Jews don't make anythi-

>jews don't make anythi-

..practical. Exactly

That gun was designed by an American company (Magnum Research) and contracted to IWI for manufacture. Now that MR has production capabilities, all production is done by MR.

the end of the thread

Its actually well liked as a target or hunting pistol

pos can't headshot accurately from barrels to cat baka

>Target pistol
>2$+ per round

bullshit. the gun is meme tier. it works great for creating a bulge in the pants of small penised manlets and that is about it.

Deagles are the stupidest gun. You would know if you lived in a country where you could actually buy or shoot one. The Jericho 941, the "baby eagle ", is okay. But it's a copy of the cz75.
The desert eagle actually works in an interesting way, though. But yeah, .50 action express cartridges are $2 per round.

t. manlet who got his head bashed from the kickback

remember that time a girl had her boyfriend hold an encyclopedia in front of his chest and then shot at it with a deagle for a youtube video?

>meme gun

This isn't CSGO

Why are you posting about this garbage when you can't own a handgun let alone a spoon?

they make great kindling.


deagle is basically useless because of how powerful it is

Did he died?

Yes he did he was also a Mexican

They invented USB flash sticks. Those are insanely practical. EVERYONE owns one. Thank a jew today!

Overrated piece of shit, actually.

Why does the Uzi have to be so damned bulky?
It's almost like it was meant for spray, pray and run away.

The only people who own desert eagles are niggers who think that bigger things = better.

>meme gun that was designed by goyim

this is the only prolific piece of wholly hebe weaponry

Some people can afford that.

You can also buy them in .44mag and .357mag

Uzi Pro

>handsniper that can pop out your own shoulder if you cant handle the recoil
this is considered a good pistol somehow

also only 7 shots.
also has been nerfed in cs:go and is very unreliable so it is irl now.

1.3 bunnyhop deagleoneheads best era after that this is now a glorified overpriced cuckgun.

didn't realize uzi was a kosher gun.

(((they))) invented spying

I got mine because I liked them and thought they were cool.

>target or hunting pistol
Shut up cannuck. It costs too much to feed to be a range toy, and there are much better rounds for handgun hunting.

Pua Khein-Seng from Malaysia is considered by many to be the "Father of Pen Drive".

The desert eagle doesn't recoil for shit. The .357Mag one kicks FORWARD if you handle it well.

gonna need to see your sbr stamp

No they didn't. Another stolen invention by the international (((element))).

does it count when the u.s. pays for 90% of their defense budget?

Can you 360 noscope with that?

Don't make me break out the big guns.

Skorpion still looks cooler, and has a stock. Guess its just a little to big to be called a machine pistol

I didnt say it was cheap or an ideal hunting pistol, I said people use it for that if they can afford it.

If cost mattered that much to everybody then every pistol would be a 9mm.

Another retarded fucking leaf. The DE is horrible and the gun of choice for nogunz whose experience is from vidya. There is nowhere it isn't surpassed by more economical and superior firearms.




How many pistols surpass it in being an auto loading .44? One?

>I didn't say a Lotus was the ideal daily driver, I said people use it for that if they can afford it
And both are fucking retarded, WOW! Guess how I know you don't have money?

hide yer doggo

If what it is is the only thing it's good at, that's fucking pathetic. No you fucking moose, it's not a good conceal carry weapon, not that you would know what that is considering having a gun thrown through your window is a crime in Canuck land, it's not a good range gun, it's not a good home defense gun, it's not renown for reliability, affordability, or ability in general. Your argument for it's merits is the equivalent of a participation award for showing up.

The Jews make your hand sting and your aim shit.

>immediately read it as

Sometimes you shouldn't need any other reason than fun.

Jamming overhyped junk

Only used in call of duty.

Just because somebody uses it as a target gun does not mean they use no other guns.

>A Lotus is lots of fun to drive so I go for a rip on weekend and daily drive an Impala

What is so hard to understand?

>big pistols for fun
Get a real gun faggot

A double action revolver?

I had one of these years ago. The sear broke and it started firing multiple rounds randomly. I couldn't get my hand completely around the grip either. Worst gun I've ever owned.

So you admit it's a niche weapon that isn't good, that it exists for some dude to say I HAVE A DEEE EEEEEE. Glad we agree retard.

Is that yours? Also, big pistols are tons of fun.

Not every gun needs to be concealable as sometimes people buy guns for fun and its quite soft shooting for its available calibers and is known to be quite accurate.

I cant carry a gun in Canada yet I own 15 of them because they are fun to shoot.My 1851 Navy is an objectively terrible gun yet its fun as fuck so I dont care.

>fun is a buzzword
it's like i'm really on Sup Forums

I have a weird thing for Israeli weapons. With the exception of impractical dessert eagle and the butt ass ugly uzi.

I was talking about this one

Jews didn't make the desert eagle, Magnum research in the US did

Its accurate as fuck and POWA

Don't talk to me or my wife's gun ever again.

Silhouette shooting.

It fun, is having fun a niche?

The MK23 is a niche gun, is it also terrible?

I miss my Auto Mag.

No I meant that most .44 revolvers will do a deagles job better.


Heckler&Koch is far better

>what is the galil?
or is it not hebe because it uses parts of other designs not made by hebes?

By all means, arm all the Jews, just don't let them disarm everyone else.

I love mine. I bought 100 pieces of brass and tracked down a set of reloading dies for it. It has been pretty reliable but demands a strong grip.


>Heckler and cock
>50 dollars for a standard AR mag

LMT is better

HK is the best possible equipment . during the balkan war we used ordinary G-3 Sturmgewehr and it`s the ultimate muslim killer

HK offers no tangible benefit over other manufacturers

believe what you want . I work with HK equipment since 1992 , I am not a trailerparkboy with a gun collection but a merc .

Glorified range toy

I want a white Tavor. It looks like what a stormtrooper would carry.

It looks like something you would shoot fookin' prawns with

>when someone buys the .44/.357 instead if the full .50 African Eliminator with a caliber change kit

G3 is obsolete

There's a reason NZ chose LMT over HK, similarly there's a reason the UK chose the LMT MWS over the HK 417 as their DMR

The .357 is easily the most practical, but I'd rather get a Coonan.

ripoff of vz 23

There is nothing practical about a gas operated pistol.

>G3 is obsolete
Not really.
>There's a reason NZ chose LMT over HK, similarly there's a reason the UK chose the LMT MWS over the HK 417 as their DMR
Money. France is currently adopting the HK 416 as their service rifle.


This. Deagles can shoot through several encyclopedias and still kill.

Why are people hating it again?

the virgin camp
>sits in barrels
>waits until he maybe gets a kill on the guy that's coming cat
>that is, if he doesn't miss or get prefired

the chad rush
>rushes cat, takes enemy by surprise
>jumps down stairs, perfectly accurate one tap mid-air
>this display of skill is celebrated by teammates and events air

>piston ARs
oh I'm laffin

>events air
enemies alike

that's what i get for phoneposting i guess

>Piston AR
Nope, just slap more rails on the g36 or something that piston shit is a gimmick of the military industrial complex.

The G36 is just a plastic AR-18.

The LMT isn't less expensive

The reality is it's simply the more reliable, rugged, and accurate option.

With melty barrel trunnions.

>muh teutonic engineering

Why are the bullets in backwards in the magazine?

It's a meme. This is where it's from.

It's a meme

an HK advertisement at a gun show pictured the ammo in backwards like that


>Nope, just slap more rails on the g36 or something that piston shit is a gimmick of the military industrial complex.
G36 uses the same piston system. It also melts.

Then why did the US army pick the HK 417 instead?