The agenda is clear. Labour, and probably everyone but UKIP and further right, are willing to sacrifice white women and children to Muslim rapists. All for "diversity". This must end. I'm a girl, I feel so powerless. What can we do to remove these awful people from power and from Europe? I don't just mean Muslims who were abusing us, I mean the Left, all the people who support them.
Muslim MP wants abused girls to STFU. I want my country back
Other urls found in this thread:
>I'm a girl
Feet, tits, timestamp. You are not a girl. Girls don't have opinions.
That is absolutely outrageous. send that image to Daily Mail, Express, Breitbart and anybody else who could kick up a stink about it.
She needs to be forced to resign.
I'm a girl, and I've got strong opinions about shit like this.
>Born in Bradford,[6] Shah was abandoned by her father when six years old after he ran off with their neighbour's sixteen-year-old daughter. At age 12, she was sent to Pakistan to avoid her mother, Zoora's, violent partner, whom Zoora fatally poisoned because she believed he was planning to sexually abuse her daughters. She served 14 years in prison for his murder. While in Pakistan, Shah was forced into an arranged marriage.
Shocking if true but I'd like to see what prompted her to say this, it sounds like sarcasm (it fucking better be)
These girls are sluts. Based Muslim is right. Dress like a slut, get fucked and trashed like a slut.
>For the good of diversity
Absolutely disgusting. Whatever happened to "all women deserve to tell their stories"?
Jesus, what a family. Now she wants other kids to suffer like hell too. I will email MPs all tomorrow, and send the images to various news sites and personalities. It feels like this country is well on the road to hell, we probably need some physical chaos to scare our pathetic leaders into doing anything.
>I'm a girl
Stopped reading there
This isn't Sup Forums, loser.
I honestly don't understand how you bongs have not purged Rotherham yet.
>letting foreign nationals serve in your government
why does the west do this?
what a fucking JOKE
>I want my country back.
It was never "your country"
there is no we
back in the kitchen and wait for help
The British are such fucking vaginas that they would rather their whole civilization crumble than someone call them racist.
Arm yourself because no one else here will save you.
She retweeted amd liked this. SHe just saw something she agreed with and lacked judgement for the moment.
They're invaders, it becomes a lot less shocking when you think of them as what they are
What was she responding to?
Email send email to this bitch and start making this big. Unfucking believable.
The media, and the elites, in NW-Europe are on the side of multiculturalism. I live in Sweden and we're in a smilar situation as you Brits. Personally I'll be waiting for the next election, and if that doesn't pan out I'll move to Finland.
no, but it's the internet, where women don't get their gender advantage back without displaying their only contribution is their body.
Ha ha funny fake...omfg it's all real
amazing that all these years later they still can't even bring themselves to even talk about the fact it was all pakis doing this to white girls. Every time someone mentions it on air they just quickly change the subject or a muslim chimps out and says racism and that's the end of it.
If this had been a community of foreigners in any non cucked nation there wouldn't have even been a debate as it was fucking obvious from the start and there would have been mass incarcerations, deportations, executions and the foreign scum doing it would be either gone, dead, in jail and taught a lesson and made an example of so other foreigners don't try the same thing. These pakis will continue to do this shit as we've shown how weak we are when we caught them red handed, we fucking protected THEM.
I cannot believe i'm standing up for a bloody muslim Labour MPof all people but there was another Labour MP sacked a few days ago for mentioning that it was mainly Pakistani men in the rape gangs, so her comments seem to make sense in light of this... but it was still bloody stupid.
I'm fucking raging
>I'm a girl
Heh, good one
There's a Generation Identity chapter that is opening up in the UK:
t. US identitarian
That also applies to you bud
>I'm a girl
lmao, cut the virtue signaling.
I'm sick of it too. I don't care if you're a jew, black or muslim, if you're a cunt I'm going to call you out on it. Fuck these scum hiding behind labels
>I'm a girl, I feel so powerless
You asked for this, are you upset by your own actions and decisions? YOU had the power for a short minute and YOU chose this. The agenda has always been clear to other people, what new evidence have you found that diametrically opposite cultures can live together and form a worldwide utopia? I feel bad but I don't feel in any way responsible, you should.
this shit really needs to be sent fucking everywhere.
needs to be held accountable.
I feel like a long series of wars are going to be needed to remove the third-world invaders at this point.
start jo coxing MPs its the only way
if some fbi type dude is reading this....what the fuck else can we suggest? mps are litterally telling kids to shut up about been raped by pakis while the govt lets more pakis in
fuck the govt!
>im a girl
why did you bother saying this op
its not needed nor helpful
It is ALL muslims that are the problem
I'll forgive the early Labour voters - they were under the impression Labour actually looked out for them and protected jobs.
But that's over now - any vote for Labour is a vote for kiddy rape.
Simple as that. Proven fact.
The left will turn a blind eye to kiddy rape as long as it doesn't effect their welfare payments. Leftists hate themselves and their own kids. What vile cunts.
You need free speech
Unfortunately the U.K. Is shackled like a slave in that regard. Either you do what France did back around 1796 or you "deal with an extraordinarily fucked up corrupt governing body that cares not for its native inhabitants".
You could always start a political movement but it would be labeled by the U.K. How and you'd be branded like Tommy Robinson. Sad truth but that's contemporary GB for you.
RIP britbong
Press F to pay respects
In basically all European countries, if the entire government were to be destroyed, nothing of value would really be lost.
Hope you get raped and killed whore. You and your kind are the reason for all this with the way you vote. Fuck you.
meant to say
>Western European
TFW the govt is radicalizing me by its own inaction and incompetence or deliberate action
TFW me getting frustrated at them is now considered terrorism
i hope both sides get blown up,they are both riddled with cancer,we need a new party
Type her name into google, tap news, ZERO NEWS ARTICLES ON THIS.
Anything right of UKIP will get protested to death by the British fuck Drumpf and white people brigade and probably just banned by 1984 island thought police.
She spent her entire childhood running away from her mother's violent fuck-ups and now wants to take the resulting mental dysfunction out on all females. Classic contributing factors to the female sociopathic condition,
This case should be locked up before it hurts someone or itself.
>tfw lived long enough to watch brazil becoming more free than britstain
>isn't multiculti great!?!
Not far from the truth.
Same for the US as well. That's why governments want it's people poor, in debt, scared and divided. If people were doing well they might start looking at their government and wondering what the fuck is the point of them. They might have to start working for a living.
Then take it back.
Fucking pussy.
All these beautiful vibrant cultures, white men are the worst!
(Reporting rape by a PoC is a crime punishable by up to 20 years in her majesty's prisons, tread carefully citizen)
Whites should just go on strike until the third-world scum are gone. Don't work, ignore the government, don't pay taxes, etc.
I have sent your link to the Daily Mail and The Express Breitbart next. I am fucking fuming fuck Labour Marxist traitor scum.
fucking hell
tfw whis can't be real bnut probaly is
Honestly the people are worse than the government and the MP's. Nobody cares about this kind of stuff. It feels like the only humans in Britain are on Sup Forums the rest couldn't care about this or the thousands of similar stories.
It's not fake. The original tweet is a fake but Shah "liking" it is real.
I'm glad I got my shotgun licence a few months ago.
I strongly recommend my fellow bongs do the same.
Shakespearean as fuck
A more articulate user needs to add some dialogue, a dead puppy scene and its and Oscar for sure.
Libs eat nigger-overcoming-hardship up like Islamic semen.
I have contacted The Sun and Guido Fawkes as well.
I fucking do I am in a fucking murderous fury over Labour cucking out fucking traitor scum!! Hang them!!!
Suggest other anons do the same
Keep them to yourself, honey buns!
the reason your politicians side with the child rapists is because they are also child rapists
It was only a matter of time before they shifted from covering up migrant child rape to openly cheering it on... Helter Skelter is almost here
This is insane.