Teacher Writes down list of moderate websites

What are other moderate websites Sup Forums considers moderate?

>Amerishit education

I heard TheDailyStormer is very moderate webs-


Thank you Professor ...enberg

>they let authority dictate what is moderate
imagine being this gullible


kek, this


He is joking?

Bald, left wing, cuck shilling for left wing trash-bloid websites.
May as well listed snoops and Facebook.


Basically every website has moderators, even if you don't see them

Fourchan slash poll


I hear American Renaissance is pretty moderate.


Fucking hell NorthernLion, get your shit together

It's not even funny anymore

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Sup Forums as one of the most moderate websites out there.


No website is moderate.
They're all out for shekels and the way to do that is by appealing to a certain audience.

imagine paying for this.

Sup Forums of course, your teacher should really check out Sup Forums board sometime.

Could of swore is was goldstein or cohen


I think someone photoshopped that, I managed to reverse the pixels.


what fucking country/language is this in?

i realize he's writing in english but what the fuck hun language is on that sign above the blackboard?

Good catch, user. Sad that OP is trying to pass his image off as the original.

Even a Flaming Homosexual Broadway Community College English Professor told me Salon was biased several years ago.

would also like to know

hahahahahaha holy shit




Can Sup Forums ever be wrong?

Sup Forums

The actual orginal



A lot of fags are right leaning anyway

>moderate websites


moderated =/= moderate