Why aren't you a commie yet Sup Forums ?
Why aren't you a commie yet Sup Forums ?
Do you have tendies?
What does Clean water, hunger, disease and malaria have to do with capitalism?
Capitalism is the system to bring more people out of poverty than any other system. Mercantilism was second.
Because I don't want to genocide the Negroes and less capable races for a classless society of equal work for equal returns to work.
I'm nobody's useful idiot
I already am :3
>all those exogenous phenomena mostly outside of capitalis countries is capitalism's fault
let's see how the mayhem they call socialism cannot even feed the people who lives inside of it
because those things are all improving the species.
Because it's pure degeneracy
Humans are not a hivemind, nor are they ants.
A free market, with government defense from predatory Jews, is the best way of doing shit.
Capitalism needs to step up it's game.
Yet capitalism has drastically reduced world poverty since the 1990's and costs of living defer greatly depending on where you live.
The greatest problem with why people
die of starvation is because it costs an enormous amount to transfer food to the more remote areas of the world (ignoring the war lords or other dudes who would want a piece) and to keep the food ripe. It would be a nightmare.
People have always been dying of poverty. This is true in communism too.
Wtf I wanna go Pol Pot now
The disillusionment with capitalism is really a disillusionment with corporatism which is only possible through a strong central gov.
>Somehow avoids poverty, starvation, and inequality
If only we had documentation of times communism had been tried before.
Poor people dying is a good thing OP.
>capitalism is why people starve
many african countries are collapsed ex socialist shitholes like somalia
>capitalism is imperfect so everyone should starve
commies are braindead
If we all have the same outcome, then most people will have nothing to work for. Less innovation, less freedom, more crime as people naturally want to rise above one another, nothing to motivate people financially to pursue hard careers, more government corruption and tyranny, etc.
For a second I thought this was an anti-Socialism thread because all those things in the infographic happen to Communist countries
Who will build the foods?
Why the fuck should I care?
How many people die from lack of access to clean water in America? or ANY capitalist country? or Malaria?
Capitlism seems to be the system of government that keeps this shit out of your country. Reward knowledge and work ethic monetarily, if you can't keep yourself off the street why should my taxes go to you?
Fend for yourself or die off, I truly don't care which you pick.
>Capitalism creates inequality
What the fuck? Everyone is unequal by nature.
>implying corporations give a flying fuck whether there is strong central government
Let's face it, if we reduced the power of the state to what libertarians want we'd continue to get assraped by corporations, only difference is instead of lobbying to stop startup competition they would sent mail bombs and hitmen
Not a robot.
Cuz im not a retard
None of those are directly attributable to capitalism, and are all worse under communism historically. Nice try comrade.
>not knowing capitalism is literally lifting thousands and thousands of people out of poverty in shithole second and third world nations every day
"B-b-but that wasn't real communism!"
>capitalism kills
(8,000,000 + 7,665,000 + 3,000,000 + 500,000) * 5 = 95,825,000
95,825,000 < 100,000,000
Already know you're devoid of logic since you can't do elementary arithmetic.
Also, I would argue that most of those deaths are in non-capitalistic countries. You never related these deaths to capitalism.
>capitalism causes war
Still didn't relate any of it back to capitalism. It takes two nations to have a war, and you can't logically assume that all of the USA's wars were caused by the USA. I would argue that there would be more world peace if every country adopted capitalism.
>capitalism starves
Most of these cases are in third world countries, most of which are ran by communists. Also you still didn't show that capitalism is the reason the extra food isn't being distributed properly.
>capitalism creates inequality
There aren't even 2,700,000 people in all the capitalistic countries combined, therefore you can't say that a country being capitalistic causes it's citizens to have low wages. In fact, the poorest people in the USA are far better off than the poor in even the most financially stable communist countries such as Russia or China. Again, most of these cases are in a third world country that isn't run by capitalism. Therefore, you can only blame capitalism for this poverty if you show that capitalistic countries are causing other countries to be poor. This doesn't make sense considering all the money the USA has given to other countries for no reason.
Whoever made this picture is either trying to intentionally deceive intellectually challenged people, or is mentally retarded himself. Those who spread it have the same two options.
All this poster says is the world sucks and blames capitalism for it without showing any connection between the two.
Even if communism was a better financial system (take an objective look at any communist country and you'll know it isn't) it still destroys freedom. Not worth.
this might be the most retarded onfographic ever seen on Sup Forums. a real winner.
It's not real capitalism.
It's actually funny.
Socialism KILLS by taking your food by force and by shooting people.
Capitalism "KILLS" by not giving everyone free shit.
social capitalism all the way
> /r/socialism survey results are in: 48% are unemployed, 61% live with parents, 69% are uneducated, 14% support free speech, 46% support riots
HAHAHA. Proletariat.
I have a functioning brain stem.
Because no matter what system you use if you have Jews you will lose. Plus, that shit was invented to destroy European nations and pilfer their wealth.