Science that shit up fool
So euphoric.
I agree with Black Science Man
Why is the Moon the exact size/proportion to exactly blot out the sun?
Also, shouldn't the shadow be larger than the moon, not smaller? When we see shadows they are bigger. The Moon shadow should be huge not the couple of hundred mile dot that is shown. So WTF Neil?
>you need to stop having fun now
>because if you don't, the world will burn up 20,000 years from now
>and it wouldn't have burned up anyway
>well yes but it would have taken 20,050
>you're stealing 50 years from the people 20,000 years in the future
Good, fuck em if they're so stupid that they haven't figured out how to get off this planet yet.
That is shooped. The sun looks much bigger than the moon IRL.
This is a one in a lifetime even though. While I too do not like some of the neckbeards, this is an important event.
It was cool. Also, a cross shaped cloud appear at the same time, I'll postif enough people want me too, it's on other device.
>This is a one in a lifetime even though. While I too do not like some of the neckbeards, this is an important event.
We had an eclipse in 1993.
We had an eclipse today.
We're getting a total eclipse in 2024.
If you consider that "once in a lifetime" you must have cancer.
> shadows are bigger
Haha, there is so much wrong with your post, so I posted the one that made me giggle the most.
>total eclipse is only visible in certain locations.
>"everyone will be brought together by seeing the same thing!"
is this guy retarded? or is he just socially retarded?
Eclipses happen 2-5x a year dipshit. There is another one in the U.S in 2024 that is going to last longer than this one.
Don't be an attention whoring faggot and post it.
>millions clamoring to see darkness eclipse light
Pottery. What did the Almighty mean by this?
>vinyl baseboard
>phonejack on wall with no phone
>fake gold watch
>freezer above the refrigerator
>central air vent next to front door of shitty apt
Skanks will skank.
Division is good. I want niggers back in chains.
if it was so united for this, why did I only see white people coming to my town to see the eclipse
>Le meme science guy who can't even google basic facts
NdT is sooooooo inspirational
so very inspirational
Imma donate 1000 $ to the Space Odessey video game kickstarter so we can all have our own personal Neils living in our computers to guide us all!
As a teacher I am so excited that Neil DeGrasse Tyson is making a video game. Children love those. It's gonna be a real scale educational science space game that is proceeduraly generated from real science and is going to teach so many children science and love. Since they will be raised with NeT and science, they will grow up to be the generation that conquers the universe, creates a utopia, and legalises marijuana.
That is why I am donating to this kickstarter.
>a mostly boring astronomical event will change real problems in the world
honestly its stupid unless you get the total eclipse.
Even then it only lasts 90 seconds.
Batman is frightened of bats and he desires to be frightening. Well frightened isn't the right word, he thinks they're cool.
Fuck me you nailed it. No visible window means it's probably an apartment too.
The way shadows work is that they fan out from the item blocking said light.
We're looking at the Shadow's initiation point. The shadow it casts on the earth IS larger, we're just inside it, so we don't see it.
the moon is a hell of a lot closer than the sun dingus
But the ancient Greeks were able to predict eclipses, they even made a computer for just that, predicting eclipses.
only liberals politicize a cosmic event
>le smart black man xD
>hi reddshit
goddamn if you people aren't getting dumber
I challenge the nigger scientist to calculate moon orbits.
what does he do anyway? other than demoting Pluto. that wasn't science, it's beauracracy
hmm....i don't really think that this would qualify as science. math and observation mainly.
Actually, the moon in its currently location is barely large enough in the sky to cover the sun for most of the year. The moon is slowly moving away from the Earth. In the somewhat distant future (millions of years from now). Total Solar eclipse will no longer be possible.
It is quite possible for a new moon not to completely cover the sun depending on the time of year (when the earth is near perihelion)
>Dem space and awww sheeeit! Nigga moon stole my light, daaaaammmnnn!
This bill Cosby/bill nye hybrid chimp actually meant to say;
Earth is flat, give NASA money
>United Divided United
Any when he wakes up tomorrow he'll still be an over-smug black bastard.
While the sun is ~400x bigger than the moon, the moon is ~400x closer to the earth than the sun.
More like math, not science.
when you hold up your hand to shield your face on a sunny day, at that moment do you believe your hand is bigger then the sun?
literally the only reason they discounted Pluto as a planet was to cover up the numerology that's used to prove that these fucks love blood sacrifices
even greeks could do it, based on their mythology.
What a fedora tipping nigger
*flat horizon blocks your path*
it's ok, the sun will become smaller too, after burning all the fuel
Why does he talk about science like it's a religion, is he trying to make it a religion?
And clever use of nigganomitry, the smartest ancient Greeks were black
Holy shit the faux intellectualism of this nigga. Normies actually think this sounds smart fuck.
scientists predicted global cooling 38 years ago
The eclipse was gay and I don't stand with anyone who says otherwise.
Jeez what a cocksucker
And 6 bazillion gorrillian nasa bux later, the horizon is still flat.
the eclipse fucking sucked. today "science" was BTFO
it is a religion, in a sense.
it's truth seeking, but with empirical returns and, as he said, predictive powers.
welcome to the modern world, a greater ape who's supertitious tendencies allowed them to see through the superstition. where religion ends, science begins. the only mistake is thinking science is any less mystical and important than religion.
in fact, religion is to be thanked for science in many respects, and it's cool how a lotta values align between neuroscience and psychoanalysis and religion.
Let's do a quick thought experiment.
>stars are really far away. but since they are in a straight line from the earth,we can see them when we magnify the existing light they put off through a telescope. Hence, if something is far away, we can see still see it with enough magnification provided it is in a straight line from your vantage point
>claim earth is flat
>can't take a telescope to the Beach and see Japan/Europe
How do you explain this? Flat pill btfo.
you can see hundreds of miles so far with no curvature
in my opinion eventually though the way perspective works you would get to a point where the water would block the view
not because of curvature though
Lmao, couldn't tell me even a day in advance that it'd be too overcast to see it in my area
weather = FAR more complex than the solar system
Joe rogan is lying to you, we're not on a rock hurtling around the sun at 666.666 mph and we're not tilted 66.6 degrees either.
They are satanists, it is 100% religion.
You don't find many conservative astrologers
>you would get to a point where the water would block the view
>not because of curvature though
So if you stood on the top of the Rockefeller Center you should be able to see Europe from a telescope
all hail the great Science and Its exalted prophet
there is a video of rogan being truthful about nasa lies, but now he has sold to the jew masons and retracted.
i dont know man maybe you can
even from way up here there is a cutoff point where you cant see anymore just because its too far and things just kind of converge
who knows if you zoom in though
>science is responsible for the eclipse and not God
Now THIS is irony
so when does it stop?
global cooling crisis never existed
delete this
It's even worse than that.
Unless you deny gravity too, your vision when looking anywhere but straight up should be filled with far away landmass because photons should eventually gravitate downwards.
this, the scene itself is surely aesthetically beautiful but the willing of the act itself by God is giving due admiration.
It doesn't block it "exactly", you don't understand how shadows work.
The moon has two shadows, a bigger one and a smaller one.
He and that Duncan tussle cuck are both Masons and satanists, check out the 666 podcast. Rogan is gonna be slapped back into line by his audience eventually, or he'll fade into obscurity.
Interestingly styx, who admits to "having an arrangement" with a demon also pushes round earth. These cucks are fundamentalist satanists pretending to be atheists to trick plebbit
You can actually see something like a dust or sand storm on the horizon. As the sun sets it will become increasingly obscured as due to relative angle of observation, more material obfuscates it.
look up annular eclipses
At least post the original
lets take a look at the real original
>what is distance - the post
Jesus fuck.
That's only curved cos of the phone
Fuck this thread
Alright, I trust you guys and an feeling good.
I think I'll smoke some science with you.
>make a space related thread
>ironic or not ironic flat Earth shitposters flood into the thread and ruin all discussion
>predicted by the methods and tools of science
literally so primitive a caveman could do it...
Cos space is gay, and fake. Mostly gay, but equal parts fake.
that webm made me want to throw up
bummed it wasn't a benis D-:>
Nasa is a Hebrew word too, it means deception or jew trickery in general.
I bet.
>they did math I am incapable of, therefore they would never lie
There is literally nothing wrong with this statement. Sage this shill thread.