Trump coward

>when you are such a chicken shit cowards you couldn't even bring up you are sending 4,000 US troops to Afghanistan

There are 4 gorillion threads on this


Shills posting thread after thread, yo Brock pushing you guys hard? Wanting that .001 raise? Cuck

t. Jew or just absolute fucking moron

>"haha no it's okay that daddy don is sending more of our race off to protect Jewish interests, nevermind the fact that we were suppose to work on the homefront, build the wall, deal with the nigger problem, etc., etc. before policing the rest of the third world."


You side with Nancy Pelosi. Stop and think about that fora second

Guys, Trump did a few things that I don't like. I now hate him and support people who would do only things I don't like.

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. But by all means, take the brainlet approach of opposing literally everything the opposition does. I hear Pelosi is pro-oxygen too, you better get to fixing that issue.

Years of this from world's biggest hypocrite.

*slow claps*
I have never seen a post that sums up my support for Trump

I'm not usually one to make 4D chess claims but I think it's fair to argue that he did this specifically to get the dumbass neocons back on his side. They've all come out in support of him now and he really just gave a token.

you couldn't find anything more recent? All those tweets are from 4 to 5 to 6 years ago


>anything remotely critical of Trump is shareblue
You t_ders are fucking cultists.

That's because that number is made up. Literally fake news. Why the fuck would he give a speech about not telling the enemy what their doing, and then at the same time announce that he's sending 1 brigade to Afghanistan. Literally 1 fucking brigade. It's so stupid it's funny.

Wouldn't it be better to round up antifa and BLM en mass then chuck them into Afghanistan and Iraq?

Watch any Trump rally ever?

I would say that is retarded as it ostracizes his base, but given what I see on Sup Forums, his base literally reveres him like a god, so I suppose he can do whatever the hell he wants and they'll follow like lemmings, so perhaps you are onto something. The most malleable group of niggers ever.

What's the end game for any of this?

I support letting the military experts do what they need to. Letting ground troops improvise. There just needs to be a goal.

>What's the end game for any of this?

he's a kike puppet who cucked you to the military complex.

Do you guys actually give a shit about this?

Does it actually change how you think about the president?

This is one of the least offensive things he's said / done.