What does Sup Forums think about Stacy nationalism?
What does Sup Forums think about Stacy nationalism?
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Shit can't fly as long as she's fucking niggers on the side
Sexy tbqh
I don't know why but there's something I just can't take seriously when a woman is heavy into nationalism.
Nationalism is sort of a man's thing.
Coal burner.
Maybe I should elaborate on that.
In the past when another tribe took over another tribe, the victorious men would kill off all the women who wouldn't accept them as their new masters. This means that over thousands of years women developed the temperament to never have loyalty towards their own men, and to always give into the most powerful men from other tribes if they were to ever overpower their own men from their own tribe.
Biologically, it makes no sense that females would have any sense of loyalty to the men of their own tribe, and would always side with the more powerful men of other tribes.
That said, how can you really take seriously any woman whose into nationalism? I guess it's fine if you're an American, because you have the most powerful tribe in the world, but I'm sure your women would be taking slavic dick if Russia some how defeated America in WW3.
A coalburner that's pro-abortion and has a checkered history showing she's nothing but a whore.
Normally it's welcomed, just not the fakes that try to jump on the bandwagon for the beta-orbiter money and fame.
I generally agree with this. However:
it's appropriate for a woman who is involved with a nationalist man to share his views with her girl friends
it's appropriate for a single woman who has been woken up to nationalism to signal to potential mates that she is interested in a nationalist husband
Shes a coal burner. Everyone should toss her into the garbage. Disgusting.
Tomi's a neocon coalburner. Lauren Southern, Ann Coulter, Brittany Venti, and Faith Goldy are /ourgirls/.
Anybody got picks of her without makeup, wonder if she's still hot?
Degenerate coal burner. I want no association with her.
>Allowing women to even talk about politics.
>considering the opinion of unmarried sluts
The 19th amendment was a mistake.
Ann Coulter is the industrial revolution of coal burning. She has produced zero white babies.
How are you not up to speed on this?
wtf does pop that p mean
She didn't have black children either.
Pop that pussy
Get the dick
Goldy had a black boyfriend
is it confirmed that she fucked niggers? Shes still a whore for hanging out wiht them regardless but is it confirmed?
jesus christ, people listen to this whore?
shes a chimney sweeper, fucking mutt
She's got a medical condition where she can't ever have kids, I think.
same thing i think of all isms and ists.
all trash.
America = Freedom
>coal burner
Prove it.
The only thing you have is that she took a picture next to some black guys. This, for bitter, socially inept virgins like you apparently means they fucked.
>America = Freedom
I always laugh when I see these posts. As if you basement dwellers had a legitimate chance at fucking these hbbs if it werent for those damn niggers.
First we kill all the niggers and then these white hbbs will have no choice but to mate with us bitch tit having beta males!
It's called "being a man"
Ann Coulter has a dick, you retard.
pussy or percocet. could be either in this case desu
does she do porn tho ?
>loyal to anything