Trump Stares Directly Into Sun

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. How can anyone support a literal buffoon who does stupid shit like this? The one goddamn rule of an eclipse is "never look at the sun" and he fucking did it.

It takes approximately one minute and a half to get permanent damage from looking at full sun.


>Was an obvious joke
>if you didn't take a quick peek yourself you're a fucking pussy
>holy shit how many times is this thread gonna pop up?

Like you didn't look, Fuck off

>Not gonna lie, former Trump sup-

Stopped reading at about there
Immediately saged

>unironically being afraid of the sun
not my president

but seriously we can't let trump have the delegate codes

How many people do you think kept the glasses on during totality, and thus missed the entire point of the eclipse.

Dear Retard OP,

Just because you look up doesn't mean you're looking at the sun. The sky is fairly large. Okay, lil' sad guy? Okay.


Yeah this. He might have been looking at Alpha Centauri.

You have to stare at the sun for a long time to get damaged. Trump known this he is a very smart man. He known he can look at the sun because he is the president.

If he's the President then why is he riding Jareds dick

>missed the eclipse forgot about it
>just thought a storm was coming in because of the darkness
>go outside a bit later to see if their is any moon overlap
>nope full sun exposure

A picture is worth a million words but only a few of them are true.

I saw the video. He looked at the sun for less than a second which won't cause any damage. Immediately after he put on his eclipse glasses. BTFO shill

IS the sun more intense during the eclipse or somthing? I've taken plenty of quick glances at the sun and I'm fine

What is the point of an eclipse?


he's a bad boy who doesn't play by the rules...
and look how far its taken him.

If looking at the sun damages your eyes then you are not meant to live on this planet and should kill yourself.

Because Jared holds the secret to ivankas vagina

The man is a god why would a god fear the fucking sun?

Did he go blind?


Keep blindly following all the rules other people tell you to OP

>former Trump supporter here.

You're a filthy degenerate and need to die for your treason and heresy.

if he stared directkly into the sun during an eclipse he would be dead you idiot


Drumpf is seriously retarded and every major news outlet caught it. That blind racist will never see reelection.

>"never look at the sun"
He's been too busy tweeting to read any articles about eclipse safety.

it is alot harder to damage your eyes than u think. when i was a kid i stared at the sun for minutes just because and it did no damage. ppl need to get off trumps back

t.rural and suburban retard

I too enjoyed looking at the black sun

You're an idiot.
The sun during an eclipse is no brighter or more dangerous than any other day.
And he used his glasses during the event, you're cherry picking pictures.