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I like a lot of thinks about Catholicism.
What I don't like are heretic, communist popes.
>return to worshiping Jews
Protestantism is essentially the white man's Christianity, have fun with your literal desert religion
I am also bapt*zed, disgusting.
No, thanks. I'd rather return to the church before it was taken over by the pagans and false holidays and "saints" were added.
>worship Jews
No, keep your sandnigger worship to yourself.
>Protestantism is Christianity except whenever some fag wants he can spawn his own sect of an old desert oriented religion
>Leads to a massive downward spiral of retards, degenerates and mormons
Nice religion
The only God is the God of the Aryan race all other Gods are false Gods.
What does user think about the Greek Orthodox church?
return to paganism
chrstianity is and has has always been a cuck religion.
its won't save the west from Islam if it can't even save itself
Meh, Catholics are just a bunch of cucked crypto Pagans. Eastern Orthodox is the one true form of Christianity.
I returned a few years ago. Got my kids baptized and go to lots of church functions. Unlike atheists, muslims, Catholics aren't emotionally retarded balls of hate.
Semitic venom.
Death to Semitic invasion, the eradication of all Abrahamic religions in Europe.
Fuck off inbred monkey
Yeah no, fuck that.
No religion needed for me.
I have no reason to hold Jews as holy nor do I have faith in my God speaking to vermin.
This is as faggy as the masturbation machines.
You will die.
It's your beliefs. Go be like Odin.
Most tempting thing about Christianity for this atheist
Whether through bolshevik Jew slaughter, Christianity must bebexterminated and once thus semitic mind poison is extinguished its replacement will.not be the capitalistic/marxist semitic mind poison but the truth the Aryan people struggle and faith.
No kidding... 10/10 people die smart-ass.
Ave Roma!
Ave Hellas!
Ave Germania!
Ave Evropa!
Delenda Est Judae!
From Hellas to Rome the Jew will have no power!
No thanks brah, I'm comfy as a roman pagan.
Fuck catholics we will undermine and destroy all of their institutions for their anti semetism, soon the church will be destroyed and we will remove the cross like we did Christmas from western nations everywhere.
Too obvious, dial it back a bit m8
>Too obvious, dial it back a bit m8
why bother we are and have been winning and soon we will crush you for spreading your vile filth against the Jewish people. Oh I forgot your a Nazi so your just a troll...
Our armies will slaughter all enemies for the New Rome.
>degenerates and mormons
Dude, Mormons are literally the only white group in the west that's reproducing at a competitive rate.
Their church mandates that members maintain 6 months of food for all family members. And the church itself has a massive food and resource distribution network. The Utah Nation Guard is very effective and capable in terms of independent action. They're perfectly set up to survive and thrive in a collapse.
Additionally, they have large traditional families and they're white as the driven snow. They embrace positive American values. Their women are beautiful and chaste.
Tell me again what's wrong with Mormons?
But Christmas is a pagan holiday...
You will know nothing but despair and crucifixion.
The might of the Legions will return.
>Mormon cunts
We control your banks, your government, your media, your news, comic books, you have no venue for your hate filled ideas of Catholicism which is disgusting hate speech. All of christianity will fall hence why we flood your countries with members of the islamic faith to do the work for us.
Your so BTFO you dont even know it.
Yes Christianity will be exterminated and just like Christ you will be cruxified.
The era of Christian percussion and the coliseum were hundreds of years apart.
3/10 troll harder newfag.
What would happen if the pope converted to orthodoxy? Is there a chance that the schism would heal?
>Crypto pagan
That's something a protestant would say about both Catholic and Orthodox, not something an Orthodox would say of Catholics
All Jews and their slaves, communists, abrahamics etc.. Will all be crucified by the new community.
Fpbp except for the typo.
Catholicism is the religion of beaners and sub-Saharan niggers.
You'd probably have a point if there was an alternative for Christians. Tbqh, as a non-christian, it's so obvious that protestantism is full of shit it isn't even funny.
Catholicism is a religion for subhuman brown people
>You'd probably have a point if there was an alternative for Christians.
Christianity in all forms is anti-white, so tough shit for them.
I left Catholicism for Orthodoxy. It doesn't take too much research to shoot down the standard Catholic apologetics on the papacy.
What about the Anti-Pope now in the Vatican?
Indeed, Still, some of them may eventually break free of the Spiritual Jew.
This is what I converted to from Roman Catholicism. I would have considered Russian Orthodoxy if were not based in Australia.
St Basil warned us in the 4th century AD that the Latins were beginning to twist scripture to usurp the authority of the other 4 patriarchs. Look at how that panned out.
I returned last year. Best decision ever.
"Returning to the very """religion""" that destroyed Europe and the Roman Empire and nearly genocided our race.
Yeah no.
Haha he is not saved so in the end he wil be jjudged by his shit posting and posting pic related
why be a faggy half-pagan who still worships a dead jew, when instead I can be full pagan? oy vey turn the other cheek and open your borders, goyim! Remember all pagan symbols are hate symbols!
You're really stupid, just repeating memes from the debunked histories of Freemasons and Jews. Do you have any idea how closely linked the Roman See was in the establishment of the Carolingian dynasty? Do you know anything about the Byzantine Empire?
If that does happen, I really, really hope Jesus is there and god publicly displays the image.
If I'm baptised, reconciled and confirmed by the Catholic Church but have since grown out of Catholicism, will I still go to heaven?
>REAL christianity is antisemitic, guys, we swear!
>literally zero christians support this
whoa... so THIS is the powerful of Rabbi Yeshua Christ... man fuck being white, I'll be Christian instead!
no all aussies will go to hell
No, my priest fucked the alter boys
Catholics are the new niggers