This monument located in Detroit, not only represents "Joe Louis' fist" but also represents "Black Power"...

>t. White Detroiter
there are dozens of us!!

I also see it like you do. And because joe louis was from so long ago, people here (white and black) just like the fact that a cool boxer was from here. Plus as far as I know he wasn't even known for being anti-white at times, such as Muhammad Ali

I'm sure Joe from st clair shores or doug from lincoln park would probably disagree and say it's 100% a black power monument put up by Coleman as a 'fuck you' to whites

cut the cables, spray paint it white

literally nothing
Pol is full of beta cucks that don't do anything ever


Thermite one shot crucible.

I'm Nicole from Redford and I think Joe from St. Clair Shores and Doug from Lincoln Park must be total tards.

Didn't think anarchists believed in god.

You're right unfortunately. Pol has become pretty pathetic over the last couple of years.

Easy. Get neo-nazis and white nationalists to hold a rally in favor of keeping it.

Everyone pack around it and masturbate furiously, cumming all over the sculpture to make it white.