Looks like we're gonna be staying in Afghanistan. Probably escalating seriously...

Looks like we're gonna be staying in Afghanistan. Probably escalating seriously. Trump made it sound like he wants to pull out, but has to stay there. Why has his mind changed?

the swamp consumed him.

It's missing a bayonet, user

It sounds like we are going to hurt some motherfuckers actually

I left it in the Kaiser's skull.

I wouldn't mind if we killed about half their population, desu

a katana would suit better

It's his swamp now.

He hasn't.
This is what he said in 2015.

Reality hit him. He realized that leaving Afghanistan would paint him as the president that loses that war. Better to boost troop levels to stop the decline. Worst case scenario is that he leaves the withdrawal for the next president.

And so on, and so on and so on...

At this point I'm wondering if there's something strategic in Afghanistan that nobody wants to admit the existence of. It's dirt nowhere, so why is it a zone of perpetual warfare?

Hmmm I didn't know the Kaiser's skull had a picatinny rail on it

really makes you think

failed states have value.

>Trump can never reverse his position because he has had every position at one point or sometimes simultaneously.
Truly omnidimensional chess. I'm in the drumpf drain now.

>At this point I'm wondering if there's something strategic in Afghanistan that nobody wants to admit the existence of. It's dirt nowhere, so why is it a zone of perpetual warfare?
Its a centerpiece to gaining strategic advantages in the middle east. If the US could get it under wraps and in check, it would make Iran and other rogue militants shit themselves.

He became president and flipped like they always do. Get ready for more endless war, more economic development.
>we'll win this time!

Funny how all you can do is shove your head further up your ass when prove wrong.

>Why has his mind changed?

At least we got more time to prepare.
Hillary would've started a world war within weeks.
I call extra prep time for the end a win.

Are we just securing Afghanistan for pharmaceutical companies? Also why is it impossible for companies to grow opium in the states?

Trump lied. Thousands die.

It doesn't matter wether or not he lied. What matters is that him winning delayed a third world war by a large amount of time.
It's almost like you didn't read what I said at all and just created the most generic response possible in order to address my statement.

that "hair" on his head



thats what cucks of the left do.

You can't break a man the way you break a dog...or a horse. The harder you beat a man, the taller he stands. To break a man's will, to break his spirit, you have to break his mind. Men have this idea that we can fight with dignity, that it's the proper way to kill someone; it's absurd, it's inaesthetic. We needed to endure the bloody horror of murder. You must destroy that idea. Show them what a messy, terrible thing it is to kill a man... and then show them that you relish in it. Shoot the wounded, then execute the wounded; burn them. Take them in close combat, destroy their preconceptions of what a man is, and you become their personal monster. When they fear you... you become stronger, you become better. But let's never forget, it's a display, it's a posture, like a lion's roar or a gorilla thumping at his chest. If you lose yourself with display, if you succumb to the horror... then you become the monster. You become reduced. Not more than a man, but less; and it can be fatal.


So far it sounds FBI user was spot on. Congress has blocked his legislative attempts to get shit done. So pivot, go to the military, use it to get shit done. Key phrases:
- we will integrate military, DIPLOMATIC and ECONOMIC power to further our objectives (I will railroad what I want through military justification)
- some elements of the Taliban MIGHT BE PART OF A FUTURE AFGHAN GOVERNMENT (dog whistling realpolitik heads that he still wants pro-stability outcome, aka anti-rothschild), this one I think has never been said before, pretty big
- we will aid ECONOMOC DEVELOPMENT OF EAST ASIA (fuck tpp with a sharp stick, also Duterte gets shiny new guns)
- no longer using AMERICAN MILITARY TO ENFORCE DEMOCRACY (more realpolitik dogwhistling, almost audible to normie, pretty big desu)
All the rest is mostly shit, interesting bit about "open your heart to patriotism", also some implying that Geneva convention might be out the door.

The last time a super power withdrew from that shit hole you guys got 2 planes in your assholes.

Opium and it is a actually quite a pretty country. Look like colorado. The people there are also very stupid and easy to to manipulate but the taliban have proven that they are far better at that than we are
