Bosnia & Herzegovina

A comfy frontier or a ISIS terrorist den?

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A comfy ISIS terrorist frontier.

Spic here

I was banging a Bosnian chick, she fucking hated their

there is also some austo-hungarian ruin porn to squat in.

Great place if it wasn't for the subhuman Serbs inhabiting half of it

Irrelevant, just like Serbia. But the muzzies from there are alright, I've partied with two of them, they are western through and through.

This. Croats must exemianted balkanshits

Where in BiH is this?

>western through and through.
but are they slavic/eastern enough?

konjevic polje, wherever may that be.

their what?

Bratunac County, along the Drina. Next door to you.

It's in Republika Srpska

kek, motherfuckers send their troops to Afghanistan too and they're still shitskins and traitors.

>Republika Srpska
doubt it, I thought serbians were strong there.

Never met a Bosnian who took Islam seriously enough to go out of their way and not drink beer or eat hot dogs.

Hell they even hate the Arabs living in Bosnia.

Hated their what?

a good ole Illyrian place to live in.


I already don't believe your story.

I went to BiH and Serbia to help train Paramedics for 3mo (split 6weeks in BiH and 6 weeks in Serbia) in 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2016

Very nice places overall and it's a damn shame that it, well, balkanized.


Must know.

The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Spend your time wisely, and keep your real life priorities in order. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in your real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life

>we live in first world countries
I doubt Bosnia (or most of the Balkans if I'm honest) falls into the first world category mr. pirate

it's like a medieval Jerusalem living there I guess.

im a good looking spic.

she told me it was a shithole full of muslims and the war really fucked it up even worse. She was a cool girl.


Tell us hombre

Id fight alongside a Bosnian any day against Islamic savages.

But some of them, pardon me, most of them, are Islamic

I had the impression you managed to fuck a Bosnian Muslim so-called Bosniak but you just fucked a Bosnian Serb.

Big deal, all Bosnian Serb women here and regular Serb women get BLACKED in Toronto. You're literally going after Tyrone's leftovers paco.

We're going to have to change some things.

Those are M*slim troops in Afghanistan? Paying back daddy America no doubt.

tfw that pie chart is the future of all white countries

Even the US? That seems like a distant possibility. At least the Mexicans are Catholic and don't seem to like allahuackbars, in fact the only ppl who do seem to be white cucks.

When we have a president like Merkel or Trudeau we're fucked

>tfw your flag is so obnoxious they need to camouflage it, picrelated
that's only if white people start accepting Islam, which I doubt

I hope our culture never gets so bad that it happens. Trump has changed the dialogue bigly and ended a lot of PC culture, hopefully permanently.
>Paying back daddy America no doubt.
Probably also propaganda for the M*slims in Afghanistan, "see we're not crusaders we have M*slims fighting for us too!"

Damn nigger why you so jelly? thats in Toronto. I stay in San Jose Ca. She was only into Hispanics and some white guys.

How is Campbell California

He was trying to say that "she hated there" as in she hated that place. His beaner brains doesn't know the difference between their and there

Post-apocalyptic primitive frontier. So just a standard muslim country desu.


>Post-apocalyptic primitive frontier.
but that's the frontier were heading to, right? right?

also the girls are cute


Except that the west will be much more atheist, meaning that it will be much easier to Islam take over. kek, it will be fun to watch.

that stick probably still bleeds to this day.

Bosnia was in the news here yesterday because of an Arab invasion.

Here's something on the topic in English:

>They bought entire abandoned Serbian villages in Sarajevo, Ilijas, Tarcin, Breze, Pazarici, Trnovo ... They bought mainly Serbian land in the Federation, so the Sarajevo suburb of Ilidza became fully Arab village, a recently purchased and even famous resort Vrelo Bosnia.

Arabs are pouring in with money looking for white Muslim wives.

them fuckers soled it though, they're probably now living in a comfy flat somewhere in Belgrade shouting how muzzies are evil and stuff.

I'm hoping for a day of reckoning for everything if you know what I mean.

what? For everyone that has done something wrong to be judged and punished?
that's harsh

we will simply genocide them again, as soon as they stop being under american protection

muslims dont exist because they can outbreed full auto ak fire, they exist because americans protect them

I hope you're being sarcastic.
Yes, sadly.

For supposed big bad bearded muzzies they seem pretty chill.

They drink alcohol, dance and play football with Israel.

For a Muslim majority nation I would've expected them to at least have more ISIS members than the UK.

Shame they had to adopt Islam in order to not get genocided. Kind of reminds me of how European pagans were forcibly converted by Teutonics, Sword Brothers and other trash.

>reddit spacing
>defends shitskins

young, old, male, female, terrorist, civilian, ak kills them all
we just need fucking americans to back off so we can begin
that fucking yellowstone volcano thing has more say if the muslims will exist in the balkans or not, than any fucking muslim

russians need to figure out a volcano exploding tech, to wipe out half of the united states and make it look natural, so there is no war with that cursed israeli colony and so the rest of the world can free itself from multiculturalism and consumerism and every other evil made possible by the unidos estados, jewish golem number one

Lots of Americans support the Serbs, including myself. And recent events are waking up more to the reality of M*slims.

>Shame they had to adopt Islam in order to not get genocided.
What do mean, the rest of the Balkans refused to convert, and today they are real nations with real honor. The "Bosnians" converted to get an unfair advantage over their neighbors, they are worse than cowards.

Thing is they weren't actually "christian" brfore the ottomans either, al least that's what they claim.

>tfw that pie chart is the future of all white countries
If you're country is 50,9% white then it's not a white country anymore. You can barely say it's a white majority country

I guess it doesn't make much difference in the end, I don't trust M*slims and the "white" ones are the worst.

Takes a redditor to spot one, FYI I was taking a shit and phoneposting.

>t. Civic nationalist

Blood>faith any day

Which is why the rest of the Balkans looks like pic related from all the Turk rape.

Fuck off, we are not gonna repeat the same mistake again — helping our """allies""" on the Balkans only to get backstabbed later.
You are on your own.

And Bosniaks look like this

No wonder Hitler let them have their own SS division.

The dark people in the Balkans are often Gypsies, not T*rks.

However, nothing is more shameful than converting to Isl*m. I doubt that the Serbs are even 1/32 T*rk, but regardless, their souls and honor are pure.

But of the christians were not crusadeing their asses for 200years they wouldnt be muzzires, but who cares anyway

Brown hair doesn't wipe away the semen stains of Ar*b names, Ar*b prayers, Ar*b god, Ar*b religion, Ar*b houses of worship, etc.

Nah they are okay dude

This is gipsies. Romani gipsies. Genetically from northern india. Not your sample of ethnically Irish have similar lifestyle called Irish travellers


you are getting into the war with them for your own reasons, they are installing a nato base in ukraine this year, we are simply tagging along

pope needs to denounce islam

Here, ppl hate M*slims and distrust the MSM so much that correcting the situation would have a very different reaction than it did in the 90s, just saying.


You hate the jews too?

>using literal LARPer brigade of 500 men out of 10s of thousands as evidence of radicalism meanwhile your nation funded interpol wanted criminals and their henchmen to erase villages of almost Aryans

Wew lad.

This is your brain on Orthodoxy.

Semites are Semites regardless which of the 3 books they choose to LARP to.

Now get to bed Pablo, you have La Iglesia tomorrow.

>1/32 Turk

Try again sweetie.

At best they look like Chechens but usually they're full on roach.

One thing you must remember when you talk about the region is that anyone who is not a Slovene or Croat from there is a subhuman

I don't hate anyone inherently, I just identify threats that include M*slims, and yes, Jews too.

yeah well american people are still responsible for american government, they pay taxes to it, they make it possible, they supply its manpower, its workforce, its everything

if some french or german for example wanted to build an ethnic village on a no man's land in france or germany, and teach the children there their own history, wear their own national costume, learn their own folklore and tradition, preserve it by excluding the shitskins, they would violate american "diversity is our strength" directive and the heavy armor would roll out from the nearest nato installation, and they would be burnt to crisp just like those people at waco in the united states

americans are undermining democratic elections and supressing healthy european nationalistic sentiment, preventing europeans all over from rearming and re-establishing the non-jewish culture of virtue and beauty instead of this shit of degeneracy and uglyness we have going on today

Yes. Islamists will be a problem in the near future, once Syria has been cleansed - some of those guys that fought there will return to be our loving neighbors once again. It just depends how they'll go about pursuing their actions. Will they take the radical route that they tried in Iraq and Syria to establish a Caliphate, or will they do it the same way the Muslim Brotherhood does?

Who knows. One thing is for sure, kebab will be removed in the near future. Croats invited.

>cherry picking this hard
Sorry that you're a ginger, Paddy.

But why do you care? You live in a shithole regardless

kek I'm not hispanic at all, and the Serbs I've known here from the diaspora have looked white or mediterranean, try again Ahmed.

Yes, so where do we go from here. Trump is a good step in the anti-Isl*m direction, he even proposed a database for tracking all of them during the election. My point is to avoid alienating people who are sympathetic to your cause.

I worry about T*rkey becoming a medieval sultanate again, they might try "activating" the M*slims in the Balkans to Make Ottoman Great Again or something.

Also, if Western Europe gets fully KEBAB'D, they might "link up" with the "Bosnians."

Serbs are crypto gypsies with turkish roach genes. Any genetic study or trip to Serbia will confirm it

>Croats invited

Why? So you could stab them in the back and cry for Russian help?

You may not be mestizo but you're not white either, Pablo Chang-Williams.

S*rbians are on the same level as Morrocans which is why they get along so well in Denmark and Sweden and cohabit the same flats peacefully.

Somalis and Morrocans deal dope and S*rbs supply them with grenades and other pilfered arms.

A match made in heaven.

They can most surely try. Eastern Europe isn't very fond of Muslims right now. I'd be the first person at the recruiter's office if they tried doing that.

I think the biggest risks with Turkey are involving Greece. Albanians and Bosnians aren't capable of conventional warfare without USA's direct gibs, so the hardest thing we'd have on our hands is an insurgency similar to what we've seen in the Middle East and a spike in terror attacks (which we've had of which so far).

Serbs and Croats don't get along too well. But I'm 98% sure that we'd put aside our differences if Catholics and Orhodox Christians were being persecuted/targeted in Bosnia. With the current geo-political situation in the Balkans, and inner-workings of Bosnia - I highly doubt they'll be a country in the next ~15 years.

Nah servs are white. I was there once. They also have kebab removal tendencies.

USA politics was never serve as protector of West but serve its geopolilitical and economic interests. By literally be being unopposed and without being in danger in the western hemisphere, they developed a island complex while they literally can fuck up countries, nations and people at distance while not caring of having them at home. An island complex like great britain.

That's why pearl harbor and 9/11 literally attacked psyche - literally felt fear that time like i watched the event on tv - i was like the americans - something not happening accordingly to daily lives andbunknown enemy.

>I highly doubt they'll be a country in the next ~15 years.
Let us hope. Thanks for sharing your insight on this situation.

>You may not be mestizo but you're not white either, Pablo Chang-Williams.
lol I'm not Asian either, Mustafa, and at this point you're just talking about criminal shit in other countries

nah i dont believe it
brussels colony #123123 btfo, as soon as germany drowns in diversity you wont have anyone to sell condoms to or clean toilets for, which is basically what 99.99% of your current economy as a brussel bitch boy is
more like some retarded fucking village that wont last 2 days without its masters

>the mind of the S*rb, always working hard on fabricating fantasies about how he's going to murder his neighbours and drink Slivovitz

S*rbs are truly the worst of the slav and Turk.

The stupidity of the slav and the murderous scheming of the Turk.

>posts a collage of cherrypicked photo-op models

I too could position the one nigger who lives in rural Galway in 20 poses in 20 photos to convince Ireland is black majority.

Look in the mirror Marko, see those murderous beady eyes, dookie black hair and yellow skin?

That is what you are, mongrel.

They lost almost every single war they waged and bred with whomever converted to orthodoxy. Ustaše, Croats and Slovenes have removal tendencies, Serbs only have shoes-carrying ones
Because most Serbs look like that, right Jurinovic? You are like helped in Kosova, piss bringer, but instead of America you have Russia
You forgot the gypsy theft genes and jewish lying game

what's your problem? you a fan of diversity or something? you can fuck off to mecca at any moment, no need to import the jungle here when you can just buy a plane ticket

Bosnia is a shithole ,here in the capital city (Sarajevo) every night there is no water from 11:30 PM to 06:00 AM

you are a good for nothing fucking albanian
it makes sense
not like there's internet in albania, so you moved out to be a despised minority, to be a permanent semi-literate underclass in a foreign country

you can take albanian out of albania, but you cant take albania out of albanian, your conversion demonstrates your flaw of character, and your africa tier development demonstrates your flaw of intellect, subhuman

So the basis of your argument is that these people are 2.5 shades darker. Pathetic.

Okay. I am leaving now, good night angry Muslims & fellow kameraden.


Nite cigany

Serbs = Albanians. Same mongrelized human garbage
"Kosova" was a reference to this
You shitskins have the same attitude towards Russia. Since you don't even get /balk/ memes, looks like you are some sex tourist in Serbia who heard of it from Sup Forums and decided it's some based white heaven

Catholic mafia in this bitch

You fuck with my boys, not cool senpai.