>he's in his 20s and he still lives with mommy and daddy in a middle class household >has never worked or even held a job his whole life yet he knows exactly what the average worker wants (he might even hate the working class) >bitch and whine about capitalism on the internet while using a mac on a regular basis >begs mommy to buy him a new iPhone every Christmas >he's super obese and has constant diarrhoea from eating MacDonalds daily >he hardly ever goes outside his house, instead he plays video games most of the time in his room >he calls himself an anti-racist before posting on twitter "fuck white people" then quickly switch tap to jerk off to interracial cuckold porn >says that he's counter culture despite the fact that the culture and the establishment is very much left-wing >calls Sup Forums a safe space and a echo chamber yet Sup Forums has no censorship and /leftypol/ has censorship >this post has been quickly deleted on /leftypol/ due to insecurities
very very sad cunts
Christian Fisher
That's some nice projection you have going on there.
Adam Wood
You mean /altleftypol/
Gavin Anderson
Hrm. Maybe we're not all that different after all.
Anthony Long
>y-y-y-you're just projecting
Aaron Barnes
>You have been banned for an unspecified reason
Also lmao that they're trying to present themselves as the "reasonable alternative to Sup Forumsacks and SJWs" when their board basically agrees with SJWs on everything
Joshua Anderson
>tfw you realize Sup Forums and /leftypol/ are two sides of the exact same coin larping the eastern front of world war 2 Antifa and the alt-right aren't any different in their demographics or their lack of means to support themselves or lose their virginities.
Chase Reyes
>You have been banned for an unspecified reason
yep, i have been banned for 3 weeks for no reason other than trolling
Charles Turner
Matthew Garcia
Average leftist.
Cooper Sullivan
die commie scum1!
Nicholas Green
commie cake?
Oliver Collins
meh. many of them are herpes+ punk rock losers who spend all of their time at punk dive bars. i know the local anitfa hangout in my city and I am sitting on it patiently waiting until they slip up so i can report every last one of them
Ethan Perry
Landon Perez
i think assuming he has a father is your first mistake.
Leo Gomez
Evan Mitchell
some good ol simpsons jams
Ryan Anderson
Do you have an entire folder of unattractive people doing commie bullshit saved to your hard drive?
Nathaniel Johnson
>yep, i have been banned for 3 weeks for no reason other than trolling
Same here brother!
They weren't so bad in the past but they're really cracking down on shitposts now. I was banned for laughing at their hysterics over that Charlottesville attack, and how some WN nutjob running some counter-demonstrators over was proof that it was literally 1933 all over again
Jordan Clark
kek. they are so easy to troll. all you have to do is tell them you're from Sup Forums, let them use their pathetic high-school tier bullying tactics on you, then use dry humor to rip them apart with tongue-in-cheek retorts. i never say anything rude or edgy and always manage to get banned by the 4th or 5th post. they sure are emotional little betas and roasties lmao
William Gonzalez
I don't match a single one of those yet almost do on half of them
Matthew Clark
that's ridiculous all socialist revolutionaries are pretty and totally bangable
Jack Baker
>they're really cracking down on shitposts now. my post only lasted like 30 seconds and i got a good few salty replies, sad fuckers >I was banned for laughing at their hysterics over that Charlottesville attack lol wtf were they saying?
Eli Nelson
pretty much
Kevin Bell
Oliver Gray
Elijah Butler
Oh shit, fucking DEVESTATING burn right there. How will /leftypol/ ever recover?
Asher Garcia
Joseph Morgan
all those hook noses.
Lincoln Clark
Tyler Diaz
>/altlefypol/ Stop making me fix that for you.
Luis Taylor
Dominic Thomas
Alexander Cruz
William Martin
Jaxon Thomas
>Orange tip Christ almighty
Aiden Gomez
to be fair /leftypol/ isnt nearly as bad as reddit leftists you get some far left nationalists and nazbols thrown in to even things reddit lefties are turbopoz'd
Colton Baker
When did they cast Jack Black as The Punisher?
Cameron Morales
Its all about the necro bumping on leftypol its a great way to disrupt the convos without getting banned
Aiden Lopez
>leftists cant afford real gunz
Easton Reed
No you dont. They're all delusional like every liberal. I literally got banned for saying Hillary is shit and another time for saying borders are real.