Left is actual terrorist now?

I mean, it's cnn though. Are they going to spin this as an "alt-right" false flag? What the fuck is going on lately.


Other urls found in this thread:


Nice pic.

>"While placing the boxes on the ground, Schneck took a clear plastic bottle appearing to be full of a clear liquid from one of the boxes," the complaint said. "Scheck then proceeded to drink from the bottle, then immediately spit the liquid on the ground ... Schneck then proceeded to pour the contents of the bottle on the ground next to him."

>An analysis of the liquid later revealed it was "most likely nitroglycerin,"

was he preempting the insanity defense?

Thanks man, have a Mac Tonight you crazy Nazi bastard.

Good God this is sliding fast. Why does no one seem interested in this? It's a really big thing, man!

why did he try blowing it up? did he not get the memo that simply vandalizing it is enough for the govt to tear it down?

Bump For curiosity

lol it isn't terrorism if you blow up racist monuments and racists. that makes it social justice.


What a stupid fucking thing to throw your life away over
Anyone born after the release of the PS1 has not experienced oppression in the USA

This just proves to me that leftists are fucking retarded.
He should'ave gone at night, and the bomb should have been prepped to minimize time on location.
Fuck sakes man.

He might have been trying to convince people it was water? So he would be less suspicious, however moronic leftist didn't realize how bad nitro tastes?

I still say they'll spin the narrative to say he was a trump voter.

They are communist traitors

Ayy, the DJ/producer scanone is one of them.

> Hrmm....and he's a jet pilot too, so humble.

You're going to have to explain that to me like I'm retarded, Nazi-bro. I have no clue what any of that means.

Antifa needs to quit watching Fight Club.

as well as the taste he probably spent the next few hours with the worst headaches he's ever had.

One can hope that he is on some pill for ED due to his rampant soy (estrogen) intake. ED pills plus nitro = circulator collapse or death.

What does he look like?

>terrorism targeting statues
>government decides to just remove the statues
Are they geniuses?

This was the handout picture.


Autistic archive bot, show me some love.

Nazi-bro? You fuckin fag.

This is the Fed plan for dealing with antifa. Remember that defeating antifa means nothing. Even if antifa itself is shamed and blamed by the media and the normies the continued leftist madness will continue at the highest levels of politics.
