This shit with Joss Whedon is amazing It scares feminists, who can they trust? This man who was 'one of them', who made tv shows with STRONG and INDEPENDENT female roles actually....likes putting his dick in women.
OMG! what a non-femenist!
we need to show them no man can be trusted, so they infight and their cause will never be taken seriously.
I know the implicaion here is feminism is taken seriously etc etc. well it kinda does. its always on tv and news. there was shit in the uk with people running for MP wearing these dumb "this is what a feminist looks like" tshirts (or something to that effect)
This right here is something we can get behind and push. TRUST NO MAN.
Also, I'm coming at this from the point of view of someone whos never actually liked any of joss's shit, but he was so trusted and hailed as a great. The tears from it all are amazing
Chase Wilson
I liked firefly, seemed a knob when he got all pandery. I'm glad he's being fucked.
Connor Price
This is a little spooky.
I mean everyone jokes about how "male feminism" is a reproductive strategy rather than an actual position of principle.
I have to admit I never expected it to be confirmed quite so blatantly by such a big name.
Ryan Lee
It's the folk myth of the wolf in sheeps clothing.
Xavier James
Male feminists are just there to try and get laid from women who have already been hollowed out by the BBC. Nothing new or exciting.
Jordan Smith
The pussies that are kowtowing to the feminists will never breed with the feminists; the feminists despise them and would rather be passed around to ISIS members.
Ian Allen
But woman don't get as much pay! XD
Chase Turner
1st paragraph I was, I hadn't. I love, I love. I have? I'm. I've. I am. When are these fuckers going to realise that their issues with the world derive from their narcissism.
Why do leftists get so bent out of shape about shit that doesn't matter at all?
Easton Young
Comments are good though. Shit-tier libs trying to find a work-around for their hypocrisy.
Ryan Foster
Is that Simon Pegg? What did they do to him?
Mason Richardson
He's always been a prostrating to sjw's type faggot
Austin Bennett
No, I mean his face. He's aged 25 years in the last 10 years. Pic related is from 2007.
Luke Bennett
LA fries your brain
Alexander Barnes
>posting a pic of him in movie makeup. you do know that make up is a deception when used on men in films also right, they get hours of it done just like females
Angel James
This fucking faggot can get cancer and die. Fuck him. I hope his life ends with one of his precious leftist faggots caving his head in with a metal pipe.
Nathaniel Nguyen
Expecting women to be self-actualizing and not narcissistic is like asking blood of a stone my gentle bong. I've found one that is pretty caring and against left-wing bs and that's all i can ask for. I do however know for a fact she pretends to be ultra right-wing because of me though. It's a bit sad but as long as shes trying that hard because I mean that much I guess i'll keep pretending to not notice.
Jonathan Bell
He's still wearing makeup in the new picture. You can see it's caked on thick. His skin color is completely even, without blotches, veins or dark areas. His face still looks like a ragged sock.
Brayden Murphy
>what is post processing >what is studio quality make up artists on top of that >what is lighting
Robert Mitchell
Didnt Whedon delete his twitter because of feminist backlash? I read about it somewhere
Christian Flores
>this is what 6months of HRT looks like holy fuck. Is that his bicep at doorknob level? Thats like 5'6. My fingers end at his fucking elbow at a full droop lmao.
Nolan Bell
trump curse strikes again
Brandon Rodriguez
At no point has it ever been anything else and no serious thinker has ever thought otherwise.
Nicholas Hall
Jaxon Gonzalez
>Please take a seat
Isaiah Williams
>what mexicans buy their daughters on their wedding nights