How did tinder disrupt dating in the modern world? How is it going to affect long-term demographic trends?

How did tinder disrupt dating in the modern world? How is it going to affect long-term demographic trends?

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It just makes church-going women an even rarer commodity.

Good. We don't want cucks and degenerates.

You can actually date decent girls on tinder, it's just that truly decent girls date their friends friends. That's called "preselection" and social proof. No one wants to date strangers.

It's helped me. All I have to do is tell them in my profile that I can pass the level 3 toilet paper roll test and I score with 10s

>level 3 toilet paper roll test
I don't know what that is but it's likely something degenerate

stick ur weiner into a toilet paper roll if it doesnt fit u pass

Level 1: Your cock can't fit into an empty toilet paper roll when hard
Level 2: Your cock sticks past the end of an empty toilet paper roll when flaccid
Level 3: Your can insert your cock into an empty toilet paper roll flaccid and after getting hard it rips apart the roll from the inside.

user, did you make it back from the bathroom yet?


Ah, alienating myself from the crowd and being an autistic fuck at times, you have served me well.

Just gives women even greater source of inflated ego. Creating even more unmarriagable alpha widows. Great.

It has done statistical wonders for the spreading of STI's.
There's a lot of statistical evidence for this out there.

it made fats into higher valued women, thus making all women in general lazier in keeping up appearances to grab a man. There's barely any women who cook these days

dick stuck in toilet paper dispenser.

>life is wasted if you don't share it with anyone
>you can't stand being around people for more than a few hours

Tinder's a great way to find low-value skanks and get HPV --- as bonus depending on your area, you might get robbed by niggers if you're stupid.


>everyone talks about how easy tinder is
>tfw I can't even get a single date
I give up



There's you're problem; not even joking.

Where do you live thats a big factor in it
This is true it just depends why they are on it. If they are in a new place and trying out ways of going out they can be pretty great matches

>implying i give a fuck wether she enjoys herself

pump till im done, 5 minutes then gone

I really REALLY find it hilarious when girls on tinder or any dating app have pics that contradict their profile of "dont send nasty or bad stuff cause then Im not looking"

I already said a long time ago these apps are just a social attention seeking fantasy for these women. It's easy to write who you are on some profile, but face to face, harder to make yourself seem like what you think you are. It's one giant trick to make them believe they are good, wholesome women in reality they're sluts who want sex as bad as a man, but are too prideful to lower themselves enough to admit it.

Increased the degeneracy of the "dating" scene, to the point where one night stands and flings are more common than actual dating in some areas.

Kind of sad really, feel bad for the people who settle for these roasties

They live in a fantasy world and REEEEEEEEEEEE when anyone challenges it. Anything long-term with these types of women is impossible.

Outside of empty, shallow mutual sexual exploitation they have nothing to offer another person. They're just that empty inside.


I always wondered what the psychology effect social media has on men giving women such power. What does that do in the long term for our society.


Your ability to function as a romantic partner was already destroyed by 1990.
The internet, Tinder included, just deepened the gulf between men and women.
>drive a wedge between the sexes.
One of the unironical things I can support pol on completely.
>men and women were not meant to shop each other on an App
>doing so damages the psychology of both, profoundly and irrevocably.

get rid of all dating apps. they're just another part of their social engineering. get rid of it.
chelsea clinton on board of directors

It's really hard not to be blackpilled sometimes

wtf dat pic

>implying i give a fuck wether she enjoys herself
ump till im done
>5 minutes
>then gone
The absolute state of British males.
No wonder my girlfriend came from the UK as a foreign exchange student.
Ffs, sort your selves out Britcucks.

i never take tinder or bumble's just something i do when im taking a shit

Every time I used them I'd hardly ever get Match then again the girls in my area all have high standards, if you wanna meet women you have to approach one and try and start conversation instead of relying on an app to get you pussy when most probably end up getting shit from it and finding a good women is hard since most Ive seen don't know the fuck they really want.

ego inflation tending to infinity

even a fugly fat chick missing 90% of her teeth can find a guy who is willing to bone her


i never had a facebook or reddit or tinder.
but i have a steam account..
should i nuke it?
1.0 hours played past 2 weeks, 12+ years old acc.

Don't use Tinder. It devalues your social worth.

Almost every girl has tinder whether it's a fake profile or a legit profile and they sniff out guys through it.

If you're the only guy they know who has NEVER had a Tinder, your market value skyrockets. This will lead to a much more meaningful relationship when the Tinder girls set you up with the girl whose never had one.

tinder is irrelevant

it's craigslist with a slicker UI, same white trash people

No the only thing you need to do is be Chad. Tinder is irrelevant to your social worth because females size that up in an instant.

Tinder has exposed the veneer of femininity. They're a bunch of narcissistic, petty, and shallow animals.

real talk: if you're an intelligent well-adjusted individual, why would you even give a shit that Tinder exists, much less want to have meaningless sex with some skank with whom you have no attachment? Any base niggerish NEED TO GET DAT NUT instinct should be trumped by rationality, i.e., you don't know this person; you'll probably get HPV or some shit; you might get a stranger pregnant; you might even got robbed...

Pay as much attention to shit apps/services like this as you would a local thrift store. Except you might still care to browse the thrift store after jacking off, and you might even find something neat.

>social proof
the basis of 95% of female decisions

Yes you should nuke it. Steam is shit tier money grubbing bullshit. Video games suck these days anyway. Wtf is the point of staying connected to a corporation that eats dick and sells shit?

I agree that this has contributed to a major hook up culture but I myself met my significant other on Tinder and we have been serious for over a year. Maybe I'm just an anomaly.

Probably won't last. Those type of relationships never do.

>real talk: if you're an intelligent well-adjusted individual, why would you even give a shit that Tinder exists,
I don't know, do intelligent well-adjusted individuals ever have relationships?

The CEO is a fucking KIKE

>would fuck
>would not fuck
>smash or pass
literally jewish mind control techniques for making people idiot sluts

Ye, from actual social interaction or at the very least a fucking paid dating site where the type of vapid niggery on Tinder is somewhat lessened.

>tfw been with gf since before tinder was a thing.
The concept of meeting up with a random chick from the internet baffles me. As does the concept of jumping in some random dude's car

And do you think all those women he's supposedly going to date don't have access to Tinder and live in a vacuum or?

online dating is for hookups or "dating" some used up slut with a BBC fetish except niggers dont have moeny so they leech off of some white dude

It feels so cheap to me. The way kikes and leftists have taken any ounce of sacredness out of every aspect of life is baffling.

I feel like a fucking oldfag saying it, but sex isn't just about getting your rocks off. It really is a special thing to be experienced between two people who care about each other. Have all the pre-marital sex you want, but goddamn at least feel something for the person when you're running the risk of getting her (or yourself if grill) pregnant.

love sex is the best fucking sex ever. It heightens the orgasm and makes the experience all the more worth it. Thats why hate sex is also great. It's very emotional

This was true in the 90s when i was dating pre internet


to add to this, Ive been seeing even chads get turned away, but by hot and fat girls. Their perspective of value has skyrocketed so hard that now even guys dont fucking know what it takes to get a girl into their bed. social media really ruined things.

I don't have any social media except YouTube and Instagram. Instagram only because I broke my phone and it's the only way I can contact friends from PC...

The main change with Tinder is that uglies and fatties have discreet access to thirsty chads, so betas have a much harder time.

shes already thinkin about leavin bro

Wait, so wtf is a chad? Is it any Alpha dude?

Tinder allows 80% of women and 20% of men to act even sluttier and more degenerate. For the rest of us it doesn't matter anyway.

A chad is a tall attractive guy. Chads can be total beta fuckwads and they'll still just be able to go around grabbing women by the pussy.

Also lurkmoar

It's possible to find good girls on tinder, I've met a few myself, but goddamn do you have to sift through waves of outright whores and sjw "pansexual" freaks in order to get to them. Also, if you're a social pariah like me it's really the only way to meet anyone.

post tinder/dating app cringe

I can see why. Back in the 90s / pre-internet each school had a handful of chads. And all the chads got with the stacies.

The 4-7/10 girls knew their rating and would likewise get with average 4-7/10 guys.

Now you have 4/10 girls getting pumped by 9/10 chads who are just looking for some easy sex and they suddenly think they are 9/10s.

It's even worst now though. Few people go for the 10/10s online because even chads are thinking "do I even have a chance?". So now you have 6/10 women getting bombarded by 4/10s all the way up to 10/10 chads.

Long story short, the only chance you have are getting with a 1/10 female landwhale or a 10/10 somehow who is so fine nobody ever had the courage to talk to her and she thinks she's a 4/10. Unless you're into being with a 6/10 roastie

women were a mistake


>muh 10/10 women don't get laid meme
The only people who believe that are 1/10 roasties who embody the dunning-kruger effect

The mistake was giving them voting rights and other sovereign rights. It's funny that the older I get, the more I realize how right old cultures were. I mean, think about it. We're still very young for being a female equal society, which is slowly turning into a female dominant society, but we have thousands of years of proof of how well cultures run when men are the dominant.


You think you're being some sensual Latin lover, Carlos, but you're actually being a servant whom the woman sees as below her. Random hoes are not your wife, fool. You don't give them the lickaroo and a night of passionate neck kissing. You fumble awkwardly into them, jizz and go home without telling her your real name or contact.

That's if you must at all. I detest this faggy dating culture you pussymaster LARPers pretend to know anything about on here.

the sad part is that I know this isnt fake.

i wonder how much of that is true.

Retard alert.

Females won't "set you up" with anyone better than themselves, and they won't set you up with anyone BUT themselves if you're an upgrade.

Just to add to this, I used to know some idiot who was like you and went down on some disease addled slut with a thousand miles of cock up her hole in her tender early twenties and he got gonorrhoea in his throat. What's worse is she shit talked how bad he was after and refused his proposal to be his girlfriend. You remind me of him.

Very true. I hang out with a lot of females and they talk about their lives with so much transparency, you'd think I was reading their thoughts.

100% true

>mfw bongs call tonguey-waggy-swishy-slaggy the "lickaroo"

What if you can't fit it in flaccid? I just tried and I can only get the head in.

This. Being a bit of a hermit the majority of my friends throughout life have been exes. So I have disturbing levels of insight into the female mind. Or just how women choose to live in general when there are no men around. It's pretty disturbing.



she kept busy

>use tinder in my city
>barely anything
>spoof my location in another country
>get some matches
god damn it america

You know what's worse? I have lurker accounts on all the 'adult dating' sites... and let me tell you, they are all on there too. And their vaginas are as disgusting and gaped out as you would imagine.

That guy is redpilled on many levels - in regards to gender dynamics, history, racial realism and the bigger picture in general (most people seem to be polarized to the major kinds of redpill, like MGTOW vs White Nationalists vs Civic Nationalists - and any mixture of 2 therein, for example)... He is close to full redpill enlightenment.

I am equally redpilled at the very least, and so it is a breath of fresh air to read this, however I seldom write something so engaging, comprehensive and powerful.

idk its just getting showered with attention for just beeing a woman seems kinda odd to me. on the other hand i somewhat know that its true since i knew a few girls who were getting spammed with messages on social media & smartphones but these were atleast 7/10 girls.

I joined today and didn't get a single match. I'm not even that bad looking.

A girl I know is playfully flirting with me, we got drunk at a party once and slapped her ass, she liked it .. but how do I initiate further without coming on too strong and looking like a rapist?

b-but wymyns care moar bowt personality tho

Nobody will believe me but I lost my virginity to a girl on tinder who was also a virgin

back in 2007 during the myspace age i was in shape had a six pack with average face 7.5. I would constaly get messages from roasties( i bang a couple 5) and let me tell you if felt so GOOD getting attention! now imagine how it feels for a women who gets attention every single day?

wew thankfully i have an alpha face

He said toilet roll, not a straw

When I go on tinder dates I'll tell them I have AIDS just to see if they'd stay. That's how you weed out the bad ones.
