I wish i was American, being free and part of the greatest nation on world with the greatest president must feel great

I wish i was American, being free and part of the greatest nation on world with the greatest president must feel great.

It fucking feels amazing m8

Can you liberate us Ameribro?

>I wish i was American

me too :-(

>tfw when born in the shittiest part of the best country

Hideous mongrels

But you can be.just immigrate.

No. Free yourselves. We already saved you twice.

Florida isn't that bad.

t. cossack

Look you guys in the UK have Farage, the French have LePen, the Swedes have the Swedish Democrats, the Poles and the Hungarians are just super fucking based. One day soon some friend of Allah will pull a terror attack bigger than 9/11 in Europe and everyone will stop listening to the globalist propaganda media and vote Identitarian. Having Richard Spencer as President is the real goal though.

Russia - 70% of Noridc-tier White people, USA - 30% White and down

staten island i mean

>70% nordic tier white people

Cидя нa бyтылкe пишeшь?

I really do love being American. It's like winning the lottery.

Fuck off were full

пoдъeб зacчитaн :)

You dumb fuck, NATO (America) has bases in every Euronation and you think this is somehow not their doing?

Wake up and smell the bullshit, 100% Arabica coffee

My state has more wealth than your entire arctic shithole of a country.

