What's wrong with Brits?

Why did Bongs allow their own capital city to go from mostly white to white minority in just 15 years?

They didn't even complain, never mind point it out. They didn't even have a discussion about white flight like they did in the US. What's wrong with you guys?

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i hate when people misuse the metaphor "never mind X" or "much less X" you put the worse thing AFTER never mind/much less.

it should be:
They didn't even point it out, never mind complain.

you're right i mixed it up dude so sorry

Some did and were ostracised, others didn't notice till it was too late

This is the future for all white nations but we've been indoctrinated into hating our own history and culture to the point we're committing racial suicide.

Airstrip Oner's were always retarded, Somewhere all that retardation of the Anglos in general had to come from, well, that shithole was the source. But dont worry, nothing of value will be lost.


I can't believe an American has the fucking gall to write this post.

We've been worse.

ah hahaahahhh
that pic made me laugh.
i sage anyway

I know what you mean but we do have a great many of places to move to. The Brits have a tiny island smaller than most states. Where do you flee to when you've ceded every city?

>unidos estados making fun of eurabia
for what purpose?

>Some people are so naive and stupid they actually supported it, catalyzed by the need to appear virtuous and empathic to outsiders.
>Some people embraced tactical nihilism and simply thought about themselves. Why risk your career and social standing?
>Some people were upset by it but scared to say anything for fear of repercussions.
>Some people actually spoke out about it and were lambasted as racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic. If they were politicians, the left / media used it to smear them as evil people and ruin their careers.
And it's now illegal to express your concerns on social media.
This country is done.

I checked the heebie c the other day and they had an article about prosecuting hate speech right next to a bunch of articles about ISIS attacks in Europe.

I guess we're fucked if we ever lose the 1st amendment.

Yes, absolutely. The first amendment is probably one of the most important foundational principles to a successful society. Cherish it.

Can't call them that anymore.

we should start cherishing it by killing anyone who opposes it as it's de facto treason
due to corporate personhood established by the 14th amendment, any company that censors its users should be executed for treason as well
the board of directors of Twitter, Google, Faceberg must all be executed and the companies nationalized, anything less and we're faggots

I remember seeing a video posted years ago with some chav lady pitching a fit at some niggs on a bus or some shit. I remember everyone shitting on her for being "racist" and "backwards," yet here we are.

I always figured it had something to do with Europe at large trying so hard to seem "different" from "evil warmongering USA," (particularly during the Iraq War years) that they threw all fucking sense to the wayside in the effort. They continue to try and paint the USA like it's some "cuhrayzee burgerfat country" even as they slowly die and get their shit pushed in by poos. Almost as if "looking good" online/to the globe at large takes precedence over their very existence and quality of life.

Fucking commie.

The best part is Enoch Powell warned this would happen 50 years ago (Rivers of blood). Everyone called him crazy and lo and behold it happened. Kek.

no u

It will have to come to that, sooner or later. Information hubs that have gotten as large as Google, Facebook, etc. should not be allowed to remain as autonomous as they currently are. They control large flows of information, and have become laws unto themselves; private citizens who've taken it upon themselves to play dictator to other private citizens. Won't do.

Brits are the dregs that never got up the sack to stand up to their fop ruled culture. There will be a point when Britain will force mandatory community service to pay reparations to the darkies. Whites will be forced to comply and no one in Britain will have the balls to stand up to it.

You seem to have explained America more than Britain

does she have skin grafted over her face?

a.) we have guns

b.) "the white race" isn't as "on its way out" here as the media would have you believe.

Flowery dreamer bullshit about "well just wait a couple generations" is laughable. it assumes white people are really just going to sit around like you lot and get consumed without lifting a finger. Also assumes that white birthrates are on the decline, which they are not. All I see around me are white neighborhoods being re-gentrified by younger white couples starting families. They LITERALLY replace the old, tit for tat. You've been lied to.

Can right-wing bongs make speeches in the States without violating British laws?

Pic related but hurts my soul to post it.


I have a couple of honest questions for our friends in the U.K. regarding the Queen. I may be misinformed, but I'm given to understand that it would be against protocol for her to speak on these issues:
Whether you're a monarchist or not, do you believe that she is a nationalist - personally; not because her position would require it?
Do you believe she privately resents the demographic and social changes occurring?
Would a statement by the Queen against these changes motivate those who are either silent or ambivalent to become lions again?

who has the original 'get the London look' with a broad with a huge gap in her front teeth and the next photo is a hammer and some quarters put together?


They complained in the 70s, but were shit on by the media.

There was actually a lot of PRIDE by a lot of English whites that London was "diverse" while avoiding the urban problems associated with American cities, like massive murder rates. There was a full-blown fetishism of "diversity" for its own sake - cities like London and Toronto and NYC kept arguing over which one had the most languages in its school systems, for example.

Just really quite shocking cuckery and naivete. A collective mania that went on for years and still continues.