Brown People Tip 1% if Not Less

Look at all the niggers and spics in this thread defending the fact they don't tip at bars and restaurants.

Go ahead niggers and spics, tell us why you don't tip and state your race.

Other urls found in this thread:

Tipping isn't a thing outside of burgerstan as people are actually paid to do their job

Well, people in America know it's a 'thing' and fucking brown scumbags are the only ones who consistently do not do it.
Same as they collect government handouts when they don't need them.

white, I have never tipped. one time some stupid spic bitch at pizza hut complained about it and I said I'd rather just bring my own pizza to my table than pay her fat bitch spic ass $2 for it.

You might as well be a nigger.
If you don't want to tip a nonwhite don't go to places with non whites.

>Get a nigger order
>He doesn't tip

>Get the same order from the same guy a few days later
>Spit on his food.
>This time he tipped me 3$
Didn't see that coming honestly


I tip. But i dont if
1) i am asked for a tip (example, you saying 'plus tip')
2) i dont like your face

When i tip i do 15%, no more. (It is 10% here)

It is actually. It's a much bigger thing in some countries to the point that it's an important part of their economy and ever burgers feel uncomfortable with it.

>Falling for tipping jew

I never tip solely because I don't care to subsidize a restaurant owner's inability to pay minimum wage.

Tipping is stupid. Why would anybody do it? Are you stupid?

why do i have to pay someone to be nice to me? is that their fucking job? thank god i live in aus, none of this tipping bullshit

It's obvious this is just race bait, but since I worked as a busser I actually tip up to 110% on small orders and like 25% for larger dinners. I'm sure you'll get someone angry at some point, nice bait. I'm not pale not that it matters.

Used to be a waiter.
I tip like 20-25%. Like if it's 32, I just give the 40.

It takes really, really crappy service for me not to tip. And I never tip for pick up food, gas attendants, or 'tips appreciated' jars at coffee places.

>Better pay me money, fucking goy, or I will mess with the food I didn't create and you better pay me as much as you paid the chef to actually fucking make it!

God bless the boufettes and bistro. At least there I tip directly the sweet lady who makes up her delicious stroganoff instead of some nigger or, even worse, some student shit that can't even write my order properly.

You're generous. It's so institutionalized for restaurants I just guess at 15% and round it up to the next dollar to be nice most of the time. Round it down if something was unsatisfactory.

I don't dole it out like that unless something was really special about the service, which it is once in a while.

I'm a spic and I always tip well.

Here we go.
What race are you people?
Most restaurants can't afford to even stay in business, you understand this?
Only the white man is breaking his back working to maintain a public space for civilized society.
Apes belong in a fucking cage. Not on the loose destroying our society.

First post best post, as usual.
I tip once in a blue moon.

>be me
>not much interest in gay porn
>not in my recommended pornhub videos
>too busy and poor to just get male escort on backpage
>satisfied with seeing male's asses get creamed on the inside
>visit with sister
>pulls out her special dildo
>starts laying into me for not being properly prepared
>joke that I'll just fuck her without a condom
>it begins
>proceeds to suck my inbred cock and handle my balls
>this from a girl man who waits tables for a career
>politely tell her to bend over and let me do what I want, but I probably won't because her pussy it too loose
>at home hours later, get call from mother
>"what's this about you cumming into you sisters pussy!?"
>"you can't, muh pregnancy, muh hpv"
>getting pissed
>point out that she got pregnant from her brother and doesn't know how to use contraceptives
>>she's just parroting what she's heard
>hang up angrily
>reaching my limit with these people
>pull out gimp
>black clad sex slave spends hours playing with himself
>"Oy vey, muh cock, muh tight asshole. I'm going to cum in ten seconds flat!!!"
>Ii've. had. enough. of. this. shit
>bend over that slave, at the peak of my anger hard-on
>hate fuck that little whore's ass
>a lovely milky stew bubbling from his ass
>become pic related, counting to 15 seconds
Am I gay?

I tip women like shit but I tip men well.

You probably blacker than deep space and you probably just got to Europe on a raft

Balls didn't touch as far as I can tell. Sounds pretty (no homo)

Tipping is retarded

I dont tip because the waiter knew they would get some people not tipping when they took the job. I'm not giving extra money to someone who knows how to pour a drink.

OK guys this is very important and will take down the evil ones.
At the end of this video, it talks about one of the fans of the Hampstead cults artwork being a psychologist...

This is important, she worked with the Mohawk children of Canada...

They were put under MKUltra... The Queen visited them there...

Google's involvement in the Pizzagate/Hampstead Situation MKULTRA schools

Abe The Handler Laughing

The children who discussed heinous abuse, were under the impression babies were killed but what if this was part of the MKultra apparatus to terrify them into submission?

Crowley Christ Church Choir Boys Singing Manson Lyrics

Christ Church Hampstead Promoting Evil?

Why the hell would the church of England, allow people singing out Manson to record in their premises, as well as The Hellfire Caves (connected to Crowley)
Let's think about this for a moment...

Why does the school have an upside down cross?

Why does Chelsea Clinton wear an upside down cross?

OK, now consider this...

A very well respected Journalist in the UK actually blocked a parent of children who attended Hampstead on account of him and his followers views on child abuse...

What's weirder still, is that the very same trolls involved with Hampstead, are also involved with The McCann case and The Holie Grieg Case.

The School erasing teachers from their records when the scandal broke
Ricky Dearman erasing records of his connection to 88-90 Hatton Gardens, which was a few months later robbed, the men involved said they had previously found child porn photos of a tory MP

I always tip, because I'm not poor. Tipping is only a real consideration if you're an autistic, a poor, or both.

Altruism is a common K-strategy.

You cannot expect this from common r's , such as niggers and beaners.

Name one

Sri Lanka

"tips" range from letting somebody carry your bags like you're some kind of posh royalty to bribing a military guy because you used some public utility or other while he was standing around.

This is why I only eat at Chinese buffets.

That not tips but trips.

Also go learn what bribing is, like bribing some nigger who can't read to bring you a plate of food they didn't even cook/

spics will tip

There's real bribing and there's greasing palms. For instance I once "tipped" a tow truck driver more than was called for because my friend and I were drunk as fuck and got stuck in the snow and he was a lad for going somewhat above the call of duty to pull us out. I don't think he wanted to get involved with reporting us to the police, but it was a nice gesture on his part so a nice tip was in order.

Or for food delivery people, to use another example. If you find decent ones and you're nice to them they'll find ways to be kind in return rather than taking the option of being cunts. It doesn't take much. It's a gesture.

Wait. Your pizza huts still have tables?

One time I tipped $3 on a $30 dollar order (10%) at Chili's.
Am I a nigger?

I don't tip because I can out jew the jew. Am white (Half German, half Irish).

I tip the same amount, mostly because I know I would eventually lose my shit at a rude customer. I don't think I'd last long as a waiter, so they have my respect.

Mexican shitskin, when i was younger parents always tipped atleast 3 dollars,

No you stupid burgermunching fatass, tipping is just not a thing in Europe because we are not retarded.
No one in their right fucking mind would ever accept a 2€/h "job" hoping to make up the difference with tips.

>Most restaurants can't afford to even stay in business, you understand this?
World's smallest violin for the poor restaurateurs

I went to an Asian restaurant and forgot to tip. Went again a week later got the same order and tipped double the amount. I swear I'm not autistic I just feel bad if I don't tip.

>It's another "Sup Forums gives false stats to justify white supremacism" thread

I usually tip 30-40% because I make more money than all of you.

I tip every time no matter what, but that is only because I am from Las Vegas.

If you live in the USA and you choose to ignore our custom of tipping for service you are either a nigger or a Jew. There is no other answer and your skin color is irrelevant (look up the word niggardly) There's white people and black people, to be called a nigger means you've earned it

So, Europoor in Canada here. I got the hang of the tipping in pubs and bars down.

But barbers/hairdressers? I'm meant to tip them too?

> willingly paying welfare tax
oh you

Depends on the barber. If it's a super formal place where you make an appointment and it costs $20 already or whatever maybe not.

My barber charges a pittance, we know each other, he does an excellent job, I enjoy the environment, and the whole thing is like a time machine back to the '40s or something. So yeah he gets a few extra bucks.

I don't hate tipping but it is pretty annoying that it is ingrained into our society as an obligation.

I went to Japan for vacation and wedding and NEVER was tipping even an afterthought when we went out to eat.

Western tipping should be spat on and abolished.

the bollice officer shout hunt down this nigger kid and send it to Auschwitz

I wandered into a super fancy barber in downtown Toronto, cost me fucking $50. They had a tip jar overflowing with $20s. I didn't bother, but then I began to wonder.

It's not about sympathy or begging.
If everyone tipped like the shitskins tipped 2/3rds of the restaurants would go out of business.
Brown people literally destroying society.
They leach tax dollars from what's supposed to be the social safety net and they are the ones defaulting on 80% of the mortgages.
If you ever break your leg at work, they are the reason your cast will be off and you will be back at work before you get a payout from whoever, the government, the company, the insurer.

>I'm only acting like a nigger

>20% tip
>for the equivalent of barely better than fast-food

Get off your high horse. Tipping is literally cultural brainwashing.

I'm not a woman but I'm not paying any fucking $50 for a haircut. No way is there a tip on top of that unless they threw in a hand job or something at the end.

lmfao this. burgercucks just can't comprehend what a working economy looks like

>bribing a military guy because you used some public utility

Oh god

She had really big titties and pushed them in my face.

This is sad. I don't think you appreciate the concept behind the American system. My brother worked as a server for a long time. He always made at least minimum wage, but on the weekends if he really busted his ass he made out with 500+ a night. You can't do that in other jobs. The American system allows people that want to do extra, and to bust their asses, to do so. That's the beauty of our system. It allows people to be rewarded for their effort. It's also why you get great service here.

I always tip 80% of my after tax income (not including tithe for the lord, and 10% remaining for my rock climbing van-home. Did I mention I rock climb?

Anyways, whenever I'm around people of color, I literally pull the melanin from their skin through my own unequaled melamagnetic field; I have personally gentrified several neighborhoods in Baltimore and Detroit.

I tip 10% on good.

Meh. Women who work for tips always do stuff to make you feel special. Tits are nice, but they're not worth a $50 haircut.

Tipping culture doesn't mean you need to be a cuck. One time I was at a bar and this chick started giving us tons of free drinks and her number. That's worth a generous tip. That's above-average service.

I always round-up the bill to the next even dollar amount.

>bill is $18.63
>tip $1.37

If it's a good restaurant with hard-workers,etc; I'll go up to $5 but that's my maximum.

I still think any of that is bullshit.

i do tip at restaurants but not places like subway or starbucks. with that said i rarely go to a restaurant because tipping makes it too expensiven to have a simple burger

I wonder how almost literally every restaurant in the developed world survives on no tips except America

Please specify your race

i always tip between 15% and 20%, whichever makes a more satisfying number.

When the currency exchange rate means it's pocket change, it's easier to hand the guy some monopoly money than deal with any trouble.

I was once in Mexico and some cop starts shouting at me for public urination. All he wanted was a few dollerydoos.

spic here
mom forced me to chase the pizza delivery man and give him more because she thought my 2 i gave him was too little
also one time dad shamed me in front of a delivery man for not tipping

You might seriously want to talk to someone about that. That kind of disturbing material needs an outlet .... and publishing it would be hard with the saturation in the market.

20% is my base tip. If you suck, I'll lower it to 15%. If you really really suck 10% and if you're straight up trash I'll leave a penny


I am Caucasian, pleased to meet you.

Never worked a serving job in my life and don't ever plan to if I can help it.

Please spare me any lecture on not knowing what it's like, etc; I've already got plenty of humility.

I NEVER tip, and sometimes I walk off without paying.

Tipping is fucking cancer and I refuse to do it. Money is MONEY. You work, you get paid. That's it. I cannot comprehend how a sane individual would shit extra money everywhere because of some historical anomaly. Here we get pissed if the cashiers don't give you your 5 lipa change back, and that's how things should be. 5 lipa is 0,001 cent or something.

It's still money. Somehow when the US was rich this retarded concept took root, but that has no relevance to anyone else.

Spic or nigger

Where is the brainwashing?
If people tipped nothing, or two dollars on a 50 dollar tab like spics and niggers the restaurants would go out of business.
You'd only be left with buffets and fast food because most restaurants already fail within one year. The ones who survive are making it on thin margins and doing a lot of hard work. Doing everything right.
If they had to pay their wait staff and bussers the money that comes from tips they wouldn't make a profit. If the wait staff and bussers didn't make tips they wouldn't do the job. If the job was for minimum wage it would be less work to go break rocks in the sun.
The option to not tip is not something the nigger or spic can handle responsibly. The ONLY time it is acceptable to not tip would be shit service and a shit attitude by the waiter and a filthy dining room.

It's not a matter of "what it's like" , it's a matter of verbal contracts and being dishonest.

the 'ol shit n' shuffle?

I dont tip because I dont go out to eat

Im whiter than you and you're a dumb marxist nigger

im white and I only tip if you're hot

Tipping is a great system. It shows you who is a dick and who is a good person. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO TIP 20% YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO GO OUT. Call in a Togo order and sit your ass at home. Someone is giving you a service that they pay their bills with. And don't talk to me about Australia, Europe or Asia because you get a tiny ass sand which with no side for 15 dollars and a 10 dollar draught beer. So you can pay 20 percent more for your food one way or another. You might as well be an upstanding member of your community.
50 dollar tab=never less than 10 dollar tip.

or if you're real nice

If I go into a restroom in the USA and use it without buying food am I expected to tip?

You're misunderstanding our system. The minimum wage in most places is around 7-8. For servers though its usually only 2. The implication is that the server is getting most of their money from tips. The food is cheaper because the kitchen isn't paying the server that much. Americans adopted this system because we like to reward hard working servers that go the extra step. If servers all paid the same amount, you always end up with sub par service and people slouching by doing the minimum. A good server can make WAY beyond the minimum wage, but they have to really work hard to do so. I've been to restaurants with the gratuity included or discouraged. It's really not as good.

Only if the bathroom attendant has his pet falcon standing by.

Federal minimum wage mandates that if tipped employees' total tips do not add up to at least federal minimum wage they MUST be compensated by their employers

typically a store will sell you a use of the bathroom, $1-3 cash

That's a lot of bullshit you just wrote bud.

The few restaurants that go out of their way to say "Don't Tip" because they pay their workers fair wages somehow stay in business... because of magic or dumb luck? Businesses maintain the tipping culture because it's so deeply twisted into the fabric of American culture. If it works why stop? There's no other reason.

I'm white as a snowflake honey, btw.

at least here in chile we tip 10% almost always

Who are you going to tip? In general, there is not a negro in the restroom waiting to hand you a towel unless it's the kind of place where they need to clamp down on hookers and blow in the stalls.

Nobody's going to care if you do. Depending on location people off the street will even stand in line at a macdonalds or whatever because there's literally nowhere else to take a piss.

But if you think it's appropriate to use somebody else's bathroom and give them some token patronization in return that's up to you.

By being a lot more expensive

We'll pay tip the day you pay taxes on those tips.
So, never, libshit.

This is a failsafe that ultimately causes the waiter to be terminated. Each time this happens they are warned. AS I mentioned before this increases the cost of the food, and errodes the bottom dollar of the restaurant.

When you rely on this system, you are basically acting like a communist, forcing everybody else that is paying for the service they ordered to balance out enough that the individual still walks home with enough for the operation to continue. IF more and more people act like you, eventually they will have to switch to gratuity included, and hte price will go up and the service will go down. You will have your communist dream restaurant.

>servers though its usually only 2

yeah why tho

There's no good reason for it, and it's not a good enough reason to support your argument.

Tipping is shit and should be looked down upon for basically enabling a segregated working class or some bullshit

Maybe cheap fuck restaurants shouldn't exist in the first place. If I wanted microwaved meals I'd go to the grocery store :^)

Yes there should be a coin slot on the door of the stall or the bathroom door.

They are usually installed in most private homes too.

No, but I bet you're fat.

Haha im glad i know how to cook
i don't trust wiggers desu