Just reminding you that if you are not communist, you are delaying progress and you should just die.
Just reminding you that if you are not communist, you are delaying progress and you should just die
good post
>in 200 years communism has never produced a successful state
lol no. no..
>literally agrarian based economies when communism took over
>within one generation they caught up with what it took the capitalist nations 150 years to do
you are like a little baby
Define "successful state".
>delaying progress
ill bet the oligarchs that walk out of the shadows after the revolution are getting antsy eh?
thats why we will surpass uruguay
I'd gladly dedicate my entire life to the interest of holding back "progress" if it results in even a mild inconvenience to Communists getting their way. Because FUCK Communism!
and that is because uruguay is full of commie cuks and weed lmaos
>not refuting any of my points about the industrialization of the russian and chinese states
>posts some unrelated shit about contemporary china and russia
>somehow not aware that the USSR collapsed in 1991 and that China was been capitalist clay ever since 1978
So this is what it's like to be a brainlet
Don't worry Red, we'll tie up the score soon enough.
Yeah, USA has kinda of this problems too and as I see you think USA is a successful country.
Just leaving this there.
you gave russia and china as the examples of successful communism. but now they arent even communist? so what happened?? LOL
porky happened
>Implying the inequality is a problem.
Yeah, no. Kill yourself commie fag. Its either some of the population is poor or we all starve.
He said "succesful countries", not communist countries. Is a fact that was in the socialist system period when Russia and China got the industrialization rise.
i wonder if germany was better under nazi germany? communism isnt the problem, user. if russia wants to be communist great! but why do they have to fuck with everyone else who isnt? why did bolsheviks rape german children? why do communists now sit on imageboards and try to convince random people about how great communism is?
this logic applies with every political system. keep it to yourselves.
Just reminding you that if you are communist, you are hastening your death, and you should just progress.
Can anyone give just one example of a successful (meaning lasting and prosperous) Communist State? go ahead. ill wait.
Just a reminder, good system works both like fascism and communism. It is a system where masters are separated from those who are subjected to totalitarian control and equal shares of 'available resources'. Good system is also one where the slaves don't question how the system works, but they keep fighting amongst themselves.
Easy to say when you are not the poor one, huh?
Don't worry mi amigo, soon enough your country will become the Communist shithole that is Venezuela.
Wanna count the imperialist wars deaths?
It's just a matter of time, Bolshevik
lol, better than being a narco-shithole like Mexico, mi amigo.
It is a problem if it hinders on the necessary subsistence needed to maintain the labor supply and quality. This is literally basic economics that even classical economists like Ricardo and Adam Smith agreed on.
It's even detrimental to industrialists. Unless they find ways to shift the burden of labor onto another class of workers who require even less subsistence to maintain themselves (eg. the problem of lowskill immigration and corporations relocalising their factories in 3rd world countries). Precisely the sort of shit the alt-cucks claim to care about, right?
>when they know communism cant succeed but promote it anyway because of their low IQ
communism is for useless people and faggots. kys
you lost, get over it
Utopia is always a murder away.
You are not the owner of the people's conscience so stop acting as if your particular brand of communism is the end of history.
I am the poor one you fucking disgrace. At least let me have a chance. You dumb rich kids sitting comfy larping as moral superiors. Every time some cunt raises min wage, all our raises go down the shitter while prices inflate and some lose jobs. It makes me way worse off. You dumbfucks only speak for the lazy and retarded. Don't speak for me.
all fucking commies must fucking hang
>in all fields
so when does Africa catch up, user
Yes, but communism seeks to remove inequality, not reduce it. So nice paragraph but wasted effort.
what does gommunism have to say about patents on technology
We have food. You have zoo animals. That is until you eat them all
Fascism can not die, for fascism to die life itself would have to disappear as fascism is the natural order. Communism is a tool used by Jews to gain power.
Just reminding you that if you still believe in any political ideology, you are delaying progress and you blind fanatics should just die.
Duly noted.
t. Above it all nihilist
resources always get redistributed to the oppressed class eventually, that's the law of history user.
You aren't poor. I say this as someone who agrees with socialist principles. All the modern day socialists are bourgeois kids who weaponize the poor agains other bourgeois kids who they're more envious of. In the end, the poor usually get fucked over, and that's why national socialism is the solution to champagne socialism.
fucking this
>almost all commies are self righteous faggots who if they could would fuck themselves
ideologies dont last for long because they are inherently flawed, it is not a permanent solution to any complex and multidimensional problem and should be trashed right away once it has lost effectiveness and replaced by a new one that suits the situation and once it lost effectiveness be changed again.
>Whig view of history
But you got 000 so the frog god agrees. Just curious, do you actually believe this or is it just a myth you are attracted to? This seems so untrue to me and usually the oppressed class just gets shuffled around between different groups of rich people but always suffers. Some of them make it up the ladder but most don't and if they do its only temporary and they don't make it very high up anyways.
>Commies wouldn't be able to win the war if they weren't helped by the evil capitalists because they ran out of basic supplies and military equipment
>somehow it proves how capable communism is
Just because you have nothing to eat doesn't mean everyone else wants to join you.
They'll decide once a gommunist country creates something worth patenting
I mean its basically true but in order to carry out an ideology you have to temporarily believe in it.
Yeah, I speak for you, fucking dumbass. You poor uh? You bad, uh? So stop going against the ones that want to change YOUR reality, and go against the one that make you poor, the capitalis system, fucking lumpen inmovilista.
What's it like to have never amounted to anything and as a defense mechanism you would rather take from other people? This is an honest and genuine question.
>>ideologies dont last for long
>Since the beginning of written history people have created ideologies that have survived and have followers to this day.
Pick one you pothead flag-hider.
2/3 of the german army were defeated in the eastern front, deal with it.
>50 Million dead coutrymen is a fair trade for modern advancements
This is why commies have no souls.
Gay fags post with gay flags. Urugay sucks.
Wrong, 1:1, we are soon to retaliate.
>haha those nazis sure are stupid for blaming everything in jews :)
death from starvation may be the natural progress of a Communist, but please leave us non-Commies out of it
Why does gommunism have to have the hammer and sickle as their symbol? It's so aesthetically unappealing, especially in comparison to the swastika.
Gommunism needs to rebrand.
I pick both.
they lose and gain followers but does not remain permanently dominant and declines and rises again and declines depending on the social conditions of the time. but none of them stays in power permanently for they eventually lose usefulness and people will find a new one.
It was, and I never denied that. But I doubt Soviets would manage to do it with no boots, transport trucks and food. Not to mention with the shitty equipment they had at the start of the war
>blaming it all on porky
>an imaginary cartoon character used in commie propaganda
user porky doesn't exist and if he did he'd honestly be 100x greater than our current elites because unlike them all he cares about is money.
I wish the Holocaust happened. Can't wait for Satan to initiate the civil war then Gog and Magog Chinese Russian invasion, then Jesus God Emperor return!
Haha right my commie friend, tell me where you live we can talk about hegelian dialectics and the suffering of workers please reply
I can't wait to be used as cannon fodder either user.
One that doesn't mass-murder its citizens and create famine?
Go find a job and wash your dirty pants, fucking degenerate.
Ah, but who are you to say what's good or bad? Hmm, me thinks you have an unhealthy ego.
>this is what gommies actually think like
Get ready for the chopper, shitskins.
Just the fact that you had to make a thread for this proves how mentally retarded communists are.
Oh no evil pinochet Quick OP I tell me where you live so we can defeat him like true class warriors, please reply
IMPERIALIST DEATH IT JUST DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING : yeah lot of people die because of capitalism . Wich like communism is a system totally design and run by jew via bank , media , freemacon , and a lot of other jew lobby . GUYS WE DON'T HAVE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN 2 JEWISH CONTROL POLITICAL SYSTEM . National socialism give both social justice and sain society free from the jew degeneracy
Revolution soon comrade.
>Kike and Nigger commies
VERY good post
vs be a Communist and get shot
I'll take my chances
sorry i don't like starving to death faggot
Communist dinosaurs need to catch up with the times. People who care want to AVOID becoming Venezuela.
>Venezuela isn't real communism/ socialism though
Not an argument.
Btw communism is the future whether you like it or not.
You forgot to add US, England and international Jewry to that score card. Nearly the entire 1st world was arrayed against NS Germany.
I wont be used as cannon fodder, I'm elite minded.
Communism like capitalism is jew lie . Communism say they will do a society where all man are egal , but in reallity their gouvernement is 95% jew and non jew are killed by million
I feel sorry that you believe that only communism can lead to progress.... not sure what happened in the US these last 300 years... was it communism? I doubt it.
Knowledge, understanding and the sharing of those are what makes progress possible...
And guess what? You can't have these with free speech. People who are against free speech are against progress indirectly.
The obvious difference is that one is logical and the other irrational. It's unarguable that there is an existing ruling class which owns the means of production and a working class which provides the labor. Muh joos are literally leftovers from christian superstitions when it was in its infancy and rehashed time and time throughout history in order to offer simple explanations to complex problems.
The failings of all communist states aren't an argument? LOL
>not sure what happened in the US these last 300 years
>was it communism
Only for the last 60 years or so.
For once, I'm not going to just hurl shit at you.
Honestly, just tell me how you think communism will work without being paired to nationalism. Take the H1b issue: You can unite the workers of a nation, but if you import other people to take their jobs, it doesn't really matter if its communism or corporate capitalism doing the damage?
So explain to me, future dear leader/comrade/commissar, what will communist America do with all the foreign workers? Suddenly we'll just all be friends? I just want my birthright back, desu. I don't want to work with pajeets that hate me and talk about me in hindi while I'm sitting right fucking there. That doesn't sound like worker unity, does it? Or do I just not fucking count in your little future?
Makes zero sense. I don't see where communism has to be against nationalism. People have identities. Globalism is a lie. Ditch that and you commie faggots might have half a chance at actually convincing me this could turn into something special.
>there is an existing ruling class which owns the means of production and a working class which provides the labor.
Just like soviet russia.