Molyneux going full cuck


Being a pacifist isn't cuck.


Trump is a very good goy!


Trump already dropped a MOAB on an ISIL base in Afghanistan. It would be reasonable to assume the influx of troops is due to classified intel on ISIL.

Molyneux isn't a pacifist. He's simply acknowledging that the war in afghanistan has been an entirely wasted effort.

Those two e-celebs with their brainlet "happenings" are part of the reason we're in this mess. The shills used such folks to distract Trump supporters from effectively countering the Russian bullshit that was beating Trump into submission.

Hello leftypol

Nobody wants to keep dicking around in Afghanistan, we'd rather have an actual war in Korea or focus on something more worthwhile. Sage.

at the least its fucking annoying.

what the fuck are we supposed to do
let terrorists breed?

so this is how is going to be?

you idiots are not going to admit drumpf is the new bush?

Hes right you know.

I wouldn't call that being a "cuck." He's strongly disagreeing with his favorite government official. Had he gone along with everything Trump does, the label might suit him.

We don't approve of this. Or I don't, anyway.

Yeah, he's not a complete pacifist but it's somewhat pacifist if you don't believe there's any gain in holding Afghanistan.

Cernovich has weird connections, meaning following him gets you hard to find information. Lauren Southern is the same way for right wing youth movements.

Afghanistan isn't about terrorism.

>you idiots are not going to admit drumpf is the new bush?
Why would that matter? Dems have embraced George W. Bush as of late.

He doesn't want Trump to fuck up an renege on his promises. Molyneux is one of the most honest guys in the game and it doing what he said he will do, hold Trump's feet to the fire when he fucks up.

Sup Forums is now dominated by children.
their too committed to admit they made a bad choice.

it depresses me since Sup Forums used to be full of jaded as fuck libertarians.

but a faux populist brings in the tards and now they won't leave.

WHY is /ptg/ still a thing!

>Afghanistan isn't about terrorism
What's it about then?

HA! I'm fucking glad he's having a mental breakdown. That's what that pompous little bitch deserves for sucking Trump's cock for so long. AFTER ALL OF THIS, EVERY FORMER TRUMP SUPPORTER HAS BEEN BTFO for all eternity. "He is the peace candidate" they said. "He'll build a wall" they said. "He'll repeal Obamacare on the first day" they said.
GIve me a BREAK!
Your president is one thing: a fucking dumbfuck CHAD that says a lot of meaningless shit and grabs pussy all day while his supporters waddle in his golden piss. But it's too late for you faggots, Just kill your selves. The REST OF AMERICA is only laughing at you dumbasses for being so fucking dumb.

wtf i hate drumpf even more now

>Cernovich has weird connections, meaning following him gets you hard to find information. Lauren Southern is the same way for right wing youth movements.
They were used to distract. Nothing they say has presented any threat to the entities that were pounding Trump on muh-Russia and that were picking off or cucking his admin (Flynn, Sessions, Don Jr., etc.).

He's saying the truth you trumpet
>trumps doing exactly what Obama did
>trumpets suck his cock and defend their idol in whatsoever he does

still better than Hillary


surge my shit up

>still better than Hillary
I mean, sure. Less taxes for billionaires is something to really be proud of I guess.

Yes, yes it is you cuck

Wrong, bigly.

>He says while paco-who should've been deported long ago and wouldn't even be here if the wall had been built-rapes his girlfriend

Fact is, Trump's supporters had the tools to expose the cooking up of the deep state's collusion narrative, but they did nothing. They instead chose to direct all their time and energy toward brainlet topics and obvious LARP "insider" bs. He could probably tolerate having Flynn picked off, Sessions cucked, Mueller appointed, etc., but then they threatened his son. So what you're seeing right now, and what you'll be seeing more of in the future, is the deep state getting its way. All because Trump's supporters had their fingers in their eyes and got distracted.

Fingers in their ears* But eyes too, I guess. Heh.

Why is Moly quoting Trump from 2013? At least quote him when he started running for office, he clearly said that american troops has to stay in the country to avoid a government collapse (hence what Obongo did in Iraq, which bolstered ISIS like hell).

I fully get Moly and the edgy people though. The war is useless, sure.. killing mudslimes is fun. But it's COMPLETELY fucking useless, especially with the problems on the homefront growing.
But thanks to Obongo and Bush, it can't be done.

Only an idiot supports this move. Trump is fucking up immensely at this point and the writing is on the wall for him. Everyone in the movement needs to denounce his stupidity.

Not setting the bar very high there, user.

Then why are cucks always pacifists

He's right though.

Afghanistan is waste of Western resources and blood. Only a permanent military occupation can fix its problems otherwise it will just be endless cycle of war, withdrawal, taliban/ISIS come back, back to war, withdrawal, taliban/ISIS come back, back to war, withdrawal ect...

Thought Trump would of been smart enough to realize this.

He may be owned by neo-cons now but he still infuriates the left to the point of society so I still like him.

he's right, you are the cuck

He's right. All the t_d fags relentlessly lather Trump no matter what he does, even when it's the blatant opposite of what he promised to do.

Traitor Trump can go fuck himself. He's done. He ousted bannon, Kushner is pretty much the ruler now, and he can't even successfully go full leftist. I thought Ted Cruz was the worst political strategist ever during the primaries when he came out against free speech. Now somehow Trump is even worse, which proves that Bannon was the entire movement all along.

Op fucking neocon. Go suck Kissinger's cock

Because we've had ineffective leadership. Now we have someone who can get the job done and get us out

Molymeme doesnt know we are going to pakistan to get our data and assassinate Awans.

Stef is a crypto jew and phony "philosopher" but on this he's completely right.

Trump's the cuck here, he's doing this shit for the deep state. To the idiots that have been circle jerking about a major "happening" today, here it is! Of course he wasn't going to do anything against Hillary you dumb fucks.

Stop praising a man for being objective in his criticsm of the right and left. REEEEEEEEEEEEE!

So far it sounds FBI user was spot on.

Congress has blocked his legislative attempts to get shit done. So pivot, go to the military, use it to get shit done. Key phrases:
- we will integrate military, DIPLOMATIC and ECONOMIC power to further our objectives (I will railroad what I want through military justification)
- some elements of the Taliban MIGHT BE PART OF A FUTURE AFGHAN GOVERNMENT (dog whistling realpolitik heads that he still wants pro-stability outcome, aka anti-rothschild), this one I think has never been said before, pretty big
- we will aid ECONOMOC DEVELOPMENT OF EAST ASIA (fuck tpp with a sharp stick, also Duterte gets shiny new guns)
- no longer using AMERICAN MILITARY TO ENFORCE DEMOCRACY (more realpolitik dogwhistling, almost audible to normie, pretty big desu)
All the rest is mostly shit, interesting bit about "open your heart to patriotism", also some implying that Geneva convention might be out the door

Can someone tell me what the goal is in Afghanistan? I don't see what America is getting out of it.
If it's just to spread freedom, sand shitters will never want to be free, and any life of money spent in pursuit of that aim is completely wasted.

Lithium, Opium, and convenient location for military bases between Iran and China?

Why do you dipshits think we can just pull out completely? The neocons are the shits who got us into this mess so now Trump has to actually clean it up instead of keeping it going.

Killing terrorists

Sounds like you're the cuck.

probably some illuminarti shit that nobody understands

theres no real true rhyme or reason for these things


Why do we give a fuck about terrorists in Afghanistan? Just stop letting Muslims in to the West.

>billions in dollars spent
>thousands of lives lost
We need a victory, and not what Obama gave us in Iraq with the rise of ISIS.

I think trump is trying to prevent Russian presence in the Middle East while also fighting terrorism? I mean, I can't shake that this is just a continuation of the Military Industrial Complex but did you fucks really think Trump could/would end that?

Would you mind explaining to me why only idiots support this move? What do you think the better alternative to staying is now that our previous presidents jumped the gun?
Unfortunately, you are hiding behind a meme flag so I can only dream that you'll reply to this. Even then, I doubt you'd have the courage or knowledge to properly address the questions I've stated. Lord knows I do not have the solution to this problem. But it's damn pretentious of you to belittle our president and his supporters through what I can only assume is feigned intelligence mascaraed behind sweeping generalizations of an extremely complex situation.

Cernovitch is a bullshitter that posts whatever rumour he can get his hands on so every so often when one of his "predictions" from an "anonymous source" comes true he can claim he knew all along

Did you not listen to the speech? He said exactly what you want. We're going to kill all the terrorists and even allow the Taliban to enter the Afghanistan government as a political party again if it means peace.

I love being lecture by children why we should be happy about being led by liars and cheats. Tired. Can't do this today. Low energy. Hope you faggots that think Trump is doing this because he somehow 'hates muslims' will go volunteer and lose all your friends like I did. Really, everything should burn.

>refusing to fight wars for Israel isn't being a cuck

anti-establishment conservatism has always had a strong reaction against foreign conflicts. i can't say i agree or not, i haven't looked into it yet. but being against war doesn't make one a cuck

it is

>waste resources and SOME White lives on nonwhite subhumans
>destablize Middle East
>more (((refugees))) to Europe, Aus and NA
Good gou

Bring back their King, demand some type of representation via parliament, and arm them to fuck up the extremists. The real embarrassment is Iraq, Afghanistan looks a whole lot better even if the mountains are controlled by goat fuckers.

Pakistan/India are better, but Afghanistan is still a decent strategic piece. Iran is harmless though; they just want a shield to protect their own ass.

Trump campaigned on sending troops back

Nothing stabilizes a country more than winning "hearts and minds" while forcing a conversion to banana democracy at gunpoint

>see also: WW1
this is pretty much the opposite of cucking

Talking about politics in these places is dumb as fuck. These people want to live under Islamic theocracy.
The only way to bring peace to these nations is genocide.

Need to stay =/= troop surge

Except he's totally right.

A beautiful vision of Afghan heroin farmers subscribed to Youtube Red so they can watch Youtube Originals and play music in the background on their phone! A McDonalds on every corner!

Let's get ready to #DieForAfghanistan! What would the poor brown little children do without us?

has some of the largest lithium and rare earth metal deposits on the planet

Why are we still there?

Anyone who associates with (((thernovith))) is an alt-kike faggot. Who gives a shit what he thinks. Let them arouse each other with photos of antifa.

He staked his reputation on Trump....the only way to save his reputation is to denounce him hard and strong. Other wise he will be kike Bill Mitchell.

So what if an ISIS fighter is sharing bomb making instructions on facebook? We'll just change him to the Targeted Political Marketing ad-group and change his mind with Top Ten Best Forms Of Government videos!

undeneably checked

You won't have a victory by pursuing the same failing strategy.

see not making america great again.

But if we go in and kill all the afghanis this time it will actually be worth it

What does victory look like? You going to liberate these subhumans from their shitty religion and culture?

That's why Trump said we'll leave even if there is no government. Afghans will have to figure it out for themselves once we kills all the radicals.

>same failing strategy
We're not creating a democracy. We are there to kill everyone and leave. It is up to the Afghans to sort themselves out politically.

You can't win in Afghanistan without 1. genocide the whole eastern part of the country and 2. establishing huge military bases on the border with Pakistan to ensure there is never anyone living there or crossing the border again.

Actually Molly New is completely right here. "George W. Trump" lol

Moderates will side with extremists before they side with the kaffir.
You'd have to kill all the men and subjugate the women to fix that mess.

Victory is putting the fear of God into these ragheads. Seeing an Americans flag should trigger PTSD in every Afghan. When that is accomplished, we leave and let them sort themselves out. No one gives a shit if they kill each other, it's when they fuck with us.

Any one of the cuck fags in the republican primary would have brought us to this exact point. Likely with less drama

If you're saying that is the only option, then that is what we must do.

Sure thing boomer

Not a cuck.

Just not a fan of useless wars that can't be won.

Afghanistan is a lost cause.

That's not full cuck.

He's fucking right.

This is Trump being taken over by the system. Make no mistake about that.

Increasing troop levels in Afghanistan or Iraq or Syria is just stupid.

You're the cuck if you care more about some ragheads in Afghanistan than the American people. I still support Trump, but this is a disappointment.

Good goyim, start another war so (((we))) can get sell more weapons and helicopters, and get more lithium.

The cucks in the republican primary would have armed CIA niggers and waged a perpetual war forever claiming we're there for democracy. Last I checked, Trump ended the arming of "moderate" rebels and is there solely to kill terrorists.

>Obama and Bush put in tens of thousands of troops to die
>Trump barley puts in 5000


molymeme started out as an ancap faggot, he's graduated to ethnic nationalism, and I can't wait for the day he's promoting theist monarchy. It will have been a journey.

>still better than Hillary
Additional meddling in the Middle East is exactly what Hillary would have done.

>implying Trump cares about ragheads
Have you seen Europe? Have you seen the attacks in San Bernadino and Orlando? Trump is going to kill every last one of them.