can't have a shitty middle east if you just kill them all
Adrian Bennett
Fuck middle East, fuck Israel
Hudson Martin
Pakistan needs to be disarmed. That place is a nuclear tinderbox.
Zachary Scott
He teabagged Obama and Hillary both with that comment.
Jackson Bennett
Fuck yo buildings nyuguh
Jacob Williams
im happy i dont give a fuck. The guy just said we arent fucking around anymore and putting people at risk and now crocodile tears about how muh peacekeepers arent coming home. Hes letting them shoot back retards. That keeps them from being obama'd
Brody Foster
> Pakis nuke 1M pajeets > US nukes pakis > troops come home Doesn't sound bad to me, user.
Leo Robinson
We aren't nation buidling anymore followed by oh yeah i am going to supply the Afgan army and train them.
Honestly sometimes you guys are worse than the dems
Bentley Collins
So the neocon trump voter was not a myth. Truly astounding. Definitely easier ways to kill yourself, but to each their own. I recommend you join up and fight user. Do your part. I already did.
Sebastian Wilson
Fucking kys neo-con piece of shit.
Angel Brooks
pincer move on pakistan. US in afghanistan to the west. India to the east of Pakistan. When it's time to close in they will be defeated.
Colton Rodriguez
Wtf i love invasions now
Isaiah Evans
Ok, but that isn't how it will play out and I'm pretty sure you're intelligent enough to know that. We know it will be another slow burn war that will keep the contractor/military manufacturing arm jerking off at full speed. If anything, I'm surprised the neocons that also happen to be anti-muslim don't realize these low-lethality wars are really used as propaganda to make us accept 'the refugees we create.'
Tired of it, but you can keep going.
Robert Sullivan
Such a great pincer move. First pakistan is an ally of china, and second they have nukes. So much for not wanting ww3
Brayden Rodriguez
Justin Rivera
>List of shills BTFO: >- Muslim shills (98% of /sg/) >- Paki shills >- Lefty shills >- Muhhh no more foreign wars pissy crybabies libertarian shills
"Nation building" is a Neo-Con (Trotskyist) endeavor. Add to your list of BTFO the Neo-Cons, specifically George and Yeb Bush, John McCain, Paul Ryan, and Mitch McConnell.
Jace Rivera
t. paki
Josiah Russell
sorry to break this to you but the US can't stand going against the entire world anymore, maybe if this was still the early 90's you'd have a chance, but now? 2017's donald trump america? you ain't shit
france alone could 1v1 your ass diplomatically and embarass your nation for the rest of the century (if gw bush wasn't enough already)
>he thinks he can just go around the world bombing governments you don't like and replacing regimes all willy nilly without at least putting on a front of legitimacy
haha what the fuck! do you people think it's the 17th century or something
Brandon Green
Chaining the rules of engagement was good. I wonder how much Hussein Onigger tied the hands of the US to protect his brand of Muslim faith.
Matthew Wilson
Thomas Turner
Face it. He is a neo con. You fell for the bait and switch.
Hudson Miller
>embarrassing That shit is just you lefty faggots jerking yourselves off. Countries respect strength or gibs, nothing else.
Ayden Robinson
>he thinks he can just go around the world bombing governments you don't like and replacing regimes all willy nilly without at least putting on a front of legitimacy
We've been doing it forever
Gabriel Peterson
Not fighting the war from DC and relaxed ROE is also huge.
William Hernandez
That was no neocon foreign policy speech.
Jose King
This is some incredible backpedalling from the rural and suburban retards
Christopher Nelson
Saw this coming.
Hudson Evans
Lol, you're just cattle. You think you've actually done something by voting for Trump, don't you?
Poor thing.
Anthony Garcia
>neocon now means killing terrorists across the world >killing terrorists in afghanistan benefits israel
Honestly I think you faggots just shout that word at anything even remotely resembling US intervention in the world. Even North Korea and Venezuela.
Thomas Williams
two dubbs responding to one post? kek has spoken
Liam Foster
Knew you buds loved us.
Luis Collins
>lefty faggots jerking yourselves off
Not really. People study how much of a fuck up BUSH I's unilateralism was, scholars write thesis on it. inb4 muh lefty faggos: reality check - these are the people who will go on to work in the government and represent the U.S. in the international stage, who'll actually influence foreign policy. So it matters.
Not even in the vietnam war you were alone, cuck boi.
After the cold war the closest the U.S. came to pursuing its delusions of grandeur was with the Iraq War, and look at the aftermath of that. Didn't take long for the neocon lunatics of the DoD to realize the rest of the world isn't as complex as Iowa and that trying to play leader of the free world while being a chaotically evil force in the international stage doesn't fly. Came right back to the UN with "muh nation bulding". Pathetic.
Jaxon Hughes
Last time I was in Afghanistan kicking in doors (2014) we had to get warrants for night raids...that's why I left and went PMC
Brody Johnson
How is this neocon? He didn't say he wanted to bring democracy to the Middle East. He just wants to exterminate every single mudshit on the planet.
This is pure conservatism.
Owen Carter
>france alone could 1v1 your ass diplomatically >diplomatically
this is what jungle geeks actually fucking believe
holy SHIT
Zachary Russell
it already did once in 2003-2004
also, all those aircraft carriers stem directly from economic and scientific power, of which you don't have the hegemony anymore, and are bound to be challenged in the next 30 years
Alexander Jones
>We won't reveal our goals >We totally have them, really...honestly. Not nation building...that's not it!
This reminds me of Nixon and Vietnam, ''honorable exit.''
Christopher Garcia
big if true
Aiden Ortiz
By keeping us in Afghanistan for the indefinite future. The same thing he rails against Obama for, literally the same thing.
Sup Forums won't stop fluffing him, though. Keep pretending this is any different than Obama or Bush.
Luke Rodriguez
>771 >dubs off yourself you fucking LEAF
Jacob Rogers
Holy shit, he actually said it.
>First, our nation must seek an honorable and enduring outcome worthy of the tremendous sacrifices that have been made, especially the sacrifices of lives.
This literally translates into ''a rebuilt, stable Afghanistan.''
This is nation building
>Ultimately, it is up to the people of Afghanistan to take ownership of their future, to govern their society, and to achieve an everlasting peace. We are a partner and a friend, but we will not dictate to the Afghan people how to live, or how to govern their own complex society. We are not nation-building again. We are killing terrorists.
No, it's literally nation building.
Noah Rogers
>reddit spacing and you want us to take democucks seriously sorry the whore of babylon didn't win :(
Caleb Collins
Sorry, I know you can't actually defend him here but the misdirection is below you.
Neocons: 1 Trumpkins: 0
Kevin Flores
>Muslim shills (98% of /sg/) topkek fucking this fuck /sg/ i say we remove it, it does not belong on Sup Forums fucking sandnigger nest must be removed
Luke Reed
Nathaniel Richardson
we need to kill the terrorists you bitch
does 9/11 not tear you up?
Caleb Peterson
will they ever learn? protip: no they wont
Adam Gonzalez
>aggression against Pakistan
What makes this absolutely necessary beyond just another foreign adventure that will cost another 15 trillion that won't be paid back?
Cooper Hernandez
I remember reading about how terrorists would get shot by US forces, ditch their weapon and rock up to a US hospital and say "You guys shot me, I'm just a humble civilian, I dindu nuffin." and then they had to treat him.
Brody Watson
Being a massive muzzie faggot is still a political belief. Pol is a board of peace.
Michael Morris
>Muhhh no more foreign wars pissy crybabies libertarian shills
They BTFO'd themselves when they voted for Trump the first time.
Jonathan Hernandez
((((((muuhhhhhh)))))))) was like so 5 mins ago
Gavin Brooks
Adam Cooper
>"you would be challenged by France" "Actually America has infinitely more power and air craft carriers." >"Th-thats ok, one day you won't be the best".
Listen here baguette nigger. I've traveled the world and seen what Europe is. No country comes close to rewarding the elite like America does. Anyone who is the top of their field comes to America because they can be rich, pay less taxes and do much more than in your cuckold countries that force ppl to tow the line in every aspect of their life.
I'll break it down >we reward greatness fairly >we get the greatness
Nathan Nguyen
Sebastian Ward
>we are only removing the threat to us and leaving the sand people to make their own sand castles. >this translates to totally building an entire nation found the alt leftist shill
Christopher Cooper
>Reminder that the only difference between training Afghanis to kill terrorists and training them to build up their nation is the spin you put on it >Reminder that having Afghanis die for us in combat instead of doing it ourselves is why we are nation building in the first place cause nobody is under the illusion that Afghanistan can actually be made stable >Reminder that Trump delegated troop levels to General Mattis fucking months ago and had no involvement in this decision outside of not vetoing it >Reminder that Trump probably doesn't even know how many troops are being shipped over, when they are going, and what they'll do there >Reminder that General Mattis is going to build the shit of that nation with the troops he sends over literally the entirety of which will be dedicated to training and security, not combat
Dylan Walker
Reading comprehension isn't your strength. Neither is listening comprehension. When Trump said we are done with nation building, that means he is not going to do what George Bush did. That comment was a shot at Bush and the Neo-Cons (aka - the Trotskyists, aka - the GOP establishment). Trump also took a shot at Obama's profound weak leadership and ineptitude when he said he would not announce a date to the enemy when we would draw down troops and when the mission would be ended.
Make no mistake about it — this was a highly calculated message. Delivered in front of troops, delivering a message of strength and leadership and vision. Trump just put the world on notice that the United States is back as the global superpower with a strong and decisive leader at the helm.
Jack Cruz
Wtf i love Mudslimes now!
Jordan Smith
>tow the line This always sticks out to me like a sore thumb.
Hunter Powell
You're right, that was a VERY neocon speech.
Jaxson Long
>we reward greatness fairly >someone else rewards greatness unfairly with a bias toward greatness >they get the greatness If we're getting the greatness, we must be giving them the most unfair rewards out there or everyone else must be too retarded to figure out this simple strategy, which seems unlikely.
Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. People don't give 2 shits about fairness. They care about maximizing benefits.
Jaxon Brown
Are we war with Pakistan because of Awan brothers? Were they Paki spies?
Ayden Evans
You turn to revolution, Because you know you've got no choice And you're faced with the left-wing, But you know that you gotta fight back, Do it all for your country, Once again your under attack.
Xavier Long
Huh? Pretty sure the nation building part wasn't why people didn't want more wars in the middle east. I've never seen it brought up on Sup Forums. Stop trying to twist Trump's kikery into "le 4d chess"
Jonathan Wilson
If Hillary Clinton was president and gave this exact same speech you fuckers would be up in arms. But cause it's Trump it's "fuck yeah, Merica". The US spends $45 billion in Afghanistan per year. Now it will probably spend more. How's that wall coming along?
Isaac Lewis
Jonathan Wilson
Thanks murrifats, now we will get even more fugees.
Joseph Moore
They wont listen
Matthew King
Why would I complain about war, even when the dump porch monkey was gonin about with the war thing I was okay. Look the US needs war, we do good when we are at war.
Nathan Kelly
We'd take you guys more seriously if you weren't so loose with the facts
Thomas Mitchell
I love the tears of Spencerfags and fairweather "former Trump supporters".
Evan Perez
Hahaha Trump become antifa, aim peace thru violence
>that's sooo.. my flag
Brandon Nelson
>MUH NEOCON DON! Did you TRSodomites even watch the speech? But hey, that's not expecting much coming from the same faggots who think Trump getting impeached will somehow magically create a white ethno state.
Jeremiah Collins
'Nation building' has been the cover word for American kikes installing puppet leaders, empowering jihadis and destroying the Middle East to keep themselves safe and prepare for Greater Israel. This IS bigger than people realize.
It's basically going from supporting terror throughout the ME to destroying it. Complete shift in global shaping, how did he manage to get the kikes onboard with this?
Adrian Foster
not surprised. I just kinda hoped he'd stick to his campaign talk. but that's why they call it campaign talk. Horton's Law is in effect.
if he would have pulled everybody out, then I honestly would have voted for him in 2020.
hopefully Bannon starts going hard.
Ryan Price
>implying it means what you think it does kek. you're so naive. trump's fucked us over and everyone that's sane knows it.
It is why though. It's a waste of American taxpayer money trying to change these people's society, but exploding terrorists is a 100% worthy cost, in fact with the size of our military spending right now, it's a damn shame if we're not killing huge numbers of terrorists all the time.
Grayson Roberts
hi moarpheus
Gabriel Ross
We'll spend less and kill more. Trump is our problem solver.
Colton Baker
This site is for trump opposing cucks, we should go back to t_D
Aiden Garcia
>stem directly from economic and scientific power, of which you don't have the hegemony anymore >hegemony
>and are bound to be challenged in the next 30 years
Oh, the shit we're going to unleash on all you fuckers. Day of the Alpha Strike. Can't come soon enough.
Ryder Sanchez
>We're spending billions more on defense >including nuke stockpiles and ballistic missile defense >HINT HINT NUDGE NUDGE FUCKIN NOOOOORKS
Isaiah Cook
Will Trump fight Boku no Haram in Niggerland(Africa not Murka)?How BLM would react?
Austin Carter
>neocon kike shills: the thread
kill yourselves
Easton Phillips
this, but not the superpower part because that is exactly what neocon is about. Neocon geopolitics defines a heartland "the west" and the non-west, which is to be plunged into chaos and war. Thereby neocon seeks to prolong US supremacy.
Trump definitiv btfo neocon with his comment but this will not result in superpower status any longer, rather some kind of nationalist isolationism