Why are men becoming women?

Why are men becoming women?

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Don't you mean "Why are men wearing women's clothes"?

they want to play life on easy mode

To prove men are better at everything. Even being women.

because it's trendy and the worst thing you can be in this society now is a straight white male. they couldn't cut it as men, or got sick of not being able to use any victim points to get ahead, so boom off goes the dick

I think he's talking about HRT and female penises.
Not crossdressers or men

Because the women became men

*smug face*

to finally get Tinder matches

because women have it so fucking easy in the west and men what a cut of the action.

As horrible as it sounds - men will be men, beta men will me women, and women will continue being annoying cunts about everything.

I'm 19 and it is insane how many of these things I am around. Maybe because I'm in California aka clown world

> HRT allows men to produce milk, have overies, alter the physical structures of their brains and generate eggs through the newly aquired uteruses.

It became clear that they couldn't be trusted with the job

Pretty much.

Cute boys ought to become cute girls. There is no other way. Don't try to hide it. She turns you on immensely.

Traps are the future.

internet autism

Any psychoogist cand oa phd with this topic

Why wouldn't you want to become a woman? You get to wear cute dresses and skirts and act girly and sexy.

Is that a dude in the OP pic? Pretty convincing desu, but he should try cosplaying D.va instead.



>HRT allows men to produce milk
yep there's tranny porn of that
>have overies
if they were already present but underdeveloped
>alter the physical structures of their brains
Most of them already have female brains
>generate eggs through the newly aquired uteruses.
They'll probably discover a method to transplant those in the near future

so yep even the chromosome can get changed after a few decades or so

I wish to be the little girl.

(they're not)


porn. watchers identify with the performer not the receiver. Monkey see monkey do.

Vilification of manhood as toxic, while still holding men to high standards of stoicism, self-sufficiency, and confidence. Destruction of the nuclear family unit with birth control and women's suffrage. The temptation of being a protected class of people that are literally immune from criticism in certain circles. Internet and the various fetish communities around this sort of thing not providing a healthy outlet for people to resolve their autogynephilic tendencies, instead intensifying them in a weird depraved echo chamber so the only logical answer to them (they've given themselves a mental illness at this point) is to go whole hog and "become a woman". That, and liberal yuppie parents declaring their kids as trans earlier and earlier just because he likes the color pink/she plays with toy trucks for facebook likes. Probably Jews or something too.

to feel like they have "control" over the uncontrollable the "female" or in other words the "egg", except men don't want to fuck them because they are still men, so they suicide. pretty simple if you think on it for 1 minute

Have u lost your god damn mind

>being this gay

>not wanting to be a girl

Lack of a strong father figure

grass is greener and all that

I wanna fuck one

also, notice the propaganda here, subtle word usage, but OP is saying "men are becoming women", the question is in fact implying the transformation is possible. In reality if he didn't have an agenda, he would have said, "why are trannies cutting off their dicks in order to try and Pretend to be women". Remain vigilant for (((those))) types trying to subtlety set a narrative.

A girl or a tranny?


Evil Jewish influences, chemicals in things men are exposed to, and because it's easy mode for life in the current year.

Stop being a faggot.


Should we not be asking "Why would men not become women?". The social barriers are clearly not there anymore, so what remains are only technical details. And technology is rather easy to come up with.

Regardless of whether or not you're ok with trannies, the technology and the development in HRT and surgery is here, and it's accelerating. It begs the question: is society really the only agent pushing technology this way (of gender-less and gender-much people) or is technology itself, allowing people to push this boundary from the other side? Should we dampen research somehow? Because as long as we keep allowing it to develop, there will be more and more markets willing to exploit the niche. I'm not proposing an answer myself, but I think it's rather ineffective to look at trannies themselves: we ought to look at the boundary conditions that are bringing trannies into play.

Soy in everything

Same thing but with more dedication

Both, so you can spit roast the girl together

Oh there's soy in the bananas you eat?

Fat fuck what are you eating that isn't chips and fried pickles that has soy all the time? Ever think eating like complete shit is the reason why you Big Dairy bitch?

Did you know beer, milk, and weed have more bioavailable estrogen than soy by miles?

Of course not Big Dairy Bitchtits

fuck you!

With all the lowered expectations, and advantages afforded women, with the brain of a man. Sounds like a recipe for success.

Where? Bay?


It's not trendy enough to just be a fag anymore. You have to step up your game.

I don't think manhood or masculinity is toxic. I don't want to have sex with men. I like the way women look, I want to fuck them but I also want to look like them.
>not taking the grill pill

They aren't.

Because society is more cooperative when the gender ratios skew towards women. Men become women to artificially push society in a more peaceful direction.

Like I said, it's not the same reason. You yourself just stated a reason I already went over (autogynephilia gone rampant because no one snips it in the bud)
Also is that onion chopping asmr or something

gibs and benefits!

rich people and corporations run by them are dumping xenoestrogens in the water and it's turning the frogs (dudes) gay


doncha mean "white bois"? and it's cause they're weak and pathetic and it's the only way many of them can any success in life

Chemicals in the water turning the freaking frogs gay!

Who gives a shit?

Being a woman is easy mode and the modern man of today only wants easy mode
We need another war please..

Because men are better at it than women.

Only the ones who actually put effort into looking feminine.

Because it's hot AF I just started dating trannies recently, the sex is way better then with girls

Its pretty fun, you should try it.

keep up the good work white bois
more white women for us high test shitskins

If you are asking this silly question youre not familiar with behavioral sink experiment.
Educate yourself.


>tfw transitioning for my gf
>tfw shes learning me how to girl

Lucky cunt, I dont have as much help as you.
>tfw no practice gf to show me feminine thungs

because you where gay all along, congrats on coming out.


Who dis

>they'll probably discover a method in the near future to transplant those

Youre just a crossdresser then.

>Becoming women
That's literally impossible, they're pretending
They aren't "becoming" anything
Personally I think the people doing this descend from the kids who caused the creation of the pedo class known as apprentiships in most nations.
Got tired of dealing with them so they decided to fuck them up the ass instead

To teach women how to be a real woman

because once you're trans it gives you a free pass to persecute anyone you don't like and blame it on discrimination, you can act like a whiny bitch woman and nobody will question you, you can have beta orbiters.

I was in a gaming community, one guy went trans and completely ruined it by gaining an army of beta orbiters and like minded libcucks and accusing anyone he didn't like of discrimination until their reputation was destroyed and bullied out of the scene. He did this to several key players until every single important event organizer was either bullied out or decided to quit because people as their events were triggering him.

thats because youre gay to begin with you idiot



Isn't the answer clear as fucking day??? I mean, to be a woman all you have to do is look good and life pretty much takes care of the rest for you. A hot lady can hook herself up with a doctor, lawyer or CEO and she'll never have to lift a finger for the rest of her life. As guy you're constantly subject to harsh competition and terrible struggles that leave most men broken.

Now that the two have been compared, which would you rather be??

This is funny since those things develop with the ovaries all togheter, and even if they could do such a thing (which they pratically cannot) you would be soon killed by the anti-rejection drugs.

Since when the fuck did turning yourself into a eunuch and shooting yourself up with enough drugs to permanently fuck up your body's natural hormones equate to being a woman?

males on HRT are still male, just weaker and sissier

Yep, this. They've either mentally snapped, or just don't have the gumption to be a real man.

sauce me, plx

now you're thinking
M+ F + T
Threesome sounds like a fufillingly degenerate night

Because we're better at it

>turning yourself into a eunuch
>removing the dick
No desu

Boils my blood every fucking time.

Chloe salpa

Why do they all have that vapid, insane look in their eyes?


more traps are needed in the world

because women are better

Read the damn thing you damn faggots

>Over a number of years, Calhoun conducted over-population experiments on Norway rats (in 1958–1962) and mice (in 1968–1972).[1] Calhoun coined the term "behavioral sink" in his February 1, 1962 report in an article titled Population Density and Social Pathology in the Scientific American weekly newspaper[2] on the rat experiment.[3] Calhoun's work became used as an animal model of societal collapse, and his study has become a touchstone of urban sociology and psychology in general

because theres just no pussy like boypussy

>women don't give what i want
>i'll do it myself



they crave cock


what the fuck is that?! how can something like that exist in nature?
I thought "traps" were just cross dressers not half woman/half man.

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