As long as you're not harming or genuinely putting someone else at risk, do whatever the fuck you want.
Prove me wrong.
>Protip; You can't
As long as you're not harming or genuinely putting someone else at risk, do whatever the fuck you want.
Prove me wrong.
>Protip; You can't
>le reddit 18 year old morality
>focus solely on kinetic degeneracy
>pay no attention to the subversives who manipulate impressionable children
By engaging in traditional American past times (like obesity and drug use) you can become a massive burden on society.
This board is for people 18+ and you are clearly not thag as you have not realized what morals are and why we have a set moral code
Whoa. Deep.
But who determines if your behavior is harmful or dangerous to others?
>never associate with blacks
thanks OP
>harming or genuinely putting someone else at risk
Or annoying, thwarting, harassing, degrading, marginalizing, subverting, and on and on and on.
The principle tenant of liberty, is that you own your own life. However, your rights end where the rights of others, who also own their own lives begin.
it's not that simple. you live in an interconnected world. if you live by yourself in the jungel then do whatever the fuck you want. but within society everyting you do or don't do affects everybody else
Explain yours then
If your children are that impressionable, and you yourself are incapable of instilling good morals and thinking into a child, then maybe you shouldn't be having kids. Don't expect other people to raise your kid the exact way you want them raised.
Sure, it can, but have you ever taken a moment to think about rehabilitating the people who actually want help, or how much can be gained from making drug use legal?
If someone else wants to fuck up their own life, let them, but if they truly need and want help, help them, use the resources we gain from them to help them.
Have you ever even stopped to think about why substance abuse of any kind happens in the first place? Or why people typically don't stop using drugs after prison?
Never said anything about morals fucktard, I still live by these
Don't Kill
Don't Rape
Don't Steal
Even stealing can be a slippery slope for me, it's always wrong, sure, but I can understand that some people steal to feed their family.
Why society does, and american society currently, typically will always say that the 3 things mentioned prior, are in fact wrong, most of the word does actually.
Sorry cucknadia, talking about law here.
Morals are true. Only those who have sex do drugs and get drunk everyday can ever be truly moral
Individualism only works if your population is all individualist, the moment a collective begins to act itll gain a crushing advantage over atomized idiots and force them to mouth whatever cultural propaganda it desires. Wishful thinking
It's alright OP
You can suck as much dick as you want
We don't care we already knew
Ok, lets assume that people just chill and decide to "do what they want." Everyone decides to live a life of pure, selfish hedonism fueled by drugs, sex, and reckless behavior. Governments go into debt to pay for peoples recklessness. Barely anyone wants to start a family and have children. All that matters is the present and future generations can suck a cock. I just described Western Europe and North America.
Are you still right?
>As long as you're not harming or genuinely putting someone else at risk, do whatever the fuck you want.
This, I mostly agree with
Prove me wrong.
>Protip; You can't
Now this on the other hand make me want to see you punished using the most brutal medieval torture devices ever created, just after you've been turned into a eunuch, of course
Governments will not go into debt they would get rich off all this cunsumerism
Any and all species have a gang mentality, we pack together because we feel vulnerable and we want to get our point across.
Sadly my nation, and i'm sure your own, has been divided on so many issues it's made each side blend together and form a pack because of anger.
I think if most people would sit down, expecting nothing more than a decent conversation, and have a cup of tea, we would start to understand that we are not that different of a breed, we just have different idea's, and we can all agree that we just want the best for our nation, and humanity.
>Sure, it can, but have you ever taken a moment to think about rehabilitating the people who actually want help, or how much can be gained from making drug use legal?
have you considered that going full on 14 (with a little bit of 88 or 88 derivative) might actually do this?
>fucks up their own life with hedonism and excess
>never set aside funds or took responsibility
>can no longer take care of self
>"oh nvr mind, self destruct phase over, I wanna live now he he XD"
>tax payer foots the bill
You sound like a 14 year old who took a philosophy class. They are likely barely sentient and just want to consume and fuck. It can be managed and may not "hurt anyone" initially, but the broader consequences are fucked. This is why we need an eco-Fascist eugenics policy immediately desu.
Eh, it's a joke, i don't mean it seriously, sorry user.
Immigration puts other people at risk.
Except antifa. Their vision of humanity is a boot stomping on a human face forever
can't argue with that
everyone just needs to follow the NAP. the reason we have states is simply because humans are too fucked to do that
Guns put others at risk
But they will. The electorate will advocate for free things which will subsidize their hedonism and bad life choices. Free healthcare, free birth control, free housing, free anything-you-can-think-of. The politicians will acquiesce to their demands. And if the population declines significantly due to chronic low birthrates, the tax-base will decrease forcing states to borrow money.
Unless you are moral nihilist, I don't see how this is good.
only part of that that breaks the NAP is the government using tax money to go into debt
>Prove me wrong.
I am a nihilist hedonist. We will vote against that since we understand in the long run we will be happier if we simply be fiscally responsible
ka ngz do e
Tax money get us out of debt
god, this is so emotionally loaded it makes me want to vomit. judging from what i did read from you so far, all you do is emotions, no logic, cant say that i am surprised. pic related to your useful talking about problems with a cup of tea.
dont bother answering to me.
sweden yes!
A lot of shit considered "degenerate but safe" is not actually safe and effects the lives of more than yourself.
Yes, you can do whatever you want.
However, we all answer to God in the end.
You are pure emotion. No logic. You make me want to vomit fascist
How would you address your shrinking population, in which there are proportionally more old people than young since the birth rates have been below replacement level for decades? Do you just die out naturally?
>HURRR fascist
very eloquent way of saying that you got no argument or defense for him, cute.
People make mistakes dude, one day in you're little happy, "i've never fucked up really bad" life you may understand that.
I love how you try to get people to think like you do and act like you, but once they make the choice that they want to, its "Fuck you should have been like me in the first place!"
Not everyone is perfect, some people have some pretty big flaws, not everyone can be a emotionless, thoughtless, go with the flow robot like you want them to be.
You aren't sticking by your own premises. If something is harming children or putting them at risk, you can't do whatever you want. Not that it matters because your beliefs are inherently selfish and destructive to the nation at large. In my ideal society, people like you would be put in their place, and rightfully so. Grow up.
The problem with this is that "harming or genuinely putting someone else at risk" is subjective.
Oh sure the person doing whatever the fuck they are doing thinks that they are doing nothing wrong of damaging or whatever. However, people can and do disagree, and feel or know that the behavior is harmful.
>"If your children are that impressionable, and you yourself are incapable of instilling good morals and thinking into a child, then maybe you shouldn't be having kids. Don't expect other people to raise your kid the exact way you want them raised."
Children are impressionable even if good values are instilled. They are children, and every child takes everything in at face value. They typically lack the experience needed to differentiate the bullshit that is constantly brought up in the world.
As long as you`re not harming society or putting someone else at risk, do whatever you want.
Talking about the divide in ideals, user.
But seriously, putting your heads together to think of a better solution, aka balance, is so wrong, right?
>So blind, can't even tell it's a troll
Oh how the German republic has fallen, all because you're upset instead of actually finding a way to solve it, you get pissed off online.
killl yourselffff
I want to buy all the food within your reach, and burn it. I'll buy all the media you consume, and turn your daughter into a feminist whore and your son into a transgender fag by propaganda. And I'll throw a couple hundred bucks to fuck your wife in front of you.
There goes your NAP.
you forgot to tell me the method
I will also mention that this argument is only brought up when the person is harming him/herself. As a society we want the best for each other despite what many say. This is just a basic, primal desire to be around people that are healthy, because a healthy group promotes survival.
This is insane if real. Complete thought police.
Aww cute you have no argument
Literally the Luciferian and Satanist doctrine for a reason. Not harming people is the lowest form of morality, because you're not really standing or committing to helping, either.
You define harm the way you want to, and you arent committed to helping anyone, so you're bound to do harm simply by your own selfishness.
You're might as well be an animal, and reject all the unique potential of humanity.
Your trolling has litreally been shit
Don't give me that shit. I've fucked up horribly, to my own detriment. I used to use drugs and be fat, too. People around me and my family helped me get back together and supported me. They took on that burden. I've also had a lot of successes, which were almost always to someone else's detriment. The social contract is a series of trade offs desu. And damage control is a constant, and a necessity. That's why your original argument is, was and will remain shit.
OP is a faggot.
>because you're not really standing or committing to helping, either
Many of those people do that as a matter of principle. They view altruism as a destructive thing. I've never really taken a position on the issue desu. But I understand that argument, and have always wanted to make a brain power meme about it, but never got around to it.