Tfw you find out you have J*wish ancestry

>tfw you find out you have J*wish ancestry

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Collectives do not matter. You are an individual I value user.

Me too, where do I cash in on those jew shekels? I'm tired of being a goy!

>local nazi finds out he is part jewish

you know what you must do

1% Ashkenazi master race reportin

The only true mindset. Based individualist

>Le * meme
And fucking stay there.

t. j*w
haha see you on r/Sup Forums

fuck off jew no one wants you here

>tfw half Jew
>tfw basically raised by the white side of my family and hate both the left and their (((puppetmasters)))
>tfw will probably be hunted by both sides when America polarizes into commies and nazis

Life isn't fair desu

oy vey

>be Jewish
>infiltrate Hollywood or MSM
>take them down from the inside
You now know what you must do. God speed, anonajew.

This, use your Jew powers for the forces of good.

>t. c*ck

um literally everyone has dna from every nationality at this point.


Even Hitler had Jews in his military and he made them honorary Aryans. Just don't give into the Jewish influence and you'll be fine.


My portuguese ancestors were also jewish, they became new christians when the catholics of Iberian Peninsula forced conversion four centuries ago.

I have to say, it worked wonderfully. Most of my family don't even know this. The only clue is a christian name that you can track down to a previous jew name. Have no idea bout how much DNA is left.

be a bobby

This is what I'm counting on. I'm a blonde haired blue eyed European mutt, but there's some Jew mixed in there and my plan is to simply rise above whatever percentage of my heritage is mercantile and work towards a better future.