Im looking for some Sup Forums approved Redbubble stickers for my laptop that I take to my Canadian university.
Sup Forums Approved Redbubble stickers
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This is the first part of my order.
Current status. Some of them are normie tier but it shows my progression from full shitlib normie to 1488 over 3 years.
i see u might have picked up one of mine, nice. thanks!
glad to help out a fellow goy
>putting stickers on your laptop
Are you 12 or just retarded?
You're sending off mixed signals, user
Its a Jordan Peterson sticker but I can see how its a source of confusion.
I started adding stickers years ago when I was a normie shitlib.
The day of the rake approaches.
Subtle enough to bring to school.
Maybe some nice flowers
This is an anti feminist one
Im torn between that and that ancap sticker.
Those have a bit too much text.
One of them is "Feminism is Cancer"
How is that too much text?
Is it printed as 3 stickers?
There is more corn on that emblem than in the whole country.
No, but you can stick them to SJW posters
Fuck. I might get that one. It's obscure enough the normies won't get it, but it's big enough here that I might meet some fellow Sup Forumsacks
If someone asks just say youre a fan of retro McDonald's adds.
You are going to get yourself killed
Good call
No I'm not. I go to Villanova. Very few niggers around here
Fuck. I wish my mom didn't buy me notebooks already. I would have used this