>"And so, as a free market conservative for all of my life, I'm now beginning to think, 'Well, wait a second. Do they have too much power? Are they stifling speech?'"

>no roads
>no rights


how is nike treading on me ?

ofc these big companies get to many powers but they dont threat my right, dont taxes me neither

unless you dont buy their crap what's the matter

because you moron
you presume your autonomy is protected so long as it isn't INFRINGED upon, but it can be INFLUENCED and MANIPULATED

your a slave by your own free will so long as corporations offer you comfy stylish shackles and no alternative

Leftists think the Internet and Happy meals are universal human rights.

Better late than never

>slave by free will
Yeah that's a contradiction and you BTFO yourself, but thanks for playing.


How can a corporation imprison you and send you to tolerance camp? Also you can actually survive without internet access believe it or not.

reminder that all these companies wouldn't get as powerful if they couldn't lobby governments to kill competition

>burdening yourself because you don't want to put billionaire kikes in their place

I'd like to see you get a job today without using the internet

The internet is a public square, built by multiple people all over the world who do believe in free speech. (((Google))) has no right to create a monopoly and take away domains it doesn't like. Quit cucking to corporations.

If you pay more tax into the system than you need from the system
you qualify as shackled
now do you understand the libertarian position? we must, at the very least, remove the vote from women. they will continue to use the state to take more

so does a heroin addict have the same capacity to make free choices as someone who is clean?

I take it you've heard the term "slave to your desires" right? what happens when someone is charging you for access to your desires, and giving you more desirbale hings the more you work for them

if you really don't understand how someone can abuse you with "liberation" go out and read this

this is why namecoin was invented
it is not a coin that you hold for value
instead, you burn a namecoin and your DNS become secured on the blockchain
granted, thats only DNS, but god damn who knew this technology was going to be necessary sooner rather than later
the eclipse accelerated everything

>advocates libertarianism
>proceeds to mandated societal change
I can't tell if your meming or if its just cause your whole ideology is a meme


The only thing a company can do is try to convince me to buy their products and/or services. A government can throw me in jail, have me killed, have my family killed etc. for not doing what they want.

Libertarianism is the only way forward. Maximum prosperity can only be achieved through individual freedom, free market capitalism and sound money.

>How can a corporation imprison you and send you to tolerance camp?
how can the state?

So how do those companies stop me from doing something without the governments power behind them?

what do you want from society
if you are a woman do not respond


How's freedom gonna defend against ruthless chinks and Jews who will likely soon happily kill us all with no remorse on massive scale by any means necessary

Can't wait to watch the kike media reporting on how their drone rampaged through a whole city and killed every single person because they were all nazis and then conveniently a horde of orthodox retards flowing from kiryas Joel come in to occupy the buildings and take over the automated production facilities.

>but I still have muh rights

>How can a corporation imprison you and send you to tolerance camp?

Ban you from purchasing goods and services via any major (accepted) payment service.


>meanwhile Sup Forumss kike hero is following the kike script and sending more troops to the Middle East

Yes goy, you only have two choices. Good goy yes drumpf is different goy

hey user, at least corporate monoliths will kill me and not the mean old government

I remember seeing this drawing (maybe a cartoon) of a city being controlled by corporations in one panel and the government in the other panel and showing them as equally bad, but I can't find it. Anyone know what I'm referring to?

Nah u can hide from them and they will want people around I think. The chinks and Jews on the other hand will know you're the enemy.


Communism was outsourced to the private sector because it's more efficient and sustainable than state-run communism.


t. kike

You know there's no such thing as free market

Souther Poverty Law Center? You dont say...

Who Controls the Southern Poverty Law Center?
Of the twenty-two(22) Southern Poverty Law Center senior program staff members, fifteen(15) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 68%. Of the thirteen(13) Southern Poverty Law Center directors, eight(8) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 62%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews and spouses of Jews are over-represented among the Southern Poverty Law Center senior program staff members by a factor of 34 times(3,400 percent), and over-represented among the Southern Poverty Law Center directors by a factor of 31 times(3,100 percent).

Hey goyim, you should rent a Google Smart Home. It's super affordable, costs almost nothing a week and is easy covered by your Zuckerberg Universal Basic Income. Regular homes are on their way out and are impossible to pay with on basic income.

It's fitted with advanced technology to track your lifestyle and provide you with smart recommendations to help you improve your well-being. This technology also helps us provide you with the entertainment and services that you are most interested in.

Each Google Smart Home now comes fitted with soylent dispensers.

Note: Google Smart Home reserves the right to terminate your lease should you break Google's Terms of Service regarding hate speech.

>Zuckerberg Universal Basic Income

i haven't been on Sup Forums in years, i remembered them being all right wing cucks but i'm glad you guys are at least redpilled on this subject

Learn some fucking self control, nigger. Wanting to buy sneakers isn't the same thing as being addicted to heroin, or are you a basketball American?

>If you are a woman do not respond

The memes keep coming. Do you really expect to be taken seriously?

>learn some self control
How much is the monthly subscription for your self control lessons?

I don't remember this but it sounds great

