We're all just being ironic right?

We're all just being ironic right?

no you're just a homo

I don't even know anymore. This whole board might be just a bunch of bots probing my mind for info.

Haha fellow whites, we're alll just joking around. Right? We all know the Jewish cabal is just a joke conspiracy theory.


No i am a nazi and not even 100% white

I'm a nazi and I'm a Jew Slav mutt.


Wow, a fellow burger! What state are you from?

Sup Forums is and has always been satire. Everything I have ever posted here is satirical and was effort to gain attention. None of what I have posted portrays my true polictical, sexual, or social beliefs.

Sup Forums is 100% satire

I'm on so many levels of irony that it's looping back around to becoming unironic.

pic related




I heard niggers stole 4 Confederate statues from UoT campus overnight.

Hey, me too! Houston?

Many things here are serious not just parodies

THIS. specially the OPs.

yes friendo, don't worry about those dox we have...its all in good fun

nah this place is full of crazies

This, I'm half Jewish and I regularly catch myself ranting about the kikes and using the echo quotes a lot when I'm online. I'm still not a Nazi though, basically just a libertarian/minarchist.

Like I said, so much irony that it eventually becomes unironic. I initially came here just to shitpost and troll the le epic nahtzees.

Newfag here. The alt right was memed into reality.


I've become so redpilled that I start feeling uneasy around other jews.

Here is the percentage of post on a topic that are serious

Racism: 99%

Christianity: 50%

Da Joos: 40%

Flat Earth, Water Filters, Chemtrails, etc: 10%


You kidding? I don't even trust half of myself anymore.

The only thing that changed was that I started to admire Salazar because he was the only successful fascist (I'm not a fascist, I'm a conservative)

I'm a racist atheist who believes in a round earth and the Jews are behind it only most of the time.

Irony died in the 90s. Sincerity is the future.


i hope the idiots that type like this


are just ironic morons

I'm behind so many layers of irony I'm not even sure myself if half the talking points I bring up in public are my sincere beliefs or thinly veiled LoGH references.

It's mocking underage conservatives and /r/the_donald. I think leftypol were actually the ones who started doing that before the split between the alt-lite/alt-right played directly into their hands.

>mfw I'm not sure if this is the alt-left or stormfags because I've pissed off so many people



Does it matter? If your family somehow got a hold of everything you've ever written on /pol... hell, imagine your employer did too, hell, imagine it was broadcast all over national television. What would happen to you?

(btw, that exact scenario happened to me. My life is fucking over).

So, stop being ironic. Don't be me.

They don't have to see my history. I straight up say it to everyone's faces. Everyone who's hired me, every one of my friends, knows what they're getting into.

oh, well then obviously you aren't saying anything bad, so what's the problem?

It's not so much that as I redpill them myself beforehand.

Sometimes people larp as you and morons don't realize this is an anonymous board. That's just the cost of doing business tho

Yes goy, there's no Jewish conspiracy.

Haven't you noticed how they have comedy sketches on TV where there's a nazi and there's a laugh track when the nazi says something to indicate how ridiculous those views are? That's how you know what's real and what isn't.

can you repeat that? I'm not sure what you're trying to say.

So then you actually believe the shit then, so you're not being ironic anyway.

Kind of. I make a point to always believe the opposite of the apparent popular consensus. Has yet to serve me wrong.

>can you repeat that? I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
Then you are too dumb for this board, I'm sorry.

Or you could try using proper grammar and not sound like a high school dropout.

I'm gonna mark you down as alt-left.

Well that sure beats what I was called on the news, senpai.

Lmao this has a Sup Forums study writen all over it....yes sometimes ironic and otger dead serious, most of the extremists views are ironic other more "mainstream" views tend to be off but serious