Aryan Goddess Taylor Swift Unbanned on Social Media

>Taylor Swift shared a mysterious 10-second video on her social media accounts Monday morning, Swift’s first posts since her accounts were scrubbed on Friday. The distorted, silent clip appears to depict a snake tail (though some social media users also compared the image to a cat or dragon tail). Swift presented the footage without any caption

/OurGirl/ is back and she's exposing (((Reptilians)))

Other urls found in this thread:


Post the link then you stupid reddit nigger

>he doresn't follow Taytay on twitter

It does not appear to be political.

>Shes from Sup Forums and knows shes popular here
>Does it the day of the NWO Eclipse
>Timing and image only Sup Forums would understand
Prove to me its a new album and ill delete this thread

What does this mean?

You should really stop lusting over such a tranny


Do you guys understand this is a marketing strategy.

You're being marketed to right now.....

Taylor Swift browses Sup Forums.....

Either a hack or marketing strategy for next album.

>You're being marketed
For what, jerking off?

Armageddon is never going to happen, fags like you want it too much.

No civil war, no ELE, no great reveal, nothing but a slow decent into elite controlled mongrelised servitude.

Learn to enjoy depression or have a mental breakdown, these are your only options.

That shit was a troll by some nigger on Sup Forums or some other homosexual board you dumb nigger homosexual


Mate you weren't even here in 2011 stfu kike.

Taylor can market to me all she wants.


What redpills has she dropped?

The anonymity of Sup Forums is a breathe of fresh air for someone that can't walk outside without being noticed and are always treated as an "other."

Kanye Best/TayAi Trump Rally when?

>the way her boobs rest on the guitar

gooble gobble one of us we accept her

You will not divide us



My waifu is really here?

this is funny

Why are threads about BLACKED Smith allowed, but not threads about elspeth gf (pure)?


underrated trips

i like how theres a tiny crop dusting trail in this pic


Taylor Swift is the daughter of Lavey.

So is it confirmed fetal alcohol syndrome or what?


>posting this subhuman in a tay-tay thread

snake tail
so basically saying don't tread on me?

literally publicity stunt

if we were, bae would drop a hint


So since Taylor browses Sup Forums we can be sure she's seen some of the, ya know, stuff on there
Taylors new song:
>r8 my shit Sup Forums

But she didn't, it was a hoax

Lavey is a fucking atheistic clown, and used Satan as a marketing gimmick to sell his self absorbed religion

Poppy is the queen of Sup Forums

Tay is a cute, CUTE! but she's no Poppy

Normally I wouldn't ask someone to prove a negative but this is a nugget I want to be truth
So you're gonna have to prove it was a hoax

>Dude satanism is so cool haha! No, satan doesn't exist. Google "Doctor LaVey" or maybe you shouldn't haha it doesn't suit you.

>UGH. LaVeyan """satanism""". How pathetic. They don't even believe in Satan. He wasn't even a doctor. His name was Howard. HE PLAGIARIZED THE WHOLE THING, IT'S JUST HEDONISM IN DISGUISE. Look how much I know.

>I'm Luciferian, actually. Satanism is all so childish and silly. All that matters is the pursuit of knowledge. Look all the work I'm putting into this totally useless subject I'm studying. Look at how enlightened I am.

>hi i'm a normal person who isn't 14 any more


Swift is MK-ultra

can't recognize a viral marketing for a new album or single release drop for pop radio.
fuck yeah.
shit's a honeypot psyops.
as always.

>Pol wants pure blond waifus to spread the message of God and chastity and self respect and loving yourself and non degeneracy
>Doesn't support Poppy literally 1000%

It's like you hate everything good in this world desu


talking about god vs the devil on a tv show

you would never see this type of shit today it was so cool

Thirsty beta detected.

The catholic religion is the only true religion.
There is nothing that kikes hates more than Our Lord Jesus Christ.
You are a retarded moron, a kike, or both.

>calls me a moron

satan stands for vengeance we dont believe in turning the other cheak if someone is weak they deserve to die why should we help them

everyone on Sup Forums confirmed believing in actual legitimate satanism doctrines

Poppy is a MK ultra slave.
She's a hollywood puppet.

Convert, or you will burn in Hell for eternity.
The Catholic church is the worst enemy of the jews.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

she has 1 tweet and 85 million followers ?!?

Find a real Wife.

Daughter or Clone?

It's fucken marketing for her new album.

Fuck off shills.

its a pretty good tweet

>or you will burn in Hell for eternity.

Where's his ear?

>Convert, or you will burn in Hell for eternity.

Elle looks like she would have a silent but physically active orgasm. I imagine her eyes rolling back and legs flailing all about when she reaches climax, all while her vocal chords remain silent.

Thanks for discussing my new album and tour teaser here guys!
Stay tuned for more!

I wish I knew how to make a webm of Taylor gassing her.

dry leaf humor
i can appreciate that


She's a meme you retard, her manager created her image. He's a hipster faggot but he knows Sup Forums well.

She ain't a spic. She's a portagee.

>they don't know

that's a good goyim


zeena was so fucking hot too, she still is

didnt mootykins (inb4 who) say it wasnt taytay?

She has a diaper on or something?


It's a hint that her testimony is going to break Pedogate wide open.

Honestly whats so great about this whore. You guys are just fantasizing about her because she hasn't said a thing about being anti nazi/pro sjw and it's only a matter of time until she speaks out about muh patriarchy and muh racism. Her music is also garbage so really she has nothing going for her.

Shitty publicity stunt

>Her music is also garbage
Off yourself.

>being anti-aryan goddess
spotted the nigger

to bad that its lead by a literal Jesuit communist

who is poppy and why is it a baphomet worshipper and not pic related

t. pope francis


What the fuck is wrong with you? Taytay is pretty much unassailably wonderful. Probably the closest we will ever have to a goddess on this shitty shitty little dirtball.



Also snake/dragon references are in reference to Satan. This baphomet androgyny """"""""woman"""""" is quite literally a Satanist.

She's a trap, man, it, thing, not human. We need to get some fire

Tay Tay I love you.
Please have 3 children in the next decade.
Thanks! I love your music

catholic is a mix between roman culture/traditions and evangelical beliefs.

There is no reason to be specifically a catholic... But if you are, that's fine. BTW i recommend baptist church.

taylor was good in 2009 and before that

now u have to be retarded to not see through this

So true, I love Chileans, you goys always see through the bullshit.

/ourgirl/ or not
Sup Forums is more well know by normies than most realize
so it's a statistical probability that some of the most famous people in the world browse threads

>fuck celebrities though

>Later realizes how bad he fucked up and endorses Trump to atone for his sins
>Gets sent to hospital again
We need FALLEN KANYE memes

A villain turned kamikazi for Trump

That and bad blood are like the only degenerate songs she's ever done. Look at every other video from that album, white as fuck, wildest dreams even came under fire for appropriating Africa. Don't think she's ever had a non white as her love interest in any videos yet either. We'll have to wait and see how kiked her next album is.

I love her outfit

>you will never marry Tay and produce several children wirh her.

you literally post this shit in every TS thread

how hard it is to realize this was a parody? she was literally mocking nigger culture, thats why they were mad at her after this shit
