Is it really ethical for all these companies to get together and simultaneously censor the internet?

I get that this is how a free market works and a company is private meaning they are allowed to apply whatever rules they want

But at what point does it become crony capatalism? When you have a small monopoly of rich jews controlling everything worthwhile and using those institutes to censors people simultaneously on a global scale

It seems extremely unethical to me even if it is legal

>muh free market

I want to fuck that sloth.

If they're a monopoly then no.

They can only do it for so long until shit starts popping off in reality like it is now.

well all these tech companies only exist because of the government giving them bailouts and favorable regulations and work so closely with the government they're basically their own branches at this stage

Free market will fix it.

>free market will fix it
And how many years/decades we need to replace google/youtube?
It will be 1984 long before that happens

The only way to save the internet is to make it no fun

But it is within their right to do so; however, the right to remove something from your platform doesn't make it ethical to do so.


The face of white supremacy

that is what happens when you let them in to spread their lies, and why they need a final solution as the only solution.

anything less is cowardice and failure.

You think this is a free market?
What are you some sub 70 IQ inbred?
This is anything but a free market

Sup Forums is the last place to find out whether something is legal or not but there are plenty of laws regarding conspiracy, shitty trade practices and racketeering. Of course there are laws against things that might not be so obvious as the above.

The purest form of ANCAP would be to just shoot everyone and take the company by force but since its a meme it cant and wont happen.

Era of Data Scam social media is ending
Kill youthoughtcrimetube's dominance & kill facefuck's dominance
should be Trump's tech and free speech priority

have a painless seamless overnight replacement with a meshed together network of competing platforms so they're not lone data scam platforms hoarding all the data the users have put on over the last 8 years. you'd have meshtube, meshbook and meshtweet so that youtube & facebook for example would just be one company of 10 or so healthily competing all interlocked together so that users see videos/posts and can interact with them even if the friends/creators are using another platform. end this data scam assault of the public square & ideas. currently the data scam model of social media only allows one set of companies to profit from the data of humanity that they don't even own and had no role in creating. they are using this data hostage approach to censor humanity and make people read/watch leftwing. Zuckerfuck himself is using his platform to make people vote him into office with fake PR so he can protect his data scam into the future. holding world's data hostage to shill for yourself

all data: subscribers, views, comments, likes, photos, friends people have produced and typed up over the last 10 years (which they own, not the Data Scammers like they would have you believe) is on meshtube and meshbook the day this law is passed. for pewdiepie and his viewers, or your family and their friends using facebook nothing changes except they are no longer censored and facefuck is a $1billion company again like it should be. holding people's data hostage is not providing a hundred billion dollars of value to the world a big group of generation Z's could reproduce facefuck in a year it's not a special contribution to the world, what is valuable is the data (which the people typed up not facefuck). facefuck and ADLtube need a harsh wake up

end Zuckerfuck Data Scam Enterprises and ADL terror thoughtcrimetube.

>Is it really ethical for all these companies to get together and simultaneously censor the internet?
Fuck no, which is why alternatives are going to grow. I hope they take it even further if anything.
I've been looking into alternatives, and the main issue is lack of people using them.
Zeronet, for example. p2p internet, pretty neat and already has a youtube clone and a chan clone. All websites are hosted by people connecting to them. It's getting better, but needs more people. And while it can't be censored, you are not user, so you need to pair it with Tor for now.
I'm hoping Namecoin gets more popular soon, as it powers the .bit domain name, which ICANN doesn't control. Impossible to steal it from, say, the daily stormer (Their issue isn't hosting, it's finding a domain name that won't be taken from them). But at the minimum you need a plugin for your browser to be able to visit .bit domains (Zeronet can also resolve them).
Then you get into the issue of backdoor'd hardware, nearly anything from the last decade is compromised at the hardware level. Like anything else, there are ways around this.

Get in line .

Also, companies that are currently voluntarily censoring and kicking people off their platforms have made a fuckhuge mistake.
What they have done sets a precedent for them getting absolutely assraped by hollywood jews.

If nazis came to power, they wouldn't shut down your website for saying something they don't like, they would shoot you in the face.

no you don't

stop posting the jew eyed media sloth

of all the roasties you could post...why?

op is jew. get off pol.

It's fine because ancap and libertarian retards say so.
we all do

start implementing parallel institutions like recoding the basics of facefuck, thoughtcrimetube, google and others, then can get them inserted into the mesh networks. do better than their institutions and then blacklist SJWs

humanity owns it's own data, not Zuckerfuck data scam enterprises. pic is a network topology of the competing company products that would all operate on meshbook together seamlessly like you wouldn't even necessarily know what platform the friends you're interacting with are using

just making facefuck competitors or campaigns to switch from it won't solve anything because they still hold most of the world's data hostage and can leverage it to stop people leaving. break it up with law to end the scam and reintroduce healthy competition

they would all be essentially clones of facefuck so people can choose the company who's interface, practices and owners they like the best

there should probably be laws against manipulating the public mind with your platform too (including political censorship) to apply to the big 3 networks, youtube, facebook, twitter and also goolag

They are Silicon Valley supremacists and believe that the truth or impactful dialogue should be thoughtcrime.

not like we can do anything about it.

I can't wait

Just because someone has the right to do something doesn't make it ethical
There are many laws and court decisions that have made unethical practices legal


Honestly, I am just waiting for someone with money to sue the fuck out of Google. The moment that cell phones are pre-packaged with Google products and not competitors is when Google has become a monopoly. They should be being sued under anti-trust laws right now. On top of this, this is one of the fucking reasons why the rabid left was pushing a hard campaign and even hard the retarded fucking mods here put up a sticky to "support" bullshit internet freedom. Its used to just censor anything they want.

She is perfect

>leftypol memes
I now know why those faggots come here, their place must be actual hell.

Well, they did just set themselves up to lose their common carrier status.
>retarded fucking mods here put up a sticky to "support" bullshit internet freedom. Its used to just censor anything they want.
Explain how neutrality would allow them to censor anything they want.



We Ministry of Truth now

I hacked her PC and got nudes