discover America. Spaniard + injun is a way too aggressive breed. Maybe if the natives got KEKED they'd be more docile

Trying to blame the ensuing events after he landed in America is just ridiculous. He didn't go there and kill all those people with his own hands


Broke: Christopher Columbus was a terrible explorer and murderous asshole

Joke: Christopher Columbus was a great explorer and an American icon that should be revered

Woke: Christopher Columbus was a great explorer but was replaced when they crossed the Bermuda triangle and saw a fireball, and the time traveling jew that replaced him made him look like an idiot to dismantle white pride.

This video is a complete joke. They are laughing at Columbus not knowing where India specifically was 500 years ago? Pretty easy to check on your phone now. Not to mention wtf is with these nigger kids in the back? His wife's children?

he was a freemason on a mission with ancient maps given to him by secret societies

What were they contributing to humanity?

I don't understand this. Wtf does it matter even if he did? Human history has always been extremely bloody, the Native Americans were not some peaceful loving tribes that just wanted to get along with everybody and lived in a fairy tail with unicorns, they were bloodthirsty savages that were killing themselves and Europeans, also. The Europeans were simply better at it. Cortes did what he had to, he had no allegiance with these people, they were just random foreign savages who loved sacrificing other people to him. And it's not like Europeans killed them on purpose, they were killed by various diseases than nobody could have predicted. A far better outcome than what would have happened if the Aztecs were the ones doing the conquering.

I hate history being looked at with present-day morals, it's just absurd.

Me, my parents, grandparents, and so on so forth were all taught the correction information about Columbus. Since when are kids taught that bogus about discovering America?



Well it's not wrong, they forgot the parts making children sex slaves, cutting off limbs if natives didn't find gold fast enough, the shit he done to his OWN crew, what he did if natives revolt... the list goes on. People there able to call out his shit and was later documented. Famous example is Bartolomé de las Casas a chatholic priesté_de_las_Casas
christopher columbus Was even jailed for all the crap he did
He's a cunt, not much to it unfortunately. He's the just cunt that ran into the Americas and made trendy back then which later lead to the US

>When you go East and find India
>mfw people dont give a fuck about killing indians and ottomans because they arent the ones that control Western culture

But the Swedes used to be Vikings!

Las Casas was a bleeding heart faggot who made shit up.
