these low-effort trannies are infuriating
>guess who's back
Terry the plumber in drag?
Ugly, ugly woman. Must be English.
Please post more
I've stopped by /lgbt/ out of curiosity lately and they seem to hate them too. They have whole threads dedicated to "hons" which are basically just hideous, non-passing trannies. Typically they just look like middle-aged crossdressers.
homos made a big mistake accepting these nuts into their little suck and fuck homo club to begin with. now they look mentally ill by proxy. i swear if i was a fag i'd despise all trannies in addition to the type of fag who dresses like a flamingo and goes to pride parades. it's such a bad look
links to source are in OP
Literally who?
(((Sup Forumstier thread)))
Reddit: the post
jesus fucking christ
>u wot m8.jpg
Representatives of the porn industry will be contacting you soon to tell you to keep your distance, YOU FUCKING ABERRANT DISGUSTING SHITSTAIN.
It just looks like a man in glitter
Closest to passing in the whole thread, but only because fat and ugly. Fat and ugly can trump gender every time.
that's enough
What is this and is there a video
How the fuck are there so many of these "people"?
they all look soulless and dead inside, have they been brainwashed?
Who IS that beautiful young lady?
My she really gets my heart racing with her effortless charm and delicate features.
I'd smash
it'll definitely pass... away
by suicide
like most trannies
We used to put these men in mental asylums now we give brainwash them to cut their dicks. I guess it meets the same end of eugenics without being as cruel.
I don't know about you, but this shit is mad gay!!! WTF
>sloppy make-up
>no other attempts to appear feminine
Could these tranny fags care less?
Propaganda pushed through the jew controlled media with the purpose of degrading and weakening the West so it can be broken down and rebuilt with whites as a mentally ill minority and a third world immigrants with sub 100 IQs majority that will effectively be a slave labour force for the elites who will continue to merge closer with technology and transcend humanity.
There are no black?
Eh. Mystery meat.
Sara Jessica Parker!
>be ugly
>can't get any cuz ugly
>try other gender
>still ugly
Do they just give up and stay or go back?
Our society is seriously becoming ill like Wiemar Germany, its getting close for a good communist purge.
do they wear masks to disguise how much of a bunch of ugly freaks they are?
This is a 10/10 in England
pretty much, they'd be embarrassed to be seen with each other
black women already look like black men
colouring their hair really takes away all their male features
I think that's from E3 this year.
Is this the future of white males?
Not bad!
It's from GDQ sometime
Fucking lmao this dude looks like an oblivion character.
Good lord
I feel terrible internally (I don't know how to describe it) everytime I see picture of these fags.
It's from (((SGDQ))) a Speedrunning competition. Funny how trannies are less than 0.1% of the population yet these events are always filled with them
>that huge nose
From this year's SGDQ I think, the faggot in the right is protomagical"""girl"""
that's just the dysentery
Nice selective gaussian blur